
"Hey... Can you erase my memories?"

The white room that Krev was lying was filled with silence as no voice came from the speaker. Seven on the other side of glass thought ,

'Erasing memory huh , this kid doesn't know anything.'

"Erasing memory you say , why do you want me to do so? With the equipment I've here I can easily erase your memory , hell I don't even need these equipments to do that. My gift will be enough for that."

Krev closed his eyes and said ,

"Wouldn't it be easier for you to manipulate that way? I don't have anything to do now , I've done what I needed to do. So instead of living a life with no goal why don't you just erase my mermory and give me a new goal."

Suddenly the women on the other side started laughing , her voice echoed in the white room.

'Hah , if erasing my memory is not an option then...'

"Just kill me."

Seven let out a sigh and thought ,

'Hah , another one.'

"Hey kid let me tell you the consequences of memory erasing , first of all tell me what drives a person crazy?"

It was a simple question with many possible answers , but as a boy aiming to become a doctor at Corp. Krev and as a medical expert for Grave Saints. Seven and Krev thought of the same answer.


"Look at that... You're bright kid aren't you."

'The documents said he was preparing for the med exams , I wonder why he suddenly decided to kill his own family. Hah , kids these days.'

"That's right curiosity has the power to drive a person crazy , that's one of the consequences of mermory erasure. If you become curious about your past , that might be too much for your brain."

"And... you look educated so you must know the disadvantage that we mutants come with , our weak brain can't take toll like that. Are you sure you want to still proceed."

With gifts came there penalties , mutants had superior genes which gave them gifts but to handle these gift and grow these gifts the brain becomes an important part. Controlling the body while controlling gift tired the brain pretty quick , this is one of the reasons why mutants sleep a little longer than normal humans.

This extra sleep allowed there brain to rest more inorder to get ready for the next day , the extra sleep was an exception for few special existences.


Krev felt tired , right after killing his family he didn't get a blink of sleep. He used his gift to deal with the small gang and right after that faced a Bishop , for a mutant it was hard to stay awake for 24 hours.

"How... many hou... rs have I been sleeping?"

"Oh , the penalty's kicking in now. You were taken about 2 hours ago , you must be quite tired to sleep in this kind of situation."

Krev eyelids started becoming heavier as time went by.

"I do... n't want to sle... ep."

'Please , I don't want to go through those nightmares again. I don't want to wake up in that room... in that house. Please wake me up.'

Even though he wanted to say this his body which was his strength didn't allow him and hence Krev fell in a deep sleep. It was time for him to pay for what he did to his family , every second he rested made him regret more.

While Krev struggled to keep himself awake Seven called one of her trusted person to talk about Krev.

"Good Afternoon , Archbishop Seven. How may I help you?"

The person on the other side of the call was a young man with deep voice , his position was definitely below Seven as he talked respectfully with her.

"Hello Gray , the meeting just ended so I wanted to let you know about the new Bishop who just joined the church. Your faction will be under his command , Bishop Krev will be commanding the 'Assassin Faction'."

"As you wish"

Assassin Faction was one of the worse faction that Seven could've assigned Krev to , as person who was dedicated to not kill any more people Krev just wanted to survive as a sinner. The weight of 3 murders he did was enough to give him nightmares , which is why he didn't want to increase weight any further.

For a church 'Assassin's Faction' played a big role , clearing the enemy church's bases , killing bigshots , sometimes they even played the important role of ending the church wars. Each country had there own Sinner's Church for Country Cere it was 'Grave Saints' , but sometimes in search of greater power church's tried to invade other church's country. Hence leading to the Church War.

"He's new to the Sinner's world so teach him our way."

"A newbie has been appointed as our Leader? Archbishop Seven how can a newbie even be given a position like Bishop?"

"What orders did I just gave you?"


"Teach him our ways."

"Just follow them for now I'll tell you what happened once I bring him at the base."



With that the call with Gray ended , Seven who now had free time walked in the room filled with medical equipments. The boy laid in the bed was in a deep sleep , his hands and legs were shaking as if he was having some kind of nightmare.

'Nightmares , huh?'

"I hope he grows well in the Assassin's Faction."


'It's been a month since then huh...' (Refer to chapter 6 'The Wrecker')

On his way to the bar nearby Krev thought to himself ,

'Ah yes , isn't today the result of the med exams? I wonder how much my friends scored.'

The recruitment test of Mutant Corp. was today , in the month of April he was enlightened and now it was May. In the hot night he walked towards 'Carbon' , a well-known bar in Sector-30.

'Lets have my first drink.'

Right before entering the bar he took his jacket off and wore a small red & black coloured pin on his black shirt. Stuffing the jacket in a school bag he walked into the bar.


The bell above the door rang as Krev entered the bar , the owner was sharp and noticed the special pin he wore. Krev chose one of the empty table and sat with the bag on the other empty seat.

Seeing a new customer enter the waitress walked towards Krev's table and said ,

"How may I help you?"

"I would I like a... a f-fluffy whiskey."

The waitress tried her best to hold back her laugh after hearing his order , the old man who was the owner of the bar suddenly tapped on the waitresses shoulder.

"Mary , go help the girls on table F. I'll take care of this table."

"Okay boss."

Saying that she left Krev and the owner alone.

"So you're the new Bishop , eh?"

Krev didn't reply and just picked his bag up.

"Not a talkative one , I see. Follow me."

The owner was one of the sinner who was affiliated with 'Grave Saints' , for the members who were atleast a Priest the special facility of bar was provided. Below Carbon was the special bar which was provided by the church , it was nothing special but it provided private space and helped the members meet and drink with each other.

In this bar unlike the normal bar chats of killing people was normal , friends were made , deals were cracked and parties took place. Inshort this underground bar was heaven for sinners.

"Hey how long do I have to walk? I just wanted to get a drink."

"Be patient kid , I don't like escorting a young boy too. I'm doing this cause Seven have instructed me to do , I've to do this to all the members that come. Now move your a** and follow."

The door behind the counter opened leading to the warehouse where all the drinks were stored. Multiple refrigerator could be seen , the old man took Krev infront of one of the refrigerator and opened it's door.

It was empty , no drink was stored in there.

'So this the gate to the special bar those Priests talk about.'

"Go in there , it's your first time isn't it?"



The old man let a huge sigh out and pressed the back of the refrigerator 2 times , the back popped open leading to a bigger room. It was a room with metallic wall , stepping the room Krev looked around.

"This will take you the bar , if you've any problems with the bar... Don't bother me."

Saying that the old man left with the refrigerator door closing behind him.

'Is this a spy movie or something?'

The lift started moving down , Krev stayed calm as ever. Few seconds passed and the lift still kept moving , suddenly with a low sound the lift stopped indicating that it reached the bar.


Making that sound the door opened introducing Krev to the underground bar.

"Welcome to Carbon , Bishop Krev."