•He Arrives

Mutant HQ , Secret Lab ±.

In a room filled with big cylindrical structures filled with liquid stood 2 men , one of them wore a white lab coat while the other expensive black suit. The one in the black suit was none other than Vice-president of Mutant Corporation , Farlen.

Farlen looked impatient as he said ,

"How much more time will it take Prof. Derm? You know we can't wait any longer."

Standing before a cylinder filled with blue liquid , Farlen took out a paper from his pocket.

"This is the contract."

Prof. Derm looked at the money with his eyes widened , this was the amount of money Farlen was going to fund his lab if the project is successful. He noticed Prof's eyes and said ,

"See this money , it doesn't mean anything to us. If you want we can provide you even more than this , so can you do something about the duration of this experiment."

"Even with this kind of funding I can get the duration as low as 3-4 years , cause even with money I can't just fast forward important process that take time."

"When is she arriving?"

"Yes Sir regarding that , I just heard from my assistant that she will moved in the facility by tomorrow. Once she's moved in couple of tests will be conducted fo check any abnormalities and then we will inject 'it' in her body."

"Are you sure she's compatible? I don't want to waste my time on a thing that isn't going to be successful in future."

"Yes sir , we searched all over the world for few months and she's the closest to 'her'. We will discipline her 2-3 months after her enlightenment and then send her to HQ."

"Good... I'll keep funding every month , so if there's a need for any kind of equipment feel free to request my P.A."

"Okay sir , thanks for the visit."

'Project 'First' would soon change the whole balance of the world , as a scientist I can't wait to see the changes it brings.'


'Does he think the already fights over? I can just remove those spiky blood things out of my body with mu gift.'

Vik didn't notice it at first but after few tries of searching for the spikes in his body he could find them.

'What the- Where are those spikes!?'

"Are you looking for those drops? Just give up I don't want to kill you , you can't escape now."

'This overconfident piece of sh*t really underestimates me.'

Vik tried his best and all he was able to do was increase the blood loss , currently he had 13-14 small holes in his foot. Seeing Vik trying so hard Krev thought of helping him.

"You want to get my blood out right? Let me help you."

Krev moved his hand and suddenly a stream of blood started gushing out like water from a tap.

'Aaargh Aaaaargh'

The sensation of his blood getting pulled out of his leg didn't felt the best , even with the smashed head Krev still was somehow standing.

'Looks like it's time for a meal.'

He stopped moving his hand and relaxed , taking a deep breath Krev imagined something. He stood alone in a dark abyss covered with nothing but darkness , suddenly out of the darkness came numerous blood drops flying towards.

He opened his eyes and saw those numerous drops from the dark room infront of him. They came aiming for his body , those red drops gave his life a meaning. With the first drop touching my body He felt alive , second one gave him sensation of the pain from the attack before.

Then came third , fourth , fifth and many more making him feel more alive , He could feel the pain and also it going away because of lifesteal.

'Aah this feeling... I finally feel...'


After few seconds he was fully healed with no wound on Krev body. Vik , Liok and Sian who witnessed his gift were left speechless , never in their whole life did they see this kind of display of power.

Vik's both legs were completely drained off , he couldn't stand anymore. Fortunately Krev left him enough blood that he wouldn't die by blood loss , even while struggling for his life Vik wanted to give Liok order.

"L... iok... Atta...ck."

Somehow squeezing those words out of his mouth Vik became unconscious , Liok luckily heard him and took a stance to launch himself. But Krev already anticipated this.

"Don't even try."


"Look down"

Below him was a small pool of blood ready to take him down anytime.

'Thank God I'd enough that time.'

Krev's plan started when the minute Vik gave him the Archbishop offer , with his hand behind he cut his own hand missing his blood vessels. All the blood spilling was out of the Bishop's sight , after spilling enough blood Krev closed his wound and felt a little lightheaded.

While he mocked both of the bishops he controlled his blood and eventually sneaked it under Vik's and Liok's feet without them noticing it.

After wasting the whole night exploring his gift Krev found out that he could control the blood if he focused enough , on the top of that healing himself by others blood was a cheat. Along with controlling he also found out that he could solidify his blood , these were the 2 uses he found. Blood Control and Lifesteal.

'I hope this idiot doesn't attack me , I don't know how much long I can bluff.'

Even with his blood he couldn't penetrate the 6 feet tall , full buffed man standing before.

'He's mostly likely a physical type like that Sian , getting my hardened drops into his body is impossible. He's a bishop for a reason.'

"You can attack me like your partner their and get both of you killed or you can just back off and take your partner to the hospital. He's going to die if you don't treat him so... the choice is upto you."

Krev tried to pressure Liok to back off so that he could also make it alive out of this situation. On the other hand Liok didn't think the same way , he wanted to complete the order Vik gave him.

Just then he remembered something important , Liok reached out to his pocket and found a small earbud.

"Hey didn't you hear me? If you make any kind of mov-"

"Aaaaaaaa , I can't hear anything."

"Hey I know you ca-"

"Ababababa , I can't hear anything."

'Just where did they picked this moron from?'

Liok continued his blabbering until he connected the earbud to a certain frequency , after activating the bud he said ,

"Warehouse on Street 40 , City S."

After hearing those words Krev realised that Liok just told his comrades his location , with all the sinner looking for his head it would've been impossible for him to survive if all of them came here.

'Sh*t , I've to get out of here fast.'

"Too late brat , you're dead this time."

This time it was Liok who said it , just as he said that something feel from above. Like heavy meteor it came piercing through the warehouse's roof , it's landing made the ground shake. The impact made Krev , Liok and Sian fly away , the ground below it was blown away leaving s big hole behind.

"You better have a good reason this time , I hope you haven't called me just to search up a video for you like the last time."

The voice was heard from the hole formed , a man jumped out of it. His couldn't be seen cause of the dust flying around but his big body was enough to intimidate Krev. He was bigger than Liok and looked way more powerful than Liok.

"I'm sorry brother , the last time was my mistake but this time it'll be worth it."

"Hoho... worthy of me? By the way where's Vik? Why can't I hear his voice?"

"Huh? You can't see Vik?"

"Ugh , this f*cking dust is coming in my way. Just wait a minute."

Saying that the mysterious man snapped his fingers to clear the dust away , a blonde man with green eyes could finally be seen. He wore a plain white shirt which was a bit dirty because of the dust , on the back of his shirt was a small logo of his church.


Sian was surprised seeing an Archbishop before him , for a Deacon like him seeing a Archbishop was no less than meeting the God himself. Krev looked at the blonde man and thought ,

'I've seen him somewhere before , those blonde hairs and gre- Ah yes , I remember him... I've to get out of here.'

The man before him killed over 150 mutants when their was small incident in City D , he vividly remembered him cause he saw his face on the news that day.

'He looks older in real life.'

"Brother Seil , Vik is on the verge to die. Please help him."


Seil who was smiling was now worried about Vik , he looked at his legs and saw his stick like feet. All the blood sucked by Krev left his legs with nothing more than bones and muscles.

Seil was enraged seeing his friend in this condition.

"Who did this!?"