•Her Side ¹

I survived... I survived through everything they did. Whether it be dangerous lasers , painful shocks or numerous needles inserted in my body , I survived.

Inside the blue liquid I couldn't live a life , I was their property and nothing else. They used me however they wanted , but even while they were experimenting on me I could see how they cared for me.

My goal? It was to survive and on one fateful day after surviving the hell for years I was taken out from the tube. The liquid I was floating in started going down , the mask I wore was taken off , the numerous needles were ripped off my skin.

And I was free.

"Hahahaha , what do you think about her? Great, isn't she?"

With no power in my legs I fell on the white floor , my naked body could finally everything around me. Inside the tube only the warm liquid surrounded me , but now I was shaking after feeling this cold floor.

The blue liquid started coming out of my ears making my ears clean enough that I could hear everything nearby , the laugh of a person echoed in my sensitive ear. Lying on the floor I covered my ears to protect my ears , my slippery body was covered with red spots left by the needles.

"Ha- s- fi- h-"

I couldn't hear anything clearly , suddenly I could feel someone's hand on both of my shoulder. In the next moment I was covered in clothes , lifting me up the man infront of me wearing the white lab coat scanned me with his eyes.

He took few minutes walking around me , looking at me from different angles.

"It's perfect."

The person besides the man in lab coat who was wearing a black suit used his right hand to pick something , even with my eyes still blurry I could see that the man wearing black suit only had one hand.

His left sleeve looked empty , I could hear the sound of his shoes as he walked towards me. As he lessened the distance between him and me I could see what he held in his hand , a sharp object.


That was the first word I spoke after getting out that tube. That night when I looked at the empty sky I thought ,

'This is the worst day of my life...'

But I was wrong... the real hell was just starting.