Chapter 4 God of war!

My first time with him was mind blowing amazing. He fired up every sense I had and exploded them with feelings. My silken night gown made it for only about the first ten minutes. After that we were skin to skin. I do not know how long we were together in our intimate embrace. But I do know it was more than an hour, with more orgasms than I thought was humanly possible. I do mean that on both sides, with barely any time in between.

When we were done, we were both completely covered in sweat and utterly drained. Not a word was spoken we laid there just holding each other. After a while I had to give notice to my body's needs though. My throat was dry as though I had been screaming out his name all day. In a way, I suppose I was. But I did not want to think about that at the moment. That was too embarrassing. He had no room to talk either.

After a while of us laying there he got up and went to the bathroom. That is when it hit me, WHAT HAVE I JUST DONE! I looked around the room and found my silken gown on the floor. It was going to do me no good. It was in two pieces. I could not wrap myself in the sheets. They were just too big. Oh! What do I do? I have never had a one night stand before. I do not even remember how I got here!

Aries came walking out of the bathroom with a huge grin on his face. "Honey, there are clothes for you in the closet and in the dresser over there. Please feel free to try them on. Pick what you like and burn the rest. Sorry I tore you favorite night gown! I feel really bad about that. But you looked so delicious in it. When I got you out I was ravenous. As for your idea of a one night stand, well I am proud to be your first. But this will not be want for just one night. This is our Honeymoon. I am going to take you to have your own special ring made tomorrow. Remember, I am no regular mortal. I am the God Aries. As of last night, we consummated our marriage."

I was not moving again. I felt very vulnerable. "Aries, I do not know you. I have only met you the one time. We have not been married! There is no ring, there was no judge or pastor. We do not have a marriage license. I can't be married to you."

He laughed and came back over to the bed. He tried to pull the bedding from me gently and I would not let him have it. "Did I force you?"

I looked away, "No."

He ducked down and found my face. He crooked his finger under my jaw and lifted my face up again. "You want a judge, a priest, or a pastor, I will get it for you. You want a marriage license." He snapped his fingers, and one appeared. "Hear it is. As for a ring, if you do not mind me picking." He snapped his fingers again and a beautiful diamond ring encircled with red rubies appeared on my finger. "Is there any other wish I can grant?"

I had tears in my eyes, "My family was not here."

He smiled and kissed my cheek. "In five years, we will have a full ceremony with them present. With both our families present. How does that sound?"

I smiled, "That sounds wonderful. But here is a question. Do you really think you are the God Aries?"

Just to be Aries, he snapped his fingers and the blankets and sheets were floating above the bed. I did my best to cover up as he laughed, and pushed me back down. "How about we go for another round before we get something to eat." With that he began kissing me and we lost all track of time again.

I do not know how long we had been in bed together. But I do know when he finally passed out cold. I got up. I found the clothes fit me perfectly from the dresser and closet. I put on some shorts and a princess shirt and started to explore this new house I was in. In our current room there were no windows. There was no way of tracking time in that room. So, I climbed up the stairs. This place is huge!

From our room at the bottom of the stairs. The stair case looked like one from a hotel. Although it was well lit. I knew our room was two stories tall. There were no doors for two stories either. But then there was long hallways with many doors on each level. One of the doors led down another flight of stairs. I was not willing to go further down.

Each of the doors in the different halls opened up into different looking armories. I swear it looked like he had an armory for every type of weapon under the sun. Then he had rooms that were mad strictly for sports. Like a football room with complete field and stadium seats. There was one for baseball, hockey, badminton, and many other sports. Some I did not even know the name of. What an interesting man I have married. Maybe he will teach me some of these games. Or maybe like me he just likes to watch.

To be honest I had gotten lost! I did not realize it until I finally found the kitchen. I swear I heard angels sing! I felt like I had not eaten in a week. I looked in the refrigerator. I was startled when a couple of masculine arms wrapped around my waist and a voice talked in my ear.

Aries sweetly said, "Your stomach is probably right. I think it has been a couple of days since either of us have eaten. Why don't we go get something in town."

I was some what relieved as soon as I recognized his voice. Laughing I said, "Aries you scared the bejevis (be-je-vas) out of me!"

Aries laughed, "Technically that was the idea sweetie. I was just trying to play. But you know instead, that look on your face right now and your smell. I think maybe we should eat in and enjoy this kitchen."

I laughed, "No, and what do you mean it has been a few days? I cant go much longer without food. I am not immortal. I need food!"

Aries smiled and turned me towards him. "Okay, we can go get something to eat. But sweetie, you cant go out dressed like this. I do know if you were told or not. But we are in the past. Way in the past."

I cocked my head, "Like how far in the past?"

Aries thought for a moment, "If you would like to meet Hercules, or Odysseus, Cleopatra, or Nefertiti, I can make it happen."

I laughed, "Weren't all those people from different time periods, and some of them fictional?"

Aries only smiled, "You are married to a god. I have been given lets just say special permissions. Also, my sweet, remember all legends are based in fact."

I went complete school girl fan crazy for just a moment thinking of the possibilities. But, if I had to be honest, it would be fun, but I don't need to see all the ancient great people. I am supposed to spend five years getting to know this one man. Any trip he wants to take me on would be amazing. I went to tell him as much and he cut me off.

Aries put his finger on my mouth, "I completely agree! I think I will take you a few places just the same though. It will be fun for both of us."

He snapped his fingers again and all of a sudden we were both dressed from head to toe in roman togas. He snapped his fingers again and we were sitting at a outdoor restaurant. Aries lovingly held my hand sitting next to me.

He kissed each one of my fingers as he said, "Welcome to Crete. The year is known by historians as 2080BC." In Greek he ordered our food. (I will not even try to say what he said)

He told me, "I ordered, lentils with coriander and honey, snails sauteed with rosemary and black pig fillet with carob, cooked in a clay Minoan grill. I want you to really get to enjoy this experience."

I was in shock, "That sounds like a lot of food!"

Aries laughed, "Oh, it is! I intend on taking what ever is left home and finishing it off there little by little. Its best fresh, but since we have a refrigerator and a microwave. Lets not waist this experience."

All I could do was smile and nod. He was not kidding either. The food was amazing! I had never tasted anything quite like it. I had read of food like this before but never actually tried it. I did not know how to eat the snails. Luckily for me Aries did. But also, not so luckily. The snails did not seem to agree with my stomach.

Aries had to show me to a place where I could toss my cookies. When we got back to the table I stuck with the beans. When we were through Aries snapped his fingers and the food disappeared. After words, Aries got me a sweet treat. He took me to a stand on the street. He bought me Loukoumades on a stick. (Which are Greek donuts on a stick.) I may not have been able to understand what the people around me were saying, but I did not care in that moment. The Loukoumades where yummy!

Aries enjoyed watching me eat my Greek donuts. Every time I looked at him he was smiling at me. When I had finished them I did not know what to do with the stick. Stupidly I asked him where a trash can was. He smiled at me taking the stick. It lit up like a match and burned all the way down to his fingers and disappeared. I must of looked like a little girl at a magic show. With eyes the size of quarters.

Aries groaned at me. "Honey, you cant just go around looking at a man like that." I know my face was blank. He said, "I cant do anything about your problem out here. It will have to wait till we are back at home. I may not let you leave that bed for a whole norther week."

I gasped! "Don't talk like that out here! What will people think!"

Aries laughed, "Honey, there is not one person here who understands anything we are saying. They only speak Greek." He burst out laughing.

Well, I know when I am being made fun of. I turned and started walking off angrily. He quickly grabbed my hand, jerked me spinning me backwards, straight into his awaiting arms. As soon as he had me trapped he dipped me and planted an extremely romantic kiss. It is so hard to stay mad at someone when they over power you with romance.

When he let me back up, the people around us were applauding. I was so embarrassed. I could feel my face burning. I was glow in the dark red. I buried myself under his arm attempting to hide. He loved that immensely. He took a bow and pointed at me. I smiled and tried to hide behind him. He took my hand and pulled my arm up under his. We walked that way out of town.

Once we were out of town I pulled my arm loose. "How dare you! I don't know these people!"

Aries laughed taking my hand back in his. He kissed the back of my hand. "I am sorry I embarrassed you." He put my hand to his heart. "You were just so adorable. All the men were staring. A few complimented me on how pretty you are. I had to show off my new bride. Besides it is not like you will ever see any of those people ever again."

Be still my treacherous heart. He really knows how to make those butterflies in my stomach dance. "You do have a good point. But I want the future to have a good view of me as well."

Aries looked shocked, "So you believe me now hum?"

I nodded my head slightly. "Yes, there is no way I could come up with an dream as elaborate and as detailed as this."

Aries jumped up, "Ha HA! I told you!" He grabbed me and twirled me in the air before putting me back down. "Do you except we are married as well?"

I laughed, "What else can I do? If I except this is not a dream, then I have to except we are married."

Aries got down on one knee, "I have to have my beauty and the beast moment. Joy, do you love me, will you marry me?" He looked at me so playfully.

I pushed him over. "Really, according to you we are already married."

I took off running. He took off after me. We were flirting and having a grand time. That is until I ran smack dab into a wall of flesh and muscle. That wall of flesh and muscle dared to call its-self human. I fell backwards on my backside and slid a good ways. Aries was there in an instant. He helped me to sit up as the wall turned and got a good look at us.