Chapter 3 My New HOME! (><)

The next morning, I woke up feeling like a million bucks. I went to roll over off of my bed. But I found the task really hard! I rolled and rolled. I just could not seem to find the side of the bed. I must have had more to drink than I thought. I changed my method. If I could not roll off then I would crawl off the end. So, I flipped the covers back and started crawling. But as soon as I did I stopped dead in my tracks.

You see my bed had a quilted blanket with embroidered bunches of rose's all over. This blanket was red and silken. As well as the sheets. I had lights in my room that were connected to a clapper. I just knew I was hallucinating. I clapped and the lights in the room did come on. But it was not my room. The ceiling was two stories up. You could see the wooden rafters up there. The bed I was in filled this whole end of this gigantic room. It was like having three king sized beds next to each other. The bed literally went from one wall to the other. At the foot of the bed was a couch and across from it was a huge, maybe, eighty five inch tv. Next to the tv on the left was a door that clearly went to a bathroom. The other door went to a staircase.

As I was trying to take everything in, I began having a panic attack. This has to be one of those dreams within a dream. I pulled the blankets up to my chin. Then I remembered the whole reason I needed to get up was to go to the bathroom. I was praying that this was not a pee your bed dream. But I forced myself to run into the bathroom.

The bathroom, I must say, was gorgeous! Just inside the bathroom door was the toilet on the right hand side. Next to that was a big jacuzzi tub. Across from both of those was a huge, square, walk in shower. This had the square shower head that hung in the middle. It was truly like showering in a waterfall. The glass doors on it though were completely clear glass. Anyway, next to this was a long two sink vanity with a black marble counter top. Behind which was a huge mirror. Then the wall between the vanity and the door was a huge piece of mirror. Someone clearly liked to see themselves in the mirror. The lighting in here was amazing as well. The floor had a dark green carpet that was so soft it felt like walking on air.

When I came back out of the bathroom I was feeling a little less panicked. I honestly thought if I crawled back in bed and went back to sleep, everything would go back to normal. Well, you guessed it, I was wrong. When I woke back up again and clapped, the lights still worked amazingly well. I was still in the awe inducing room.

There was however something different this time. I could see a shadow descending the stair case. It was clearly a man. He was humming in a lower voice that resonated through my body. Really, I rather was enjoying it. That is, however, until the man stopped at the bottom of the stair case. The man was wearing a leather looking sleave-less shirt that was skin tight. With the Aries ram-head symbol on his left shoulder. A thick silver belt with the Aries symbol as the belt buckle. Painted on black leathery blue jeans. Then last but not least black boots. The whole ensemble looking amazing and showing every muscle possible.

He leaned against the door frame and staired at me. In a deep husky voice, he asked me, "How do you like your new digs?"

I stared at him in amazement! I recognized him! It was the same guy from the club last night. Someone must have spiked my dream. Everything last night must have been from whatever drug he used on me. I don't think we did anything last night. But if we did it was all this pervert was going to get. I was pissed! I have never woken up in someone else's apartment like this before!

I was sitting up in the bed at this point but I pulled the bedding up closer around my frame. All of a sudden I felt very shy. You see I am not a fat person. Nor am I skinny. I have curves. But I do not like showing off what little I do have. I knew the outfit I had on was very form fitting. There was no way I was moving!

He stepped a few feet closer. It was almost like he was approaching a wounded animal. "I know this might be pretty alarming. I want you to know, you might think you are dreaming. But please believe me when I tell you, you are not!"

He stepped a little closer. "I heard your thoughts yesterday. You hoped I would not pick you. You did not know that I had already picked you the other night in the club. You astounded me!" Okay, at that my eyes became the size of saucers! What have I gotten myself into?!

Now he was stepping closer with every sentence. "It is hard to tell from one night I know. But I really want to give this a shot. We will go at your pace. We will have a ceremony to celebrate the marriage after the five year mark."

He was now to the couch at the end of the bed. He slowly climbed up and towards me as he continued talking. "Gods do love and marriage a little differently than humans. I met you, then picked you, out of a line up my mother picked. She picked bathrooms to make both of us uncomfortable. Also, she picked the shower for the same purpose. She wanted me to pick you out based on your voice and your silhouette alone. I amazed her when I picked you out with ease."

Now he was directly in front of me. His power of persuasion overwhelming me. "I can't explain it. But I knew it was you. Just as I knew your girlfriend was Aphrodite. I know you did not know that either. She has had a better upbringing now. I think she will be a better person for it. Plus, her and Hephaestus actually look at each other like a couple in love. She does not even know. When we come back as a married couple Hephaestus will tell her."

He sat down next to me with his arm around me. "How do you feel?" I sat there unable to answer. He crooked his finger under my chin and helped me to look up at him. I was shaking like a leaf!

He sweetly kissed my forehead, both of my eyes, my nose, both of my cheeks, and then finally he said, "Are you okay with this? I have wanted to do this since I first tapped your shoulder in the club." I blinked, and shook my head not knowing any other answer.

He gently leaned me back onto the bed, and gave me the fire and brimstone kiss. I was melted from my very core. There was not much talking taking place at this point. His lips were on fire. He traced kisses down from my mouth to my neck. He slowly pulled the straps of my night gown down to expose my shoulders. He kissed across my shoulders making a Z-shape. Going down the valley between my breasts. He come back up with an extreme look of passion.

He smiled at me. "Sweetheart, would you like me to continue."

My thoughts were fog in that moment and all I could do was moan out, "YES!"

He quickly tore off his shirt throwing it out of his way. His muscles rippled under the release. I could not help it. It was a natural reaction for me to reach up and trace each muscle. He through his head back and growled as I traced. That was something new to me. I giggled and traced some more. But I had gotten his attention.

He pulled his head forward, "Woman, what are you giggling at?"

I did not know what to say, "I have never heard a man growl like a bear before. Not just from me tracing his muscles. It tickled me."

He grabbed both my hands. "I am glad I tickled you. Now just you wait. I am going to take this slow. I am going to make you giggle from pure pleasure. Make sure you let me know what you like. You may have to get loud to be heard over me. Noisy love making, makes for so much more fun."

He put my hands on his chest as I nodded. Then he pulled out a pocket knife from his back pocket. Before I even had time to react, he had grabbed the bottom hem of my gown and slit it all the way up. I had no underwear on. I quickly crossed my arms. This was just to sudden!

He giggled, "I bet this is your first time. Maybe not in general, but with a real man. I promise I will be gentle. Your night gown was just in my way. Here," he took his knife and slit his pants down both sides and ripped them off. He was now completely naked. WOW! He grinned, "This is all for you my love. Enjoy the look. Enjoy the feel. You are allowed to touch where ever, do whatever, have whatever you want from me. I am yours and only yours!"

The truth and honesty that resounded in his words hit me like a brick wall. He was being truthful! He gave me a moment. My mind was still in reset mode. Apparently though he could not wait long. After a minute or two he took my hand and placed it on his manhood. He began making me stroke it slowly.

He growled again and tilted his head back, "So, good!"

When he brought his head back, I was blushing! I had been with guys before. But only intense making out. This was a whole new world for me, and he knew it. He placed a hand on the side of my face and leaned in kissing me. He let go of my hand and trailed kisses down between my breasts again. This time though, he gently pulled the fabric to the side with his teeth. He circled my breast with kisses. Then instead of taking it, he switched to the other breast doing the same. As he did this he kneaded and pinched my opposite nipple.

Once he had me breathing hard he switched again but this time he sucked my nipple straight into his mouth. He nibbled softly and licked, as he kneaded the other nipple. Then he switched again. But this time his hand did not knead. No! This time his hand slowly made its way down my side. Every time I let out a giggle he would suck an play ever so lightly harder, bringing me out of my laughter. He would giggle then but kept up the action.

As his hand made it to my hip's, he again gently pulled the fabric out of his way. His hand slowly trailed across the crease of my hip and leg. Then he went straight to my core. When he got there, he played till I thought I was going to squeal. As soon as I arched my back slightly in an attempt not to lose it, he plunged one big fat finger into my secret spot. I lost it! I was feeling so good!

He gave me a moment to come down from my high. Then he giggled, "Honey we are not through. I have a whole night planned for you, and possibly then some."

I looked at him shocked. This is all any guy ever wanted from me normally. A hand job till they were done, then they might do this till I was done. But there was going to be more! I wanted to go clean up. I knew I was sticky. I went to roll to get off of the bed.

He started rubbing me again! "Sweetheart, we have a long way to go. I, as you have felt, am not a small man. We have to prepare you. But this is just the fun start up. When we get to the good stuff you will be calling my name."

My brain did not even try answering back. I was already feeling the build up again. This time though when I was right on the edge he stopped. I wined! He smiled and started trailing kisses down my stomach. He licked my belly button. That caused goose bumps! Then he found my woman hood. He put my legs over his shoulders.

He licked his finger he had in me a moment ago. "Awe, honey! Honey from my secret honey pot will be the best." He leaned in and took a small taste. I had a shiver run from my head to my toes it felt so good. "Forgive me my sweet new bride. But I must indulge myself for just a moment."

I never answered. His tongue plunged in my secret spot. It sent me over the edge. I was shivering. I apologized I never meant to do that on his face! I could not control myself. I tried to wiggle away, I made up my mind that that was far enough for today. But he had me locked in place.

He looked up into my face and grabbed one of my nipples kneading it again. "Do not apologize! You did what I wanted you to do. Now let's do that again. This time will be more intense I promise."

He plunged in his tongue again. I swear it went in deeper than his fingers ever did. I squealed! He cried out, "Yes! Tell me how it feels." He kept sucking and plunging his tongue in deeper and deeper.

I cried out, "Aries I can't take it!"

He put his other hand up and was now kneading both breasts at the same time. He pulled, pinched, and played in time with action down stairs. There was no holding back. I had another intense orgasm. He let me lay there breathing for only a minute or two. Then he brought his hand back down. He plunged his finger in my secret spot and ravaged my clit. I arched my back as he plunged in another finger. He was pulling and stretching my secret spot so much. It felt so good, I did not want this to stop.

When he put in the third finger I exploded! However, he did not give me a break this time. He kept going. I noticed in the corner of my eye, as he played with me, he was playing with himself too. His manhood was getting so big! I was worried it would not fit!

He noticed my trepidation. I don't know what triggered him! But he stopped everything. "I do not mean to scare you! I promise you won't even notice it in a moment. I need to do a better job at distracting you don't I."

He started pounding me downstairs with his fingers, and began stimulating my clit with his thumb. He leaned in and took my light moans in his mouth. BOY, was he a good kisser. Then he began kneading my breast again. When he had me moaning loudly again he took my nipple in his mouth. He plunged his fingers in hard and I nearly screamed with pleasure!

As he let my body lay down and relax for a moment, he got up between my legs on his knees. He positioned his manhood at my secret entrance. Then he painstakingly began to enter me. He held me still as he pushed in a little and pulled out. Then he would push in a little further and pull out. It felt so good I was almost in tears. Then he reached my virginity!

As he reached my virginity he put pressure on it and held for a moment. "Honey, I know how this feels. Please bear with me. Once I am through it will hurt for a moment. But then it will feel so good. I promise." He pulled out, and pushed back in slowly. "That's it sweetheart, relax for me. You are so tight! Here is the wall, just a little bit more. I am pushing, just, a little, bit ....."

I felt it when he took my virginity. It felt like a pressure release. It did not hurt. I know for other women it does though. I think he had prepared me perfectly. That is the only explanation I can come up with.

He held it there for just a moment. "Did it hurt? I am sorry if it did. Now all you will feel should be pleasure. I have to hold here for just a moment. Your body needs to adjust to my girth."

I smiled and spoke out of breath, "No, it did not hurt. Thank you for thinking of me."

When he started moving again I will admit I was a little sore but it went away quickly. Soon after he was plunging his entire manhood into my secret spot. Time after time after time. He took me to the edge and over so many times I lost count. He insisted on going slow. After every orgasm he would wait a few seconds and start pumping again. If it were even possible I felt him grow as he went. When he was nearing the edge, he was entering and exiting my womb. I could feel the head on his manhood expand. It began feeling like he had a balloon at the end that he was blowing up. He got so big he could not pull out any more. He was putting so much pressure on my g-spot I was screaming his name in ecstasy. I came causing him to cum. We both grunted out in such pleasure, that it felt surreal.