
1.3 Intoductories

Harold stood up in front of the corpse of Nora, still conscientious about what he have committed earlier.

"We ain't safe yet!" Harold said, reminding everybody about the what they're facing.

Nash looked straightly into Harold with seriousness on his face and still processing Nora's sudden death.

"Aren't we suppose to bury the body to contain the virus or the pathogen inside it?" the man from the back asked, interrupting the drama getting built up.

Harold looked back at the man and after that, he gestured him for help.

The man at the back stepped forward with Harold, and together, they carried the corpse out of the center of the way.

They directed the body to the woods and placed it on the ground.

"We need to find a shovel!" Harold said.

"I know, but the nearest hardware is three kilometers away, are you sure you want to go back there?" the man asked back.

Harold agreed about his point and he then, decided not to go back since the problem hasn't yet settling down back there.

"Then what shall we do with this body?" Harold asked back at the man.

The man looked at Harold and pointed at the Misoki River, ten meters away from their spot.

They both can hear the swooshing of the water from their spot and that gave them the impression of throwing the body in the river.

Harold and the man threw out the body to the river, Harold stood up from the edge of the riverbank three meters away from the water and as the body floats up, the blood of the lady also scattered through the waters.

"It was a tough day!" the man whispered at his back.

"It really was..." Harold responded.

"What's your name, man? I haven't known yet the name of our mighty savior?" the man asked.

"Names aren't important now" Harold said.

The man reached his right hand to Harold after this and introduced himself for the second time...

"Tyrone..." said by the man.

Harold looked at the Tyrone's hand and after that, he lend his hand at him.

"Police Officer Benign" Harold said.

The two men went out of the scene and got back to the parking place where everybody was waiting for them to arrive.

As the two of them approach the crowd, they discovered that these people were gathered circularly to a lady sitting by a big rock while Nash was checking the lady's pulse and vitals.

"Hey Mister Officer, Trisha is feeling unwell!" one of the ladies said.

"What is happening here, Nash?" Harold asked Nash who's still investigating the lady's vitals.

"She is hyperventilating, I think that she was severely traumatized by everything that had happened!" Nash reported.

"Then what shall we do now?" Harold asked.

"We will be needing narcotics for her to stabilize the blood pressure!" Nash answered.

Harold didn't know what to do in this situation and he started to panic. Meanwhile, Tyrone started to search his sidebag and after some searches, he grabbed out a bottle of anti-hypertension medicine. Everybody didn't expect the medicine from Tyrone because he looks like more of a mediocre man with a gangster-like look. He may not look that pleasant but he, is somehow helpful at these times.

Tyrone hurriedly lended the medicine at Nash and as soon as Nash received it, he grabbed a water bottle from his backpack and made Trisha took the medicine.

Harold smiled at Tyrone because of this and he's expressing the gratitude through that.

"Thank you, man!" Harold whispered.

"No prob!" Tyrone replied.

Everything settled down for a while, giving Harold the opportunity to introduce himself and hopefully, get to know each other.

Majority of the survivors were sitting emotionlessly at the floor of the parking space while some are inside the water delivery truck, and they aren't making any sound.

Harold toughly lifted up the group by introducing himself and to stabilize the relationship between these people, he started to talk about himself.

"Hi everyone, maybe you misinterpreted me as a hot headed piece of trash because of my actions earlier but I can't blame you for that reaction of yours, I can't blame myself either because we all have different perceptions to everything. I am Police Officer Harold Benign, I am a Junior Police Officer and I just started my work two years ago at District II Troofolis Police Station. If you have anything that you need, just ask it to me, I will serve you cause that is what I promised to the Sovereign of Deluvia." Harold explained.

Everybody looked at Harold astoundingly and they began to look more cheered up because of this.

"I'd like everyone to introduce themselves for more clarifications and for better relationship with each other." Harold asked the group.

"I am Tyrone Lopez, thirty years old, I am a security guard at Troofolis District II Mall and it was my day off today. I was with my mother earlier this day and for further identification of her, she was the woman who tried to help the first victim at the Circle." Tyrone explained that shocked everybody.

Harold was shakened by this and he unbelievably reacted to this.

Why isn't he sobbing nor showing any signs of griefing if it is his mother?

Every single person in the group also had the same reaction as Harold's and they began to feel the pain this talking man isn't even showing off to them.

"I am glad that because of her death, you all people were saved! If she hadn't said to the policemen to warn y'all to run, then you could have been also reanimated into one of those things. Don't pity me, pity yourselves for being such weaklings!" Tyrone added and sat down in silence after that.

Silence blossomed after this, the people were still in shock but, Tyrone gestured them to continue the introductories.

Nash introduced himself after,

"I am Nash Santiago, and I am a third year nursing student but I have my skills, so whenever you feel bad, just tell me!" Nash politely talked afterwards.

"Hi everyone, I am Angelica Elliot and this is my bestfriend Trisha Bannez, we are both political science student and as you noticed, she is prone to hyperventilation, it would be such a pleasure if you'll be prioritizing her whenever there's a problem happening because she needs it most!" Angelica continued.

"I am Johnson Feline, I am the water delivery man, I was a mechanic for thirteen years making me a professional when it terms to car, it is such a pleasure to meet you all!" Johnson introduced himself.

"I am Ofelia Jones and this is my half sister Terry Mella, we were both caught up in the traffic and we two ran towards the delivery truck when everything happened. I am thirty seven and she's thirty-four, we both have the experience of country life!" Ofelia said.

"I am Jam Thomson, twenty-three years old and I'm an University Student taking up Bachelor Of Science Major in Criminology!" Jam introduced himself after Ofelia.

"You're picking up the same bullshit as mine kid!" Harold said.

"It was my brother's dream to be honest, but because of poverty, he didn't make it to become a police officer, that's why I'm taking this course now, because he applied to a company, and after collecting savings for my college, I took the course in honor of him." Jam added.

"Cool!" Harold commented.

"Hello, I am Althea Gomez, twenty eight years old and as you can see, I am a musician, I was about to perform at the circle when this mageddon happened, such a crap!" Althea said.

After all the introductories, Harold stood up from the seat and confidently lifted everybody's feelings.

"It is good to know each other, but you know what's better? We should make our bonfire for tonight together, and so, I command everybody to gather up some sticks and we will also try to look for mushrooms in the woods, just be careful on your surroundings!" Harold initiated and everybody go out in the woods except Angelica, Nash and Trisha who were still checking up and assisting Trisha.