A day before school, Sunday.

Seungcheol's point of view

It's so boring here. My date with Jeonghan yesterday went really well. I just couldn't believe he really did that, in front of Areum. Well, it's part of our deal tho.

Since it's a bit boring, I decided to call my friends. Wonwoo, Mingyu and Hansol. We're gonna play some video games since I'm too bored to go outside.

"Hey, Wonwoo-ya, can the three of you come over today? I'm bored here." I said and sighed. I decided not to bother Jeonghan for now, so it's a rest day today.

"Sure, I'll just call Mingyu and Hansol." Wonwoo said and he hung up the call.

I leaned my back on the sofa. I'm here at the living room. I decided to wait for them here since I'm already here. It will be such a burden to go up and down.

I closed my eyes for a bit and Jeonghan was the very first one to appear in my sight. Am I thinking about him? Geez no. I think he's hunting me. I heard the door opened but I didn't mind to open my eyes because I know that it was just Wonwoo, Mingyu and Hansol. But I guess my guess was wrong when someone sat on my lap and caressed my hair.

"What the fuck, Areum?" I roamed my eyes as I open it and saw that there's no sign of maids. Yeah right, it's Sunday and almost all of them are now in day off, except for Mrs Eun.

"Shh, Seungcheol.." she said whispering on my ear. It gives me chills. I think she's drunk. I tried pushing her so I can free myself from her grip, but she pinned me on the couch. "Love me again, Seungcheol..." she started to talk. Damn that smell of the alcohol.

"Areum, you're drunk." I said, trying to release myself from her. But then, she started to lean closer to me. I knew she's gonna kiss me like she usually do so I immediately pushed her hard and she fell on the floor. I stood up. I can't stand this.

"Now, you're refusing my kisses?" Areum asked, looking unbelievably at me. She brushed her hair and she started to cry. I looked away as I can't stand her crying in front of me. She's my weakness. I can admit that I still have some feelings for her, but she cheated. She tricked me.

I gave everything. All of me. I gave it all. I have nothing left for myself so I guess it's the time to think of myself first.

"Are you really choosing him..." Areum asked and points at nowhere, "...over me?" she continued. I know she's referring to Jeonghan. But this needs to stop. I can't come back to her after all the things she have done. I can't. I became empty because of her.

"Areum, you're just drunk." I said and I tried to accompany her out, but she refused. "Why, Seungcheol? Why?!" She started to yell and I just sighed at this sight of hers. "Tell me, Seungcheol. Why?" She started to cry again. I can't stand it anymore.

"Why do you need to left me like that without hearing my explanation?" She started to ask me the questions I have no intention to know. All of the things I saw are enough.

"Why did you cheat on me? Why did you take everything from me without even giving me your all? I gave my all to you, Areum. I loved you more than myself and I can't take it on how you tricked me with all of your sweet lies." I started to cry again. She walked up to me and she held both of my cheeks.

"Just go, Areum," I refused her touch. Wonwoo, Mingyu and Hansol suddenly came and witnessed the scene that Areum has made. "Please escort her out. I don't want to see her anymore." I said and those three immediately followed. Wonwoo walked up to me while Mingyu and Hansol dragged her out and Areum didn't protest anymore.

"Sorry we're late." Wonwoo said and pat my shoulder. I couldn't hide my emotions now. I'm still hurt, and Areum is the main reason for it.

Wonwoo decided that we should not play games for now because he noticed I'm spacing out. We didn't do anything for the whole day. They're just there for me. They knew I'm not okay, so they stayed by my side until I'm okay.

End of point of view


After Jeonghan walked away from Seungcheol without even giving him a chance to respond to his words, Seungcheol just chuckled by Jeonghan's actions. Not until he turned around and saw an expensive limousine, and there, a girl came out. The girl he never expected to be here in Pledis University's uniform. Lee Areum.

Areum wore a smirk on her face as she saw Seungcheol. She walked near him, "What are you doing here?" Seungcheol asked, trying to hide his anger. He's already clenching his teeth and fist.

"I transferred. Any problem?" She smirked even more and walked away.

Jeonghan, we got a big problem. Seungcheol thought and he immediately ran but he couldn't see any signs of Jeonghan. He immediately ran to their classroom and saw Areum there.

They're classmates.

He sat at his seat, Areum was about to sit beside him, at Jeonghan's seat to be exact when Seungcheol stopped her, "That's Jeonghan's seat." He said, glaring at her, but she didn't even show any care and still sat on Jeonghan's seat.

"There's no name printed on it. So I can sit here." She smirked and Seungcheol felt frustrated on how desperate she is. Then he saw Jeonghan walking towards the room.


Jeonghan, Jisoo and Seungkwan went straight to the classroom. As they entered, Jeonghan noticed a girl sitting on his seat. The girl is trying to get Seungcheol's attention but Seungcheol is not having it. He's thinking twice if he should confront her or not. But then, as he looked on Seungcheol, Seungcheol is staring at him.

Jeonghan walked straight to them with Jisoo and Seungkwan behind him. Then, the girl, which happens to be Areum noticed him. "Oh, Jeonghan! I hope you don't mind me sitting here. It's just that, I wanna be close with Seungcheol," Areum smiled at Jeonghan. Jeonghan was trying control his anger.

But then, Seungcheol remembers, "Jeonghan-ah. You can sit here, there's no one sitting in here." Seungcheol suggested as he remembered that no one is sitting beside him on the left side of the row. Jeonghan smiled at Areum in victory and do so Seungcheol. Areum is somehow defeated base on how she glares at Jeonghan sitting beside Seungcheol.

After a few minutes, Mrs Nam came in, "Good morning class, so we have a new student in our class today. Please stand up and introduce yourself," she said, referring to Areum and Areum, being the classy girl she is, confidently walked up to the front and gave a wink on Seungcheol.

"Hello everyone, I am Lee Areum. Just call me Areum comfortably," She introduced and her eyes are fixed on Seungcheol who's staring simply on Jeonghan right now which left her irritated and frustrated with this sight of them.

"Okay, please take your seat," Mrs Nam said and she stomp her feet lightly as she walked back to her seat.

Unlike Areum, Jisoo stared at Jeonghan sadly. How badly he wanted to have Jeonghan as his seatmate, right? "Hey, what are you staring at?" Seokmin catched Jisoo's attention and Jisoo almost fall off his chair when he realized how close is Seokmin's face on his.

"Just somewhere! Mind the distance, will you?" Jisoo said and Seokmin innocently pull himself back and didn't mind Jisoo. Jisoo stared back at Jeonghan.

"Sometimes, the things that we deserve is already right in front of our eyes. We just don't see it because we always wanted the things we want, not the things we deserve." Jihoon suddenly spoke from his front and Jisoo was left in confusion. Maybe Jihoon's right, but he couldn't see himself deserving anything than wanting Jeonghan. That's all he can think right now.


Lunch break has come and Jisoo was about to approach Jeonghan when Seungcheol dragged him out of the classroom. He knew something was up but he didn't mind.

Seungcheol dragged Jeonghan to the Men's restroom. Jeonghan didn't bother to whine nor protest because Areum was around. "Change of plans, let's talk later at your office, but for now. We need to stay together." Seungcheol said to Jeonghan and Jeonghan couldn't protest because of the fifty dollar payment.

Seungcheol grabbed Jeonghan and both of them went out of the restroom and went straight to the cafeteria. Jeonghan thought of telling his friends about the deal.

Seungcheol dragged Hansol and Jeonghan dragged Seungkwan. Both Seungcheol and Jeonghan told Hansol and Seungkwan to call their friends.

As they gathered, all of them sat at one table. Jeonghan breathed heavily. "I have something to tell you guys," Jeonghan said and looked at Seungcheol.

"Seungcheol and I has a deal. We need to pretend to be a couple so his ex, the newly transferred girl in our class named Areum will stop bothering him." Jeonghan explained.

