
"Archbishop... Make me an Archbishop and I'll join."

Right after hearing that one of the Bishop held his stomach loudly laughed, while the other one just chuckled.

"Hey, brother Vik... Have you ever heard someone spew sh*t like this? This little guy wants to be an Archbishop, hahaha."

"I've indeed never seen someone speak complete sh*t out of their mouth, hey kid do you think you're some kind of hotshot?"

"Well, I wouldn't say h-"

"Shut up."

Suddenly Krev started floating and then flew towards the wall on his left, his head was smashed into the rock hard wall. Blood started gushing out of the newly formed wound, luckily with his gift he was able to control the blood which helped him stop it from coming out.

Vik saw this happening in front and was shocked, this was his first time seeing someone able to control his wounds.

'It can't be! Is his gift... healing?'

Healing, the gift that every Pope was looking for. It was said that the first mutant born had the healing gift, the city she was born in was attacked so that they could hands on her. But in that attack the first mutant died, after that, all the mutants became secretive and didn't reveal their identity.

Some said the first mutant was god while some said it was the result of an experiment, nobody knew the real truth except the fact that she had a healing gift.

'If our church takes him in we will be unbeatable, with this brat's healing power our Pope alone can dominate all the 5 other Popes.'

What Vik thought wasn't exaggerated, the healing power was so powerful that it could even bring someone's life back from the brink of death. Although it couldn't revive anyone it was still a gift everyone desired.

"Hey brat, I'm feeling good today so I'll give you another offer right now. You did survive my attack so think of this as a reward, if you defeat both of us here I'll talk with my superiors and give you the position of Archbishop."

'Huh!? I didn't think he would give me an offer like that, giving an Archbishop position isn't a joke.'

Krev got up and spit blood out of his mouth, he put his hand behind and started walking around.

"And why should I believe a mere Bishop? Heh, do you even know an Archbishop in the first place?"

'Yeah, even if I piss them off and get hurt. I've got this gift which can fix me.'

But always calm Vik didn't fell for his provocation and continued,

"I don't care what you think of me, ever heard of Archbishop Seil?"

Krev's eyes widened Seil was so dangerous that even Krev couldn't do anything against him.


"Seeing how you're surprised I will take it as a yes, well Seil is my friend even though he got promoted to Archbishop a few years back he still acknowledges me. I'm sure he will give the position of Archbishop to someone who has defeated me."

"Do you really know Seil or are you just bluffing?"

Vik rose his shoulder and said,

"Well who knows, I could be. But do you have any other choice?"

'He got me.'

"Okay okay, I take the L. Tell me your offer."

'This kid knows when to stop, at least he is better than this meathead Sian.'

"So you do have a brain, I'll repeat the offer. If you beat us here right now you'll be given the position of Archbishop at Grave Saints. What do you think it's a good offer, ain't it?"


"Hey brat do you want more than Archbishop now, brother Vik let's just kill this piece of sh*t right here."

"Liok, wait a minute."

'Liok isn't the brightest, he hasn't noticed this boy's gift yet.'

"What else do you want?"


"I wasn't asking for more you dumba**, I was asking what you'll get out of this bet."

"Hey, you little-"

Suddenly the calm Vik started laughing, seeing Vik laugh so hard was a rare phenomenon which is why Liok was surprised.


"I wanted to say it after I beat your a** but I guess I'll say it now, if you win you'll get Archbishop and if you lose you'll be a priest. Which means you'll be under us as our slave."

'I knew this sneaky b*stard was going to do something like this.'

"I wanted to tell you this later cause you might've not accepted the deal with these conditions, but I guess you're sharper than I thought. Well then tell me, are you going to fight like a man or run like weak b*tch."

"Huh? Is that even a question?"

'I knew this kid would be fun to play with, hehehehe.'

"I'll run like a weak b*tch."



Both Vik and Liok were dumbfounded after hearing his reply.

"You morons, did you think I'm a meathead like that bleached boy? Why would I go against the 2 of you when you said that Seil will recruit me if I beat one of you."

'Only if I knew more about my gift... Right now even facing one of them is going to be hard, I only know 2 ways to use my gift right now. If I had more than a day I would've come up with more ways to use it, but I have to hurry up because of these 2 big shots.'

'I should've thought it beforehand if these 2 don't accept my condition… I'm dead.'

Just then Krev noticed something.

'I need to cover up the wound fast, I might get lightheaded if I used too much.'

"I see, I did say that Seil will acknowledge your powers if you defeated me. So I guess I'll be the only one facing you."

"But brother you don't need to."

"It's okay, I need to step on some bugs once in a while."

Vik whispered,

'If I somehow lose kill this kid immediately, okay?'

'Oh I see brother Vik, so that was your plan. Hahahaha.'

'Well, we are sinners for a reason.'

"Well then let's begin, brat."

"Yeah yeah, come o-"

Krev couldn't complete his sentence as he was sent flying towards the wall again, this time the impact was harder than before. It made the whole wall crack and almost destroyed the whole warehouse.

'He is definitely a psychic mutant.'

"You're still a kid when it comes to your gift. With my psychic gift, you're no more than just a bug to me."

'He has a healing gift so he should be fine, he wasn't built for 1v1 fights anyways. His only job should be to heal the Pope that's all.'

The fallen pieces of the wall moved and dust cleared up, and what stood before them was a boy with a bleeding face.

'Even after taking that much of pressure, he can still stand!? Is his healing power that good!?'

Vik thought Krev had a healing gift and even with a gift like that he planned to train him and increase his Tier to at least Tier 4 so that he could be helpful to the Pope.

'But I guess that won't be a problem anymore, with that kind of healing power he at least a Tier 5 from the beginning. Such a rare mutant, I want him!'

Suddenly Vik felt something pricking below his feet, he lifted his leg up to see what it was. But what he saw made him flinch, numerous drops of blood could be seen on the ground.

Sian was watching this while kneeling down on the ground, for some reason he felt uneasy. He noticed the blood under Bishop Vik's foot and that's when he remembered the reason he was uneasy.

'Wait! This seems similar to the time my gang fought with him. It can't be can he-'

"Bishop Vik run away from there."

Vik turned his head in the direction of the voice and saw Sian screaming and telling him to move away.

"Too late"

These drops were pointed with what they created holes in his shoes, the drops started shaking and pierced through his thick skin inside the feet.

Nothing happened... There was nothing but silence in the empty abandoned warehouse. Krev somehow manages to stand up after that fatal blow while Vik was still confused about blood drops.

"Hey, Bishop... Are you still wondering what those blood drops were? Did you think my gift is to heal myself?"

Vik's eyes widened, he was confused by what Krev said.

'Did you think? Was I wrong about his gift? No, I remember seeing the blood going back inside the wound. Now that I remember about healing, the Cardinal told us that it is the power to regenerate. Then what he used wasn't healing.'

On the other hand, Krev saw Vik's surprised face and thought,

'He really thought my gift was healing. Heh, healing is sh*t compared to my lifesteal. Why would you heal another being when you can use it for your sake? Maybe this gift is the result of my greed, welp who cares in the end Vik loses and I win.'

"Well, Bishop Vik why don't you surrender? You already fell into my trap, I know you're psychic type and you don't know what my gift is. So just surrender and give me the position."

"Hehe, brat did you really think that a Tier 6 like me will go down by these cheap tricks?"

"To be honest, Yes."