Prep to armor

"Can you at least turn the radio on?" Liz shouted from behind.

"Just be quiet back there" David answered: "I want silence when I drive!"

"Meh meh meh, I waont silence" Liz mimicked David.

Oliver was sitting in the car on the right side, at the window. He tried to at least enjoy the view outside, but it was hard with Liz sitting next to him.

"I haven't asked you this" The softest voice in the whole team asked: "But what race are you, Oliver?"

Oliver turned around to where Lara was sitting. She was sitting on the Liz's left side and was fully looking at him.

"Yeah, tell us!" Liz seemed pretty interested in this question too: "Can you use magic too?"

"Haha" Oliver laughed quietly: "I am a halfling. I am half human, half elf. Or black elf"

"Black elf?" Liz asked: "Never heard of them. Can they use magic?"

"I can't use magic. I don't know about my race"


"That's enough, right?" Lara stepped in after seeing Oliver's reaction.

"Haaah, yes mam" Liz's sighted, understanding the situation too.

"That's going to be a long ride" Oliver mumbled to himself, but Liz heard it and gave him a smack, on what Clara and David started laughing hard.

"Say that again, dumbass" Liz said with a joking voice.

Oliver was baffled by those people and was still questioning how they keep themselves up.

"At least it works" He said to himself ending his question.

"What was that?" Liz said again.

"Nothing!" And that's when he got smacked again.

They kept driving till the sun went down, took breaks and drove again.

"We will be there in thirty minutes!" David tried cheering on everyone.

Oliver rose back up and took a look out of the window. Ice was forming on the edges, showing what temperature was awaiting them.

The outside was beautiful, in the middle of nowhere a small road connected them to their destination, surrounding them with snow and trees. Real tall trees rising to the top, nearly blocking off the view to the night sky.

The blocked sky could be seen through the treetop if it wasn't blocked by the loads of snow.

And suddenly boarders taller than does trees appeared, with thick concrete walls holding even higher watchtowers.

It suddenly got brighter inside the car. The three towers on top of the wall were aiming their headlights at them.

David stopped the car at the patrol. And identified himself with the others.

"He is our newest member" David said to the guard, pointing back to Oliver.

"Does he have permission?" The guard dressed in white uniform and vest asked.

"Of course," And David gave him letter: "here, from our guild master"

Oliver didn't know he needed something like that, or that something like that was made for him.

The guard nodded and gave the other guards a signal.

"You have to park your vehicle. You can't get inside the area with it"


And David entered the walls, turned right where a parking lot with other military vehicles were.

"So, we are here now!" He said loudly, waking up everyone who was asleep till now.

"We have two hours left till our shift begins"

Everyone got themselves ready got outside. Clara and David started stretching and Lara leaned herself against the front of the car and started breathing deeply. Seemed like the long ride with shut windows affected her.

"Hey Oliver" David called him.

"Can you wake up Liz?"

He gave him a thumbs up and opened the back door.

"Hey Liz" Oliver said to the sleepyhead while shaking her.

He tried that again, but it didn't help. Her only reaction was her turning towards Oliver and grabbing his arm.

"Don't" She mumbled to herself: "Daria"

Oliver didn't know what to do, so he shook her again until she woke up.

And got smacked.

"Never do that again, dumbass" She told him after jumping out of the car with a light leap.

Oliver looked confused to David, and he shook his head in sorry.

"Do we start now?" Liz asked.

"No, we have" Lara coughed: "We have two hours"

"But we have to get ourselves ready now" David said: "Get you equipment and put it on"

Oliver followed that.

He went to the back of the car with the others and opened the trunk.

"This is yours" Clara said grabbing the bags and giving it to the owners: "Yours David, Lara, Liz and lastly Oliver"

He grabbed it with both hands and thanked her.

Oliver took out a weapon belt and put his revolver in. He stored the ammunition in his chest pockets after counting it. Two barrels in one pocket, ten shot per barrel, forty in total.

He strapped his knife around his left leg and grabbed the binocular to put it in a pouch which he strapped around his back waist above his weapon belt.

Last weapon that was left was his long white sword. He grabbed it and strapped the blade on his back with leather bindings. The blade was nearly as big as him, but Oliver didn't seem to have any trouble carrying it.

The last thing he was missing was his helmet.

The top was made out of thin iron plates, leading to the back of the head. To protects its user, a line made out of an iron rectangle was placed above the eyes leading downwards before the ears towards the chin, gridding the face.

Eyes were covered by a dark reflecting glass which allowed nobody to see through.

The rest was black fabric holding it all together and soft fabric to cover the mouth area.

He put it on, what he hasn't done in a long time. A time where he was last seen in the Hunts team. The helmet contained good and bad memories, which he couldn't allow to affect him now, so he moved on.

"Dang, yeah that's the Hunts team helmet" David seeing as Oliver joined the others. He wore a black cap and a long brown coat, a black sniper rifle strapped around his back, with another back lying next to him.

"But why the sword though?" Clara asked though her grey mask. Her helmet seemed light and her long blond hair was bonded into a tail leading it outwards by a hole. Her big body was covered by a black leatherjacket. On her wrist where two silver axes dangling down.

"As long he can wield it" Lara answered with a caring voice.

She wore an iron chest plate and a white coat. No, it looked like a robe. Her head was protected by a helmet with golden ornaments engraved in it.

It must be true that white elves are rich, looking at her.

But she didn't have any weapon other than a pistol strapped on her white pants.

Well, she was a magic user with healing powers.

Liz appeared behind Oliver. She gave him a little hit an the should, looking up.

She covered he face by a simple fabric formed perfectly to her face. With red reflecting goggles hiding her eyes and a black outfit.

She wore a thigh jacket and a vest above it with a few grey strings dangling down her chest.

Her left sleeve was way bigger and looser. It was connected by a few light chains to the vest, some of them were also dangling down.

She wore black cargo pants and light boots matching it, as Oliver did.

"Can you connect the chains?" She asked him to point to her left arm.

"Yeah" Oliver moved behind her and did as he told.

He put the two dangling silver chains back to her vest.

"Thanks, dumbass" She laughed silly as she said that.

He didn't give a comment to that.

"What now?" He asked David.

"Now we wait" David said, reaching to his lying bag: "I've got cards"

He said, grabbing them from his bag.