•I'll Take Care of Him

His eyes fluttered as he tried to open his eyes , a bright white light shone infront of him. The light made it hard for him to open eyes , but after few seconds his pupils adjusted and the blurry image became clear.

'Huh!? Where am I? Didn't I get my a** kicked by thats Archbishop Seil?'

Krev tried to move but after trying for few seconds he found out that his arms and legs were tied down. Lying on the bed he thought ,

'Just what the hell is happening right now?'

He felt something wet touching on his back , his legs too felt wet.

'Am I sleeping in water?'

In the same building sat Archbishop Seven typing something on her laptop , with a click few names appeared on the screen. It was a video conference between Archbishop , one of tha names suddenly disappeared and instead of the name a man popped up on Seven's screen.

It was Archbishop Seil , his blonde hairs and big body was hard to not notice. For him typing on laptop was hard because of his finger's size.

"Hey guys , I'm currently in City I taking care of some annoying brats."

He moved his laptop to show the pile of bodies behind him , they wore black robes which were uniforms of 'Grave Saints' rival church.

'Crazy as ever , those look like the... Bishop? Yup those definitely are Bishops.'

Seven was already used to Seil's ridiculousness which is why the things he did were nothing unusual for Seven.

"Hello Ladies and Gentlemen , I'm Archbishop Seven currently basing in Sector-30 of City S. Today I am conducting this meeting on the request of Archbishop Seil."

"Hehe yes , I found someone intresting today that might help our church."

One of the names 'Archbishop Denes' started blinking.

"Archbishop Seil I swear if you're just going to waste time with some weak brat I'm not going to stay in this conference."

Seven interrupted and said ,

"Archbishop Denes , I reassure that the time you're going to spend in this meeting will be worth and will help our church a lot."

"If Archbishop Seven says so."

"Right then let's start with the details about the new kid , I looked into his background and it looks like he's one of the kid's who had the 'chips' inserted when he was young."

Archbishop Weren who was quite until now said ,

"So they still exists , huh. "

"Yes Archbishop Weren , I operated on him and extracted the chips. I already used EMP to destroy them when I left the warehouse so my location is still hidden."

"Is he even alive after the extraction? The chips are located in the spine right? So there extraction should be quite complicated."

"It was supposed to be that way... but for this specific case I just had to cut his back open and grab hold of the chip located."

Archbishop Denes was surprised when he heard those words , never in his whole life did he hear of such extraction.

"What!? How is he even alive? Is it his gift- No even with the gift such ridiculous extraction couldn't be performed."

"Allow me to explain."

Saying that she clicked some buttons on her laptop , her fingers slid on the mouse pad. Suddenly the names disappeared and a picture of a boy lying in the some kind of red liquid popped up infront of every Archbishop's screen.

"The kid woke up right after I extracted the chips , his back is currently still cut open and the red liquid you see is his blood. And after running few tests on him I came to the conclusion that... the kind feels no pain."

The whole meeting went silent , nobody spoke a word. That was until Seil started laughing.

"Hahahaha , he did withstand my dark coloured punch."

On the other side of the screen with his mic muted Archbishop Weren was in awe.

'A kid that doesn't feel anything!? Hehe... Isn't that a ideal weapon.'

It was not just Archbishop Weren who thought so , Seil , Denes , Bane , Joil also though the same.

"Before all the Archbishops get too excited , the kid will be under me. I'll take care of him and teach him the ways of Bishop. As an original the limits of his gift are still immeasurable , he was recently enlightened after... after killing him own family."


Nobody decided to comment on that as they had there own broken past.

"The Mutant Corp. knows of his existence which is why they tried to get him on there side by burying the incident with his family. We've to get him in our church before the Corp. tries again , his gift is... it's miraculous to say less. His gift helps him to heal himself up , this maybe one of the reason he doesn't feel pain."

"What Seven is saying is right , when I hit him instead of a soft face I felt like hitting a hard rock. From what I can felt I'm guessing he can also harden his blood , for a newbie he's quite talented."

"But are you sure this isn't going to come biting us in future?"

Archbishop Weren knew that a person with such unique gift could also rebel in future.

"That is why I Archbishop Seven , is going to discipline him. There's not a single to not give him the position of Bishop , he's inexperienced in this Sinners world. But once experience the horrors and the fun of this world he will never be able to leave this world."

'Like myself.'

"I see you've my approval then Archbishop Seven , until he's not under Archbishop Seil I'll approve his recruitment for the position of Bishop. Archbishop Weren Approves."

"Archbishop Denes approves."

"Archbishop Bane..."

Like that all the Archbishops approved his recruitment and the meeting was coming to an end.

"It seems that no one's objecting the decision , hence Krev will be recruited in the position of Bishop."

Archbishop Bane had his doubts which is why he waited till the end of the meeting to ask.

"Archbishop Seven what might be his Tier and Mutation?"

"Ah yes , I completely forgot to inform you his Tier. He is just a Tier 6 and his mutation is... Desired Mutation."

'If I tell them his real Tier , these hungry dogs would start feasting on his bones. Keeping him alive is my first goal now , if he dies because of these dog's greed his existence will be a waste.'

"I see... Desired Mutation explains his unique gift. He uses blood to heal himself huh , similar gift to that of The First One. If Pope hears about it he would certainly be happy."

"Indeed which is why I'll reveal his existence once he's disciplined properly. Also while we are at it , what happened to shipment that was on the way to Mutant Corp. Were you able to get your hands on it Archbishop Seil?"

"I sent some of my mens to get it but... they were able to get away with it. The security was very tight , one of men even died. Well it doesn't matter the Corp. can try all they want."

"But even so you should've tried to get it , if the security was so tight the goods must've been that worthy too."

"Well what can I do now?"

3 years later Seil regretted his words and along with him all the Archbishops regretted that they didn't get Seil to get the shipment.

After the meeting was over Seven closed her laptop and looked at the glass window infront of her , she wore a white lab coat. Through the window she saw Krev who was sleeping in his own blood , the amount of blood was now less and the cut on his back was also healing.

'What a rare find.'


'What do I do?'

He lied on the bed with his neck , legs and his arms tied. Krev was getting bored as he was now awake for more than 10 minutes and the only thing he could do was stare at the white LED light.

"Hey you can hear me right?"

After moving his head around he saw a mirror on his left , he knew that these kind of mirrors were see-through from the other side.

"I know you can watch and hear me from the other side , why not just reveal yourself already?"

'What do you want?'

Suddenly a voice came from the speaker at the bottom corners of room.

"I just want to get out of here."

'That is impossible to do right now.'

"Then... can you help me with something?"


"I want you to help me get out of here."


"Them can you do me a favour?"


"Do me a favour and get me out of her-"


Krev started laughing even though he didn't felt a bit of happiness , Seven who was on the other side of the glass watched him laugh thought.

'He really doesn't feel anything.'


'If you're going to ask to get you out of here then give up.'

"Hey... Can you erase my memories?"