
1.2 We ain't safe yet

It was four in the afternoon when Harold and the others arrived at the foot of Mt. Bridgette, most of them were still traumatized by what happened back in the city and they are all trying to understand what had just happened.

After parking the police mobile under the big oak tree, Harold went out of the car toughly and asked everybody to go outside the cars.

"I want everybody to walk out of the cars and stand up in front of me in line!" Harold said with braveness to his face.

Nobody seemed to listen up with what Harold had instructed them to do, all of them were still speechless and they can't still pick up with the present.

Because of this response, Harold said the words again but with tougher pitch.

"I want everybody to step outside the cars and fall in line!" Harold shouted.

Everybody were shaken by this and they all politely obeyed the command.

The eight people coming from the delivery truck came out, including the driver and they all form a line in front of Harold.

Still recovering from the tragedy, these people seemed very distressed and problematic. The two ladies from the police mobile also came out from the car and joined the line.

There were eleven survivors in total, and that includes Harold. There were five men in total and six ladies in line.

Even though he's not yet sure, Harold toughly asked everybody if they had been bitten back there.

"I want you guys to be honest with me, are you all healthy?" Harold asked.

Nobody answered because of maybe, they are still shy and intimidated by this question of Harold and probably how he tells it.

Without hesitation, Harold furiously asked the same question again.

"Are you all still healthy?" Harold angrily asked.

One man from the line answered toughly.

"If you are asking if we are bitten, then you should not ask if we are healthy, because there are some other scenarios that we can still say that we are unhealthy!" the man said.

Harold agreed to the man and nodded.

"Are you all not yet bitten?" Harold asked.

Nobody answered for a while.

"I am not yet bitten!" the same man answered without hesitation.

Harold looked at the man and he asked his name.

"What's your name?" Harold asked calmly.

"The name's Tyrone!" the man answered.

As soon as this man answered the question, Harold aggressively pushed the man on the floor for inspection.

"What are you doing, man?" the man asked after he was being inspected.

It was confirmed that this man ain't bitten after Harold's inspection and he instructed him stood up from the ground and after ado. he separated him from the rest of the group.

The man looked back at Harold as Harold commanded him to inspect for others.

He then agrees with that.

The two of them continued inspecting the other survivors up until, the man noticed a bleeding wound from one of the ladies' arm.

"Are you bitten?" the man asked seriously.

Because of this question, people got shocked and they went away from the said lady with horrified faces.

"Oh crap!" one of the women exclaimed from the background.

Harold became suspicious with this lady and after he inspected everybody, he lastly inspected the injured lady.

"Can you show us the wound?" Harold asked.

The moment Harold asked the question, the lady knelt down to the ground and she started crying for her life.

"It happened really quick, I am very sorry! Please spare my life!" the lady pleading for her life.

The lady continued to cry as the other people felt sorry for her wound. Some of the women cried with sympathy to the lady while Harold hardened himself to stand up for the group's safety.

"We need to do something!" the man from earlier shouted.

One of the man from the group came out from the crowd and approached the injured lady as he introduce himself.

"Without any bad intentions, I would like to examine the wound, I am Nash Santiago and I am a third year nursing student, I may not have the license but I assure you that my knowledge about wounds can help us all!" the man said.

"Nash, it is?" Harold asked.

"Yeah, I am just going to examine the wound and I can get you an immediate report about this!" Nash added, boasting his ability.

Harold obeyed Nash to examine the wound.

Nash went down straight to the kneeling lady and as soon as he uncovered the arm, he was surprised of how the infected part started to grow black as veins started to darken to the vicinity of the wound.

"Oh fuck, it is like you've been mauled by a wild animal, where did you get this?" Nash asked confusedly.

Because of this reaction made by Nash, Harold quickly drew out his pistol and pointed it on the lady's head.

The lady cried more as she is trying to answer the question.

"I was bitten by the running infected civilian who I came across with, and he was acting violently, so I pushed him and I accidently broke his head dead!" the lady answered while continuously crying.

"Crap!" Nash said while going further away from the woman, knowing that this woman is a time bomb.

"Please spare my life! Maybe if you could lend me a knife, I would wander through the woods and before I turn, I am just going to kill myself, I will also eliminate rotters if I can, in order to save you from those threats please?" the lady pleaded for the last time.

"What is your name?" Harold asked emotionlessly.

"Nora... Nora Willis... " the lady answered as she stutters in nervousness .

As soon as the woman answered, she started to act strangely as if she is having a convulsion.

"Shit!" Nash exclaimed as the people outside started to panic.

"Do it now!" Nora shouted.

Harold hesitantly pulled the trigger of the pistol and after that, the bullet came out from the pistol, breaking the head of the lady who was earlier that day pleading for her life.

The blood of the lady scattered to the ground and because of the gore, some people from the group turned their backs from the body. The body of the lady lifelessly fell to the ground and after this, Harold puts back the pistol to his gun case.

Everybody were once again shocked by this, if they could have said a word, they would have said that they had enough of tragedy for today.

"We ain't safe yet!" Harold said to the people, alarming everybody.