•Let Them Out

I was trapped.


"Hahahaha , since when did my rivals started hiring assassin's that aren't even a mutant."

Serin who acted scared was now completely fine and was confident as always , meanwhile Krev remembered how she fixed her dislocated shoulder.

'A psychic mutant? No , even a physical type can do such thing. I've to be careful around her.'

"Are you thinking about what type of mutant I am?"

'His eyes are really scary.'


The lamp nearby started shaking.

"I can-"

"Why would I worry which type of mutant you're?"


"Cause in the end you're weaker than me."

'So she's a psychic , huh. Well this shouldn't be that hard.'

Brushing his hands against each other he thought,

'Let's see how good psychic mutant she is.'

Pointing his left index finger in between her eyes he started increasing the speed of blood flowing in his left hand.

'Bdump... Bdump... Bdump Bdump Bdump'

His heartbeat got faster as a result of increasing the speed, at the tip of his reddened hand a pointy needle shot out. Making no sound the bloody needle hit Serin's forehead , the lamp which was shaking was now stable.

After few seconds Serin noticed the changes.

'W-Why can't I use my gift!? He didn't even move from his place. Is he a mutant too?'

Realising that she tried to retreat and create more distance between the two of them. But just as she tried to get up her legs didn't respond , unable to move them she fell on the ground.

"Hah , if you can't even protect yourself then don't be a psychic mutant. You were dumb enough to leave yourself open , did the Corp. not teach you anything?"

Every type of mutant had a weakness , physical type of mutants were bad at long-ranged fights , while psychic were easy to deal with in a close combat. The two types were effective against each other and when it came to which type will win , it all depended on how they developed their gifts.

If the physicals trained hard enough to lessen the distance and get the psychics in close combat they would win. And if the psychics trained enough and protect themselves with a barrier in a close combat they would win.

This is one of the reason why desired one's were feared , unlike these two typical types they were different. They brought new gifts in this world some were one-of-a-kind while others were already discovered but still very powerful.

"H-How? What did you do?"

Krev didn't reply to her question and called Gray.

"Are you still up?"

"I see , then come to room G23."

"Ok , I'll wait. Also there are 6 Grade-4 bodyguards near door..."

'How does he know what Grade my bodyguards were? He has to be some kind of professional , but who could send a Sinner-'

Just then Serin remembered the talk she had with her father , it was related to the bases that Corp. destroyed few days ago.

'Ah , I'm going to die , aren't I?'

"...kill them they've already seen my face."


Turning his attention to Serin Krev said ,

"Come on , let them out already."

Serin lied on the ground while Krev sat infront of her on the chair , browsing through his jacket's pocket he found a chewing gum. While he ate the chewing gum Serin still couldn't believe she was going to die in few minutes.

"You know , if you give some good info on Mutant Corp. I'll leave you alone."


'When a living being is on the verge to die they'll grab onto any hope of surviving , is it really that easy? I should've tried to get some answers out of my parents too. Welp.'

"Well then would you like to speak of them? Or do I have to use the methods I used last time? It'll be a lot worse with my gift."

"I'll tell you anything you want , but before that... Promise me that your 'partner' who is on his way here will also not kill me."

Running his hands through his hairs Krev said ,

"Sure , I'll make sure he doesn't kill you. So tell me how did you obtain this gift?"



The chewing gum he inflated popped making Serin flinch.

"Few months back , I-I didn't enlighten so I decided to forcefully enlighten myself , my father's buisness was doing good so he supported my decision and talked with some professionals from the Corp. My father wasn't interested a bit in what Corp. did but for me he used the money he struggled for and bought few shares in the Corp."

"That was as a payment for getting me enlightened , on the day of my enlightenment I was taken to a facility near the main HQ of Mutant Corp. They gave me some kind of drug and when I woke up I had acquired my gift. My family isn't like other rich familes , my father and mother both worked hard and got to-"

Cutting in on her story Krev said ,

"You work for the Corp. right?"

Serin nodded.

"Tell me about the new shipment that arrived last month."


"Don't waste my- Oh looks like the dose is kicking in. Well that's all the time I had , my 'partner' will take care of the rest."

Krev leaned near her left ear and whispered something before he got up from the chair and opened the door.

'Wait , why can't I speak anymore? Where are you going? What do you mean by my partner will take care?'

Infront of Krev stood Gray with some blood stains on his shirt , with the jacket over his shoulder he entered the room.

"You done?"

"Kill her as painlessly as possible."

With that Krev left the room , on his way out he saw 6 bodies covered in blood.

"Huh , why am I the one called cold-blooded?"


When I was 20 , I wondered how lovely it would be to create your own family. With a husband that loved me , with kids I could live for. In a big house I would watch them grow up , with the arms of my husband wrapped around my waist we would watch our kid walk first time.

Looking at them he would tell me the similarities between us and our kids , dropping our kids to their kindergarten together , taking care of them when they catch fever , seeing them graduate and enter the adulthood.

We grow older and then see our kids starting their own families , we would play with our grandchildren. And with him and my kids besides me I would take my last breaths , I always thought how lovely it would be...

That was until the reality kicked in and I realised that it was all a dream.


My lips started shaking as I looked the back of the 6ft man leaving the room. I could barely hear the conversation between them that lasted not more than 5 seconds.

'Why me?'

While lying on the floor helplessly I questioned myself.

'I never did anything bad...'

Our company was one of the most trusted company out there , we never did anything to betray our customer's trust. My father believed in karma which was why we donated large amount of money in charities , all I did were good deeds.

'So why me?'

My whole body was paralyzed , with my shaking hand I tried to reach for my stomach.

'Ah , I can't be a mother...'

Tears started welling up in my eyes , the fact that I couldn't make my dream come true anymore hurt.

"Aww , look at the state you're in. Bishop Krev is really cold."

The person that man spoke to entered the room , he walked towards me and kneeled down to talk with me.

"Yoohoo~ are you already dead? Wait! It's Bishop Krev we are talking about of course you're alive."

Taking a lighter out of his pocket he lit his cigarette up.

"Fuu. Let's get started , I'll make it as fast as possible."

'No , I don't want to die. I did everything I could to be a good daughter , my future also looked bright. So why me?'

Why me? That was all I could think of in this moment , he held the cigarette between his lips and made a fist.

'Why me... Why me... Why me Why me.'

His fist started changing.

'Why me Why me Why me Why me Why me'

And then with his fist aiming for my head I thought ,

'Just... what did I do to deserve this? I-'

In my dying moments I remembered the words that he whispered in my ears. His face was stoic , his voice was emotionless. Yet his eyes contained more pain than anyone else , the only thing that seemed normal about him was his warm breath as he said ,

"Nobody deserves to die... and yet they do."

'Right... I never did deserved to die.'