•Akuma Art

I always wonder why I was a desired one , there's nothing I desire anymore.


No one knows how the fight started , different ancient scripts tell different reasons. The Tenshi Clan blamed Akuma Clan while the Akuma Clan blamed Tenshi Clan. After 2000 years of fighting against each other , they never reached the end of their conflict.

Total of 20 wars took place and most of them ended in a draw with few resulting in Akuma Clan's victory. Because of these couple of victories they could take control of few states of Tenshi Clan.

It was said that the upcoming 21st war would be the last war , this final war would decide the future of the continent. Nobody could predict the winner , although Tenshi was less in number the talented individuals of the clan were good enough to make up for the numbers.

Both the clan performed martial arts , Akuma Clan had the 'Akuma Art' while the Tenshi Clan had the 'Tenshi Blessing'.

"Akuma Art and Tenshi Blessing weren't just created in a day or month or a year. It's still being created. I don't know how much these techniques have progressed in the last 15 years , if they didn't progress even a bit you might see the full potential of Akuma Art , Migil."


"Ara , when did you get on your knees?"

Krev didn't stay on his knees and quickly stood up making Akuma take his leg off the shoulder. Akuma turned to his right and looked at the mirror.

"Hey Seven , I'm going to use Akuma Art. Just the hand-to-hand techniques , the kid is taking my punches with ease. It makes me feel weak."

. . .

Nothing could be heard in the room but for some reason Akuma heard something and replied ,

"Ok , it's not like I've got another options."

On the other side Migil was yet again surprised by Akuma's actions.

"How could Archbishop Akuma have heard you? No sound passes through this side of the glass."

"The important part is that he heard , he won't have unfair fight with Krev."

Krev took his blood covered shirt off and peeled the blood out of it , while doing so his body was revealed. Krev couldn't hear it but Seven whistled the moment he took his shirt off. He then wore the shirt again.

"Let's go for a 2nd round then? 1st round goes to me by the way."

Akuma streched his legs and did a short warm up before resuming the fight , in between he sneaked a look at Krev who looking at his trench coat lying on the floor.

His lips were shaking , the words couldn't leave his mouth until he screamed them out.

"My earphones!!!"


It was unfortunate accident in which his earphones passed away. With his whole body filled with rage Krev walked up to Akuma and said ,

"Buy me new earphones."


Akuma seemed confused by what Krev meant , although he spent more than a decade in Trez he didn't knew much about electronic gadgets.

'Ear what? Anyways he must be pissed because of them , I can feel his whole body vibrating.'

To spice things up Akuma replied ,

"I ain't buying you sh*t."

'A low kick'

Predicting Krev's next Akuma tried to dodge but was unable to do so , this resulted in Akuma taking a strong kick on his right leg.

After taking the kick Akuma backed off and created some distance , it wasn't cause Akuma was slow. The reason Akuma took a hit was because Krev outsmarted him.

He sensed some kind of liquid on the bottom of the shoe after touching it Akuma was able to understand what happened. Instead of being annoyed or angered by Krev's kick Akuma started laughing loudly.

"Zahahaha! Seven this is unfair."


Akuma didn't say anything further and removed his black sunglasses , he threw them on Krev's trench coat.

"Son of a b*tch. Is he planning to really kill him?"

After cracking his knuckles Akuma disappeared out of Krev's sight. Krev didn't just stand like stone and looked around to find where he was. Suddenly he felt something touching his abdomen , Krev looked down to see what it was.


Akuma had his finger touching Krev's abdomen , in an instance the finger turned into a punch.

"Looks like you were able to cover your abdomen in time."

Fortunately Krev was able to get his blood shield in time leaving him alive.


"Doesn't matter though , that's going to hurt."

When he saw the blood spilling out of Krev's mouth words of Akuma's father rang in his ears.

'When using Akuma Art there is no opponent , there's only an enemy.'

'Shut up and let me enjoy it.'

From there on Akuma dominated the fight , his swift movements made it impossible for Krev to hit.


That was the correct way to describe the fight , Krev used every move he had but never landed any hit after the low kick.

"Please... I surren... der."

The fight lasted 1 hour 37 minutes , with Krev being completely knocked out on the floor Akuma easily won the fight. He stood infront of Krev's body and said ,

"You're my doll now."

On the other side of the glass Seven was calmly watching all this unfold. She sat there for 1 hour and 37 minutes to see the whole fight between Krev and Akuma with popcorn.

"Archbishop Akuma's physical gift os truly terrifying , I always thought Gray's physical gift was too powerful. But after seeing a blind man like Archbishop Akuma beat Bishop Krev , I'm convinced that he's the most powerful physic gift mutant I've ever met."

Seven put the last popcorn in her mouth and tossed the bag away while replying to Migil.

"You might wanna think twice about that one , considering you haven't met Seil yet I think Gray should be above Akuma in physical gift category. Actually Akuma shouldn't even be in the category since he isn't even a physical mutant."


"Akuma is a psychic mutant."

The door opened and Akuma came out of the training room. After changing from training shoes to his sandals , Akuma stood infront of Seven said ,

"He should know what fear is after he wakes up."

"He's already making progress with you , huh?"

'One of the things that I couldn't do was to be a threat to Krev. I simply didn't have the enough power to make him feel the fear.'

"I'm going now."

'Fear that he might die.'

"Okay thanks for taking him under you."

'After making it alive out of all the life threatening fight , Krev must've felt invincible.'

"Thank you , Akuma."

'This is right , this is how it should be.'


"Tch! What does she mean by 'Quit already'? It's not like I'm doing this for her."

On his way to home Gray decided to go to the bar nearby , he looked annoyed because of what Seven said.

"I'm so pissed today. Excuse me , get me a refill here."

He moved his head to the pop music being played at the bar while taking the sip of the beer he ordered.

"What happened? Did you have a fight with your girlfriend or something?"

The bartender tried to start a conversation seeing how wasted Gray was.

"It was my mom. Suddenly she's caring for me."

"Isn't that good? Another refill?"

"Yes please. That's unlike her. Wait cancel the refill I'm going now , put that on my tab."

Saying that Gray left the bar and was never seen in that bar again.

"1 Booba. 2 Booba. 3 Booba. 4 Booba. 5 Booba. Okay , I'm sober."

Right after got out of the bar he heard some voices coming from the alleyway besides the bar. Curious of what was going on Gray hid behind the wall and looked at three men standing surrounding a girl.

The girl neither screamed nor fought back and let the those three men touch her , Gray felt a little bad for the girl which is why he went ahead to save the girl.

"Hey , you three. That's not cool , leave the girl alone."

Maybe it was the beer or maybe it was cause Gray was kind , it was probably the beer that made him do this.

"Go away brat , we aren't r*ping her. We've her consent , don't we?"

One of the three men spoke up and resolved Gray's doubt.

"Yes , they've my consent."

There was no fear in her whatsoever , she was completely calm in this situation. Even Gray was surprised by how calm the girl was , to confirm Gray asked again.

"Are you sure? If they've anything against you just tell me , I've got connections that can help you."

The girl shook her head maintaining her blank face and said ,

"They aren't forcing me."

Gray made fists and felt more enraged than before.

"Then why are you doing this?"

Her expressionless face finally broke and a smile appeared on her face.

"What do you mean by 'why'?"


"It's all for the pleasure , nothing is more pleasurable than getting your brains f*cked out of you."