ARC 1.5


With a bang! the door of the once peaceful tree house was forcefully opened, and the raging and hysterical Reynold stormed in next.

He found his mother—Clarisse relaxing on a simple yet graceful chair and drinking tea nectar.

Clarisse who was relaxing, was startled by the sound and saw the hysterical Reynold, on the verge of explosion, she was about to reprimand him about manners and such when she saw the gray color spreading to her son's cheeks. She became pale and she immediately fetched out a green and vibrant pill in her space bracelet and forced it to her son's mouth without a word.

Seeing the receding patch of gray, she sighed in relief before coldly glaring at her son.


Reynold held his stinging cheeks and become sober in an instant.

"What are you doing?! i told you to keep your mind stable and peaceful at all times! or it will fight the camouflage medicine the Lord gave us!" She hissed at her son and made him sit with her.

Reynold bowed his head shamefully and can't help but grit his teeth while saying, "It's Reese's fault. He's such a vixen, it's obvious that he is seducing that merman—"


Reynold held his other cheek, his eyes watered and his ears ringing with the forceful slap. The slap somehow sobered his gradually turning chaotic mind but he still couldn't help but grit his teeth hatefully when thinking about his step brother Reese.

"Are you sober? what's that Reese got to do with our mission?! That merman is at best just a messenger! so stop messing around or our heads would fly!" Clarisse snapped angrily and looking at her dazed son, she felt an incoming headache.

When Reynold heard his mother mention Gyro, he immediately perked up and didn't hesitate to say what he has 'found' in his stalking days.

"No! he isn't just a messenger mother! i heard that kid Hyde mention that Gyro is his 'Royal brother' and coupled with his gait and disposition, he is probably a prince!" Reynold took hold of his mother's hands and hurriedly explained.

He indeed found that out from Hyde, he also didn't said anything about Gyro's variant ice and wind ability, and the striking silver hair and blue eyes that only the royal family could posses. However what he didn't know that everything he knew was deliberately fed to him and is also an order from Gyro himself.

Because his attention being with Gyro and Reese all the time, Hyde was tasked to 'feed' Reynold some 'secrets' of his elder brother intentionally and unintentionally.

Gradually his admiration was turned into crazy obsession because of Hyde's unintentional feeding of snippets.

Although, Gyro was accompanying Reese in a relaxing vacation everyday, he was never idle. He already planned out how things would turn out, so Reynold's reaction was within his expectations.

Clarisse's thoughts was clamped by that sudden revelation and she was shocked for a few seconds before seriously staring at her teary eyed son.

"Are you saying the truth?"

"Ye—yes mother!" Reynold stuttered and hurriedly nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

Clarisse immediately fell silent because of his answer.

'But why would a prince be here? two of them being here no less...i need to report this to the Lord as soon as possible and...'

staring at her son again, she felt that she could be more useful to the Lord, if she could have her son get a hold of one of the Merfolks' Royalty, and so.....

Clarisse revealed a savage and ruthless expression, and smirked eerily.

Reese, you could only blame your bad luck.



The head Prime Minister furrowed his brows after hearing the report from his subordinate while the other ministers at the long spherical table were also dumbstruck from the news.

"Are you sure that, it was the king himself that activated the Space Portal?" The Head Prime Minister seek his subordinate's confirmation yet again, feeling a bit relieved and doubtful.

if this news is true, then the letter was indeed from the king and they were just too sensitive and made a mountain out of a molehill.

His subordinate bowed again and confirmed the news, "Yes, your excellence. It was the King's leftover magic that is last detected in the device." after the subordinate said that.

He also reported the last set Space coordinates that is high likely where their King's current location were, this made the tense ministers sighed in great relief and gratefulness.

but before they could laugh merrily, the subordinate delivered another earth shaking news, "The 9th Prince, Prince Hyde is missing..."

The whole Palace of merfolk was yet again thrown into chaos and another interesting scene unfolded, bumping,scurrying,shouting..

...all in all it was another thing for the palace servants and the ministry to worry about untill there hair turned white from anxiousness.

.... ....

Vion the trusted General of the Deep Turbulence forces was currently dressed as an escort of the Merfolk kingdom, together with his other 2 subordinates, that are also the seasoned soldiers from the same force.

Vion and co. was enthusiastically welcomed in a caravan of elves, when the elven folk heard that their destination is to their kingdom, they excited chattered around them.

" Sirs, if you don't mind me asking but, why send another 3 messengers to our Kingdom when there is already another one in our midst?" The one who was the head of the caravan, curiously peered at them while asking.

Gyro was already very popular among the elves and all kids of the elven folk really like him although he keeps his cold and aloof demeanor it still didn't keep those elves to admire his looks and how he occasionally use his ice magic to entertain their younglings.

Technically, one messenger would already suffice in every kingdom, having 2 messengers from the Merfolks are a great honor and unprecedent. So the elves knowing they're having four, found it a bit ridiculous, not that they were complaining though.

Hearing the elf's question all the other elves around the caravan also turned into them, apparently they were curios as well.

Vion didn't answer him, instead the subordinate seated on his left answered in his stead, " It was originally the four of us, however our companion has set his space coordinates wrongly, and we deviated from our scouting mission.." The curly green haired answered, who was named Raeg, After some questions from the elves.

Besides, they couldn't just say something like; 'oh we're actually from the merfolk army and we're here to be the King's guards, incase his safety is threatened'.

Although, there are some loopholes with the trios' reasoning, the Elves didn't pry at their business and still welcomed them heartily. After all they're the esteemed and mysterious mermen from the Merfolk Kingdom.

From Vion's Right, a slightly muscular youth with a shoulder length yellow hair sat there silently, not giving them a damn, he was named Lenard.

Lenard was silently watching them interact, however inside he was too excited when he heard they were going to see the king. His quiet and solemn appearance can't hide his shining and anticipating eyes.

Their king wasn't just wise, he was also a military figure being idolized by youths and generals left and right, and Lenard was coincidentally one of the King's Die-hard fans.

Vion who already knew his situation, can't help but sigh helplessly, looking at his left, Raeg who was a total battle maniac was influenced by Lenard's fanboy mentality, have been dreaming to have a duel with their king. He felt that he took a babysitting mission instead.


When are we going to get there already?



Humanity is very Destructive. Even with their varying physiques and intelligence humanity still managed to destroy even their only home, Earth.

Because of the unecessary wars, nuclear Radiation led humanity into the brink of extinction, the whole Earth mutated, it started with the plants then the land, there was even the time that they have to squeeze a little bit if juice in the remaining 'normal' fruits they have because the water isn't drinkable anymore.

Then it was finally when some humans and animals mutated when exposed to the Radiation and became some type of zombie, alas humanity's number dwindled even more and they were already desperate.

That's why when a Spacecraft invaded the Earth's atmosphere, the desperate military and government relented to the Foreign invaders, not that they had a choice.

Humanity became a sub-species under the Race called Rivven, they are people who have a crow-like characteristics, especially their Raven Wings on their backs and how they have claws instead of a normal human's hands, their eyes were blood red but, like that of a reptile.

Humans then was led outside the premises of Earth and discovered many more species in the intergalactic community, they swiftly integrated to the so called 'Star Alliance'. It is Ruled by Royalty of another Race where it stands on neutral ground where it welcomes any other races as long as no trouble was brought.

Humans quickly evolved and climbed up the ladder, both in military and government. They fermented their ground firmly and become a well known race and got rid of the title 'sub-species' hanging on their heads.

Well that's about it, and Ning Yue?

Well, Ning Yue was an Orphan, well atleast he considered himself one. His family is actually one of the 4 Great families of the Star Alliance, they were considered as the leaders of the humans, their ancestors both have an expertise in military and government, they were well rounded, they have the brains and brawns, you could say.

And Ning Yue was third son of the Present Patriarch of the Ning Family, Ning Shuguang. His Oldest brother was adept in military while his second brother was in the government and was adept in politics. While him? well he had the face. he was considered sickly and delicate, his mother hated him for being useless and he didn't 'earn' the favor of his father. He was despised by his brothers and cousins and all other relatives he has.

I mean, His Older brother has a SS physique with an A+ Spiritual power, his second brother not to be outdone has a S+ Spiritual power with S- Physique, and he that has a F+ trash Physique and his overly powerful SS+ Spiritual power that made him sickly and delicate.

However, Ning Yue might be considered delicate in appearance, he wasn't a pushover, and calmly accept their bullying.

And so after he graduated Academy in his studies (which where he received more bullying), he requested—begged to be sent into a peaceful (barren) planet and have his own leisure life by himself. His expenses was still being handled by his family but still it was better to face all their ridiculing smile and hear all their mocking voices.

And just like any other day, he woke up early, exercised even though the help was minimal and produced no results, wash up, took care of his garden(that only has 5 pots of Yan Yan flowers?), have breakfast ,read a book in his small library(small that is as big as an apartment that is) , have dinner, wash up, sleep then repeat.

not untill one particular day that he fell asleep while reading a book and appeared infront of his System Xiao-Xing.

Ning Yue—Gyro felt a little melancholic while remembering all the faces that ridiculed him especially when after this world, he would do 14 more and he is going back to his own world.

He felt complicated. However there was nothing really tying him in the past thousand or so worlds he has been. And Xiao Xing also said even he doesn't like to go back he have to, because the so called contract was fulfilled.

"Did you have a good night sleep Mr. Gyro?" His thoughts were cut short when a melodious voice interrupted his melancholy.

Glancing at Clarisse who was Reese's step mother, he only nodded and observed them.

Gyro sat infront of Reynold and His mother. Looking at them with cold eyes and scrutinizing their every move.

Reynold was already sweating out of nervousness however he still portrayed his most gentle image because of his mother and most certainly because of Gyro was sitting infront of him as well.

"Ah, you did, that's a relief." Clarisse smiled kindly at Gyro but he remained cold and casual, His aura of being a mermaid king was leaking out, to convey his impatience even though he looked like he doesn't give a damn.

this action was very inline of the original Gyro, who was straightforward and stern, Cold and almost unfeeling.

Reynold was a bit panicky but Clarisse was still calm and brewed tea. She also sneakily put something that didn't escape Gyro's notice but still ignored it like he really didn't notice.

Clarisse smiled and poured him a cup saying, "This tea is called Crystal honey tea, it's made using the Honey Crystal Flower's petals that has a unique floral fragrance that of honey, but it's taste is very mild and is not overly sweet like honey. Perfect for a person who doesn't like sweets but enjoys sweet fragrances, i hope you give it a try Mr. Gyro."

Gyro gazed at the swirling golden liquid in the teacup, and didn't hesitate to take it and took a sip.

Seeing his action, Clarisse's smile became even wider and Reynold sighed in relief and become faintly excited.

Looking at their expression, Gyro knew that his plans are setting off, because the moment that he took the tea, he 'has' to be obsessed with Reynold.

That's right the tea was laced with something called tear of love, but a mutated kind,more accurately..a poison to make people obsessed, it will make him obsessed towards Reynold, too bad, Gyro's Spiritual power was too high that it subconsciously cleared the poison immediately. But the original certainly did not have Ning Yue's overpowered spiritual power so he wasn't able to escape his fate of being an obsessed dog (even though he's a fish).

Gyro mentally sighed, being Spiritually overpowered is sometimes troublesome.

Clarisse observed Gyro closely and when his cold snd unfeeling eyes suddenly rippled, she hurriedly moved away from his line of sight and Switched with Reynold, her son.

And when she saw his gaze gradually turned 'obsessed' she was about to laugh out evilly when she heared a loud BANG!

the door burst open and she came face to face with her step son Reese and other 3 unidentified mermen, who's expressions weren't considered very pleasant.