•Her Side⁴


I couldn't stop scratching my itchy skin , my mind was completely blank. The room looked unfamiliar , the people around me looked unfamiliar. The man with one hand claimed to be my father.

'What is going on here? Who are these people?'


Suddenly my head started aching , the intense pain made me scratch my skin even harder. Blood started gushing out of the scratch marks , the pain was unexplainable.

While going through this hell I tried to open my eyes to see whether the person who announced himself as my father.

'So you aren't my real father huh.'

The man just stood there while I struggled with ny head ache , even the nurse standing besides him looked more concerned than him.

"Professor the girl is unstable."

The man in lab coat standing on the far right replied ,

"Reset her again."

"But Professor normal mutant can't take that level of rewrite more than once."

"She isn't 'any mutant'. Just do it."

'What am I? When did I became a mutant?'

The head ache got even worse when I tried to think about my past.

"Argh! Argh! Stop!!!"

It was unbearable , holding my head between my two hands I screamed and let all the pain I felt out.

"Do it already."

Those were the last words I heard from them.


"Uh , my head hurts."

I opened my eyes in an unknown room , it smelled hospital-like. Clean from top to bottom.

'Not a single insect?! Unlike the place I used to live in-'


Suddenly my head started hurting. Hearing my loud scream a nurse wearing a mask opened the door infront of me and came to rescue. For some reason I felt like I've seen a petite figure like hers before.

She walked up to me and applied some kind of cream on my forehead. The place where she applied the cream felt cold. Right after that she took a sharp tool in her hand and made a cut above my eyebrows.


"Oh! I forgot the gas."

'Gas? What gas?'


In the next few seconds the room was covered in some kind of white fog. My eyelashes became heavy , my breathing stabilised and I fell asleep.


"After multiple times of rewiring we've finally acquire it. Ladies & Gentlemen , I present to you the 'perfect body'."

The man wearing a white coat pressed the red button infront of him revealing a 19 year old girl sitting on the bed with no power in her body whatsoever.

There was only one way to describe the girl.


"Abaa. Awawaa."

She knew no language.

She tried to get up from the bed couldn't , not giving up she again tried to get up.


This time she fell on the ground and banged her head on the table nearby. Red blood started dripping from her forehead , but not for too long.

Although the man said she was perfect there was nothing perfect about her.

The man in white coat got everyone's attention and said ,

"After this new progress , we've decided to scrap the old plan and came up with a better plan with bigger goal."

He took out a remote out of his pocket and turned on the presentation he prepared.

"Let's begin the first phase."