ARC 1.4

These past few days Gyro was in an extremely good mood and can't help but smile more often. His and Reese's relationship have been improving and he can confidently say that they are friends faced with other's company.

Although, Gyro felt a bit weird recently. He didn't know if it's just his illusion but, he felt that there seems to be something not quite right.

but looking around his surroundings and Reese's handsome smiling face, but didn't notice any anomaly, he mentally shrugged and happily continued chatting with his self-proclaimed friend.

if Xiao Xing heard him he would immediately say, 'Ofcourse it's not right! you act like a honey moon paced lovers, and being so lovey dovey and feeding us all dog food you're really not afraid being struck by thunder!'

speaking of Xiao Xing—Hyde, everytime he wanted to get close to his host, he was immediately blocked by an incomparably handsome insect—cough elf, and his host would also side with this handsome elf like how a hero would save a damsel in distress from a big scary villain.

The big scary villain Xiao Xing, "....."

now everytime Xiao Xing sees this two 'adultorous pair' his teeth would itch while looking at the said 'husband' , he glared like how would a father look at ones daughter's boyfriend.


Gyro was relaxing under the warmth of the sun while watching Reese who was busily making some refreshments to compliment the relaxing atmosphere.

Reese after finishing preparing the watermelon juice, handed it to him with a gentle smile, His emerald eyes glistening making those who stare at his eyes, mesmerized.

Receiving it and casting Reese a grateful look with his eyes, while still maintaining the original's cold and emotionless face, he gracefully took a sip and said, "Thank you.."

Reese's eyes lingered at his glossy lips for a second before looking intently at his cold and handsome face.

Reese shook his head to eliminate his gradually getting-dangerous thoughts and smiled, "Ro~what do you think about the upcoming competition? do you think i have a chance?"

Gyro was a bit startled when Reese asked this question. He already knows that the fallen protagonist will win the competition and since Reese was confirmed to be reborn, it means he knows it as well..

The competition was mostly to test their fighting skills, knowledge and leadership and it could be said that the content of the competition was made to suit Reese's capabilities that could make him shine.

The first content of the competition could be said to be a fighting tournament instead, it lasted quite a while before they could go to the second stage, which is the test to their knowledge.

They will go to the Elves' most famous Divine tower that could seemingly pierce through the skies, it is said that this tower contained the left-over wills of the oldest saints that have lived in the Continent of Nhirolea and nobody knows how many floors it contained, one of the sages that is still living till today tried to pass the endless Divine tower only to be stuck at the 89th floor.

Reese in his last life was actually already amazing, he managed to reach the 56th floor before being kicked out by the tower because of exhaustion.

Compared to an old man who only managed to get to the 89th floor, Reese who was at the prime of his life and haven't reach 30 yet is already considered as a one in a hundred thousand genius.

The last content of the competition is a group hunt, where they would be grouped into 10 and will hunt cloud threading beasts that is famous for their fast speed, in the territory of the elves.

The cloud threading beasts looks like a breed between a dog and fox, mainly covered in a white fluffy fur, that looked as soft as the clouds and when it ran a misty cloud would appear below it's paws, that's why it's called cloud treading beast, although it sounds extremely cute, it height can reach a normal man's height and it's atleast 3 meters long.

ofcourse, it was still Reese's win. They managed to hunt 9 of them and the second only managed to hunt 6, they secured victory firmly.

So it was really a wonder why Reese asked him this, unless he was somewhat insecure and unsure about the competition in this life, he should still have 80% chance of winning.

But since his friend is nervous, ofcourse he(Gyro) have to say some encouragement as well to raise his lover's—cough cough bestfriend's fighting spirit.

Gyro stared at him seriously and answered in earnest, "You will win.."

Reese stares at the serious and earnest Gyro and can't help but find him cute and smiled more brilliantly while patting him, chuckling.

Reese abruptly leaned towards Gyro's ear and before Gyro could react he already heard an enchanting voice ringing, "Ro~You're the best.."

Reese even teasingly breathed to his ears and Gyro was like being electrocuted and instantly became as stiff as a statue. Gyro can't help but wail inside his head.

'What—is he seducing me?'

'Is he?'

'' He thought blankly.

Gyro didn't mind when Reese patted him from time to time and he even found it normal, although he got Hyde's(Xaio Xing) warning about not being too close to the fallen protagonist, he carelessly dismissed it as an unimportant matter.


Gyro, still blankly staring at Reese felt his cheeks and ears redden and as if on instinct, his whole person become a blur and Reese heard a big splash from the lake, a floating Robe that was probably discarded by his future beloved and had a glimpse of a graceful silver fishtail.

His emerald eyes glinted and become a shade darker.

en, it seems he was still too hasty with his courtship.

Reese composed his self and gracefully stood up while patting the nonexistent dust on his clothes, he walked over to the lake and smiled, "Ro~what happened to you? Are you hot? can i join you?"

Reese obviously used an inquiring tone but his actions still betrayed him. While he was asking if he could join Gyro, he was already shedding his clothes leaving only his pants and was about to step into the lake to join his self-proclaimed beloved.

Gyro panicked from underneath and immediately sprang up to stop his friend from seeing his embarrassing state, "NO!!"

Reese's actions came into an abrupt stop when Gyro sprang out of the water. Gyro's long silver hair was sticking unto his body and a few droplets of water slid down his lean and muscular body, down to his waist and a tint of blush could be seen plastered on his emotionless cold face that betrayed his true feelings.

Reese's breathing staggered for a few moments and he struggled to compose himself again to look normal infront of his future beloved.

He is clearly inviting me right? this is an invitation!

Reese struggled to restrain himself from pouncing on him, his adam's apple bobbed a few times before gradually looking normal.

He inhaled sharply and hid his desire, "Are you okay? did i do something wrong?"

Looking at Reese's 'innocent' and concerned gaze. Gyro, felt a little guilty being so overreacting, Reese seducing him is clearly impossible! how could he think that Reese is this king of Person?

Gyro totally forgot that Reese, his self-proclaimed friend was reborn and is full of wrath, hatred, and Resentment and is an elf that is on the verge of transforming into a Dark Elf with a couple more pushes.

He cleared his throat and maintained the original's emotionless facade while answering, " I'm fine, I suddenly really wanted to swim. Don't worry."

Gyro said, sounding nonchalant as ever and Reese only nodded and sat beside the lake and while his feet submerged.

"Then i'll watch here.." Reese said while keeping his intense gaze towards Gyro's shining silver tail under the clear lake, he licked his lips, and his eyes changed from emerald to electric violet a couple of times like an unstable static. If only could Gyro turn around, he would have found out that something is really wrong, because violet is not the color for a Dark elves' eyes.

Gyro didn't bother him anymore, and since he's already in the water, he will just enjoy it. It's true that he needs a swim anyways.

Reese's overflowing desire in his eyes was gradually unfolded while Gyro wasn't looking, gazing at the silly frolicking mermaid king, he gradually made up his mind. Since Gyro 'seduced' him into this state, the moment he gets baited then he'll eat him whole.

Reese smiled to his thoughts..

En, a fisherman should be patient.



Reynold's mood could be described as horribly terrible this past few days, especially everytime he sees his half-brother's provocative eyes everytime he was together with the merman he has his eyes on.

and looking at the lake not far away, and seeing the scene of Reese leaning to whisper to Gyro.

It looked like the two had shared a kiss, even Reynold thought so.

Reynold's face was blue then green then to white, clenching hard his fists, digging his nails unto his palms untill it draw blood.

"Hah! it seems Reese turned crazy these days don't you agree?" a sneer was heard not far beside him and he moved his gaze towards the speaker.

3 elves where secretly whispering not far from him but because Reynold is behind the tree and also because of the angle they didn't notice him and heard their conversation clearly.

"Can't agree more! could you believe that he actually treated us coldly when he attracted that merman's attention.."

"He behaves like a sl*t more than an elf to me.."

"So true, He is treating us, his brothers like shit, he's awful!"

Reynold coldly sneered at their conversation and turned to leave thinking, 'brainless idiots..' and swore a few more while accelerating his pace when he noticed the aura filling their Bodies, that he couldn't be more familiar with.

Looking closely to these 3 elves you would gradually find a dark aura that is gradually thickening around them and their gaze becoming more unfocused and a bit deranged as they continue to swear and slander.