"We just really need to tell you guys," Jeonghan said. Jeonghan's friends burst out in laughter specially Seokmin and Seungkwan. Jisoo laughed awkwardly as we all know that, you know.

"Yeah, just help us out when we needed to." Seungcheol said. All of them nods as they already know what to do in this situation.

"I don't really want to get involved in this, but alright." Jihoon said and drank his coke.

They played rock paper scissors again to decide who are the two person who will order for them. The result shows that Seungkwan and Hansol will get their orders. On their way to the counter, Seungkwan and Hansol started to fight like two five year olds fighting for a candy.

"They're fighting again," Jihoon said, eyes fixed with those two who are still fighting at the counter.

"It's too obvious that they like each other geez." Seokmin added up. The rest of the boys widened their eyes looking at him with an unbelievably look. "What? It's too obvious. You didn't notice?"

"Whoa. I never thought of that," Mingyu said, looking at the two who are not minding the presence of each other anymore. They must have gotten tired bickering all the way long.

And there, Jihoon knew. This new set of friends of them will reveal their true feelings. He can't help but smile with the sight of these guys. Mingyu likes Seungkwan, but Seungkwan likes Hansol, and Hansol feels the same, while Wonwoo was right there, waiting for Mingyu.

That's unfortunate. Jihoon thought and laughed internally. Who would thought right? I guess I am the loner here. Jihoon added in his thought as he stared at them. Just like Jun, he knew something coming up.


Lunch break has ended, and then Seungcheol dragged Jeonghan in the Student Council Office. Jeonghan sat on his swivel chair while Seungcheol leaned on Jeonghan's table facing him.

"Now, change of plans." Seungcheol said and crossed his arms. "We also need to act here in school," Seungcheol sighed as he added it. Jeonghan sighed too. He thought that this pretending-to-be-Seungcheol's-boyfriend is easy, but no. It's getting harder now because of Areum's presence here in school.

"I'll add five dollars to your payment," Seungcheol said and Jeonghan's eyes widened. "Are you fucking serious?" Jeonghan asked and Seungcheol nodded.

"My rules will be also applied here in school," Seungcheol said, and Jeonghan couldn't help but to gulp and be nervous out of nowhere.

"Alright, deal."


It's their P.E class now. Jeonghan and Seungcheol, together with the boys went to the men's restroom to change their uniforms.

While changing, of course, Seungkwan and Hansol would bicker, and it just shows how badly they want the attention of each other, while there's Mingyu, staring at them and couldn't hide his feelings, while Wonwoo stared at him.

Meanwhile, Seungcheol felt conscious around with Jeonghan. It's his first time changing clothes in front of too many people. He's used with Wonwoo, Mingyu and Hansol, but not with Jeonghan.

"Are you conscious with my presence?" Jeonghan teased and he slowly removed his uniform. Seungcheol gulped and he also removed his uniform.

He can't even look at Jeonghan straight to his eyes. He keeps on looking elsewhere. "Seungcheol hyung, why are your ears so red?" Hansol asked innocently, and then there, all of them started to tease the two, excluding Jisoo who's just smiling awkwardly at the corner.

"Damn it," Seungcheol mumbled.

After that, all of them went out of the restroom and immediately headed straight to the gymnasium. Seungcheol and Jeonghan walked hand in hand. Seungcheol was the first one to do the move. The rest of the boys were still uncomfortable with this sight of them, specially Jisoo.

As they entered the gymnasium, the students started to gasp, as the center of attention was on Jeonghan and Seungcheol's hands, intertwined. Areum fixed her eyes on their hands, she clenched her fist as they were really locked, looks like both don't even want to let go.

Their P.E teacher entered the room, so Jeonghan and Seungcheol let go of each other's hands and focused on the teacher. "Please sit in an indian sit position," the teacher said and they all followed.

As the pretending starts, Seungcheol and Jeonghan sat next to each other, not minding the other students' eyes.

"So, we will do, a simple demonstration of some simple exercises like push ups, curl ups, sit ups and more," the teacher said that caught the other students' attention.

"So, as for our warm up, let's call on Mr Boo Seungkwan (The KGC Expert) to lead our warm up exercise for today,"

Then Seungkwan went to the front, he even stick out his tongue to Hansol who's teasing him now. Seungkwan immediately does his usual routine to remove swollen.

"Aish! This is too hard, how can he even think that we can also do this!" Hansol whined at Mingyu, referring to Seungkwan. Mingyu just chuckled a bit.

After some warm up exercises, they proceed to the main event of this class, "Now, I would like you guys to pick your partner to do the exercises." As the teacher said that, Areum was about to run to Seungcheol when she saw that Seungcheol already grabbed Jeonghan's wrist, a sign that he already picked his partner.

Jeonghan - Seungcheol

Jisoo - Seokmin

Mingyu - Wonwoo

Hansol - Seungkwan

Jihoon - Soonyoung

The exercise went really well, until the exercise curl ups came.

"Now, for this exercise, this will take you a long enough to finish. Every each of you will count at least 30 curl ups. This is an alternate performance. Pick someone who will do the curl ups first, and the one who's the last one to do the curl ups will hold your feet and legs together to make sure you will not take this as easy at it seems, and that will also apply to the second one who'll do the curl up. It's vice versa." the teacher explained.

"I'll do the curl ups first," Jeonghan immediately volunteered and immediately positioned himself, and do so Seungcheol who held both of Jeonghan's feet.

"Start!" the teacher announced.

*Now Playing : 24/7 by SEVENTEEN's Performance Unit*

Jeonghan lifted all his body to curl himself up and he counts. Seungcheol couldn't help but stare at the beautiful looking like an angel man in front of him doing curl ups. He gulped as Jeonghan goes up and meets his face. He knows that Jeonghan's focus is on completing the curl ups but, he just couldn't help it.

"14.." Jeonghan counts, as Jeonghan goes himself up, he sweats. And those sweats made him even more attractive more than anyone. It makes him look hot in Seungcheol's eyes.

Jeonghan continues to count, and his every count is also Seungcheol's every breathe, it's also the every beat of Seungcheol's heart. He felt so unstable. He doesn't even know the feeling. The tickle inside his stomach is quite unable to explain.

"29.." Jeonghan counts and for the finale, "30!" he yelled and sat facing Seungcheol. There, their eyes met. Jeonghan couldn't utter a word because Seungcheol's stares melts him like no one ever did before.

While Areum from afar, couldn't take the sight. She pushed her partner and immediately walked out saying she's going in the bathroom.

"I have the urge to kiss you right now," Seungcheol whispered, and Jeonghan was the only one to hear it. Jeonghan gulped with Seungcheol's words. He didn't respond, which means he didn't refuse and at the same time, he didn't agree.

"Done, Mr Yoon and Mr Choi?" the teacher asked and both Seungcheol and Jeonghan came back to their senses. "Yes, Mr Lee," Jeonghan replied. Areum came back from her walk out scene and apologized to her partner for her attitude.

"Change positions now," the teacher said and Seungcheol positioned himself and also Jeonghan. He can't look directly at Seungcheol's eyes.

Seungcheol started to count, and in that every count of his, he would stare at Jeonghan or even look at him seductively, as if examining also his facial expressions.

"I'll be back soon, please behave." The teacher said and rushes out of the room because of an emergency matter. It caught Jeonghan's attention, "Yes sir!"

"I'm controlling myself, Yoon Jeonghan," Seungcheol uttered between his counts, Jeonghan still can't look at him directly. He just gulped. When Seungcheol's not like this, he can be so brave, but when Seungcheol's like this? It gives him chills and his body weakens.

"Please tell me to hold myself back," Seungcheol uttered once again. He's now at his twenty-fifth count. Jeonghan can't say any word. He feels like, he's going to explode any minute from now with this kind of Seungcheol infront of him.

"29.." Seungcheol counts, "Jeonghan look at me," Seungcheol ordered and in an unexpected timing, Jeonghan looked at Seungcheol when Seungcheol was in his 30th count, and there, their fourth kiss happened. It seemed like a slow-mo. Everything went really slow and it feels so unreal.

Seungcheol was the one who broke the kiss, "30." Seungcheol looked at Jeonghan intimately.

"I told you to tell me to hold myself back, it's your fault damn it!"
