Dangerous frost

Oliver's group was fifteen minutes in already, leaving them around an hour and half left till their shift, when suddenly alarms were set off.

The fife of them got interrupted in their cards game after a shite uniformed soldier ran up to the lot.

"You are the team replacement for the coming shift?" He asked.

"Yes, we are, what Is happening" David was the first one to speak up.

"The previous guild team got attacked, we can't go in. That is why you need to go inside now!"

"Alright!" Clara roared: "Two teams as we discussed. David, Lara with me"

She turned towards Oliver and Lizbeth.

"You two are a team, you guys look and scout, don't engage"

She turned back to Lara and David: "We will support them, if they find any injured Lara will heal them and David, you find them off"

The both of them nodded.

"What are you waiting for?" Clara was the first one to take off.

Oliver ran back grabbed his little bag and joined up.

They ran through the parking lot towards the inner fence.

Outside they all stopped.

"We split up now, radius one kilometer, report if you see"

Team one containing David, Lara and Clara went to the right side and team two with Oliver and Liz ran to the left following the inner wall.

They kept running Liz radio had Clara's voice asking if anyone of the previous team could hear. But the only one's hearing were probably Lizbeth and her companion.

The coldness was leaking through the soft tissue of Oliver's mask. It was already wet from his breath and slowly losing its warmth.


Liz was still leading until they both stopped. Liz's radio emitted a cry of help.

"AHhh, we are under attack by. We don't know, they already got three of us" The helpless voice said.

"We are in front of the tower, please send help"

"Where is the enemy, what is the enemy?" Clara's voice went through.

"Uh, one of them stayed behind, they are magic users, water or ice, I don't know. Please help us!"

"Team one!" Clara's attention was now directed towards us.

"You go in from the other side, south! We are already near them. We don't know the numbers, be careful!"

"Gotcha!" Liz's answered her: "You heard her" She turned back to Oliver.

He nodded and both ran faster upwards the snow filled hill.

"Since only fifteen is the limit, there is a high chance that the enemy is in low numbers like us" Oliver said, his breath getting heavier.

"That would also mean that the enemy is strong enough to take on a small team of magic users dispatched by the guild" Liz added, with a sarcastic voice.

"Come on, nearly there"

The got up the hill, a clear view of the trees, borders and the tower placed in the middle.

"There" Oliver pointed to the far left at the wall, where a whole was stretching through. Iced spikes around the whole leading up.

Liz nodded.

"Oliver, look!" She pointed at the tower, where a small figure was climbing it up.

He grabbed his binocular and started looking through. What he saw shocked him.

It was the beast he was hoping for. The beast he needed to slay.

"What do you see?" She asked.

"I think a magic user climbing up"

As he kept looking, he saw it being shot down, probably David.

He put it back and turned towards Lizbeth.

"Let's go!"

"You got him?" Clara asked David.


"What about the others?"

"There was only one up there" David answered.

"You are telling me that one enemy has done this to one guild team, and then proceeded to climb up the tower?"

"We don't know yet" Lara joined in the conversation. She was still busy healing the hurt ones.

"Okay then. David, keep an eye out" Clara said, ending the conversation.

Clara went back up leaving the two with the hurt ones and started looking for survivors.

They only rescued two of them meaning there are three left.

The survivors said that two got slaid so one must be still alive. After looking for a few minutes not going too far away she turned back.

"Lara, any new form Lit?"

She shook her head slowly.

"What the hell are they doing?!" Clara roared.

"What the hell are you doing, dumbass?!" Liz screamed at Oliver who was rushing towards wounded enemy. It was a female warrior, clothed with brown and white fur. The armor held together by leather straps and cold black chains.

A sharp helmet made with the same black iron as the chains.

Her visor emitting a cold glare as she was spilling her crimson blood all over, mixing it with the snow.

Liz saw as Oliver kept running towards her until another jumped in, she was even taller. She had similar armor. The helmet stayed the same. She wore a whole set of black iron protecting her. A long shield on her left arm was covering half of her body from Oliver's sword strike. It started glowing white as he went for another swing.

The new enemy grabbed a long dagger like blade and swung it at him.

He blocked it but got pushed back too much and lost grip in the snow. Cold snow went through his jacked by entering through the neck. It left an unwelcome feeling.

Oliver could dodge the next stab fast enough and shot back up. He prepared his whole body for the next strike against the giant.

She swung it at him, Oliver didn't budge.

Three steps behind, that when he grabbed his revolver and shot at her.

The armor seemed to be good enough against his gun, because the female warrior didn't show a sign of fright.

Liz saw the spectacle and rushed downwards.

One more shot, bang!

She kept coming closer. The enemy was so close that she reached out for a swing.

That's when Oliver dropped his sword, which he still held on till now and aimed at the opening in her visor.


In her strike she cried out in pain, but still hitting Oliver and sending him flying.

He landed against a tree.

That's when Liz jumped in. She grabbed a chain from her back and swung it around.

On top of the chain was a scythe and at the end a round iron ball. Every part was pitch black like the enemy's armor.

She did three swing with her chain, with the last one directing the scythe towards her goal.

It brushed up, against the enemy still on her knees, from the pain.

Liz ran in and as she leaped, she started spinning, leading her scythe in a tornado of destruction. She aimed it at the head this time, but the warrior dodged it and leaped int, closing the distance. She gave Liz a punch in the stomach and send her flying.

That was when Oliver got back up. The pain was still there, so was it for the female opponent.

He lost his revolver and the opponent started walking towards Liz for the finishing blow.

He shot back up, saw his sword behind the giant. She saw him running and striked with her dagger like weapon. Oliver dodged it by an inch and slid through her big legs.

The snow made it easier for him.


The opponent turned around a swung again. He dodged by leaping backwards and grabbed his sword lying on the ground.

He swung it against her, light emitting from it again. This attack got blocked, but he didn't stop there, another.


Still in the momentum, Oliver twisted his body and gave her a kick to the stomach.

It left bump in her armor.

She tilted her head down and dropped her blade, grabbing his neck and lifting him high.

Liz woke up again as she heard a scream, a man's scream. Someone's scream she knew.

She tilted her head, but everything felt soft in her body, so loose.

With an effort she sat back up, but what she saw was abysmal.

He team member was pinned against a tree by this frost giant. On her hand to Oliver's neck was ice building up and holding her grip even tighter.

With the other hand she held her big shield up. With no effort she kept punching him with it.

Oliver has stopped screaming after the last three strikes. His helmet had budges in it.

His mask was cracked, and blood was dripping down from his tissued mask.

The warrior let go of him, but he was still pinned against the tree by the ice formed around his neck.

The female giant kneeled down and took her mask off. She had a long face with bony cheeks. Her skin was blue, and her eyes were as blue as ice crystals. They were glowing softly. Long ears going sideways and even longer black hair that was hidden behind that helmet, began to appear.

She held her arm and pressed her hand against her bleeding eye.

What came next shocked Liz. Never has she seen somebody to do that.

The giant held her hand against her eye and started to freeze it, till her left eye was nothing more than a broken ice figure. Suppressing her pain, she got back up and put her helmet on.

The giant turned to the other giant wounded, who did the exact same.

She stood back up. The one armored in black went up to her and they exchanged a few words. Liz couldn't understand what.

That's when to black one left and started running through the woods.

The one that David shot down stayed. She looked at her hands and then back up.

Looking straight into Lizbeth eyes.