Chapter 5 Hercules! (><)

Aries spoke through gritted teeth, "Hello, brother."

The wall answered back, "Aries, what are you up to." Then it looked down at me. "And with such a pretty girl."

Aries helped me up. "Hercules, meet my new bride."

The wall of flesh and muscle bent over. He took my hand and kissed it. "Hello, miss new bride."

I looked at Aries, who at this point had not taken his hand off my shoulder. He nodded at me, "Hello Hercules. It is very nice to meet you."

Hercules looked baffled. "What tongue is she speaking brother?"

Aries looked down at me and begrudgingly snapped his fingers. "Honey, you can now understand Greek and talk it."

I looked at Hercules again, "Hercules, it is very nice to meet you. I am Joy, Aries's new wife."

Hercules smiled. For the first time I could actually see his face was rather handsome. He said, "I hope you know what you have signed up for with this guy. May the Gods bless your union." He bowed deeply to me.

I was at a loss for what I was supposed to do now. I looked to Aries for guidance. Aries really seemed to revel in it. Aries said, "Well Hercules if we are done here, my new wife and I were playing a game. We should be off." We turned and started walking off.

This really did make me feel better. I just did not know what I was supposed to do. Ask him to rip a phone book in half? At this time, he would not even know what a phone book was. However, I had spoken to soon. I felt a weird sensation around my waist. I looked down and there was a whip wrapped around me. All of the sudden I was air born, flying through the air. A pair of strong hands caught me and sat me back down to earth gently.

Hercules unwrapped the whip from my waist. I looked everywhere and did not see my husband anywhere! My only thought was holy CRAP! Hercules said, "There I saved you dear. Be on your way. I can walk you home if you desire. I pulled you away just as Aries snapped his fingers. He won't realize it was me for a good long while. You should be safe to return home."

I walked straight up to Hercules. "Forgive me sir, but I am too short. Could you bend down here to me please?"

Hercules blushed a very pretty shade of crimson. He bent over to me, making a kissy face. I promptly slapped him. I did it just as hard as I could muster. To his credit he fell to the ground with an extremely loud thud. I yelled at him, "That was my husband! How will he find me now! I do not know how to get home! He was my way home. You stupid Bastard! What am I to do now! We have only been married for one day."

Hercules was in shock! He sat there rubbing his chin. "If I misread the situation miss I am sorry!"

I turned around looking for Aries and called his name. "Misread! Aries had told you nothing but the truth. I do not know what your beef is with him, but it does not include me."

Hercules got up to one knee and bowed deeply to me. "I was wrong miss; how can I make it up to you?"

Now I was really mad! "There is only one way of making this up to me. Give me back to my husband!"

Seemingly out of nowhere Aries had popped up just in time to see me tearing Hercules a new one. He stood off to the side, hidden, and watching the fun. He especially loved it when his wife slapped the great Hercules so hard, it knocked him off his feet. His woman was really laying into Hercules.

That is when everything took a turn for the worse. Hercules grabbed me lifting me up like a child. Then he awkwardly laid a kiss on me. He did not have me restrained in anyway except holding me in the air. His mistake! He had me at perfect groin level. I kicked him as hard as I could in his nuts. I swear I heard a crunch sound. Hercules swiftly and gently put me down, grabbing himself, in tears. As soon as my feet hit the floor and I could tell I had balance, I reared back and punched him. I am pretty sure I gave him a black eye as he fell backwards.

I took a deep breath calming myself. "Don't you ever touch me again. I did not ask for any special attention, nor do I want any. I was excited to meet you. But let me tell you now that just flew out the window."

Hercules looked at me like a sick puppy. "All women like me. I thought it was what you wanted."

I kicked him as I turned to walk off. "Apparently, you need to learn how to do math. That is before you try to say every woman. Because clearly, I don't! If you can't do math correctly than you should surely stop trying to read what people want. I don't think you can read. I want to go back to my husband. I want to go now. Not when you feel like it, or when you finally see I am serious."

Aries appeared next to Hercules. "So, what do you think of my new wife?"

Hercules stared at Aries. "That is a fiery one! Good luck handling that wild cat."

Aries laughed, he snapped his fingers and he appeared at my side. I looked up and was so relieved. I hugged him immediately. He cheesed at me and snapped his fingers again. Then we were home.

Aries had me in his arms like a bride. He gently laid me down on the bed. He said, "I have never been prouder of a woman in my life! He was not expecting that!"

Wait what? I did not see him there. "What? How much did you see? Did you hear me calling you?"

Aries froze, "I saw pretty well the whole encounter, I think. I came back just as soon as I made it home and you were not with me."

I pushed him off of me. "You mean you just let me panic. Not knowing where I was, or how to get home! Is this some sort of game to you." I put my hand up before he could answer. "That was rhetorical. You can sleep on your own tonight. I am not some kind of toy for you to do as you wish to. I have feelings."

Aries snapped his fingers and appeared in front of me. "You are my toy! You are my wife. I was not dangling you like a worm on a hook. Hercules and I have a past. Not so pleasant of a past I might add. It felt good to see someone reject him. I should not have left you there to deal with him. If you would like I will go right now and use him as a punching bag." He flexed his arms and showed off his muscles to me. "I could use a good work out. Gods know, he could take it too."

What do you say to that? "Aries do not leave me behind again." I could not look him in the eye. I was looking anywhere else.

Aries ducked and weaved, making me giggle. He kept doing it until he had my undivided attention, eyes on him. Then he was quick to nod his head in agreeance. He picked me back up and carried me back to the bed. He kissed my forehead as he sat down jarring us both a little. We both giggled. He kissed my nose and wrapped my arms around his neck. Then we were in another earth shattering, lava boiling, meltdown. This was another one of those times when time did not exist.

He waisted no time either. His toga did not last, it was the first thing to go. He pulled his over the top of his head. I was so excited in the moment I did the same. Neither of us had underwear on underneath. Aries had told me that underwear had not been invented yet. That was why the togas were so tight.

When he laid back down on top of me he growled and hummed at me in a deep sounding baritone. His body was warm as he started kissing anywhere his mouth could reach. I had looked away in the moment trying to catch my breath. He stopped for only a moment. Just long enough to bring my gaze back to him, with one soft hand on the side of my face.

He tsked at me. "I don't want your mind anywhere else but right here. No holding out. Just enjoy!"

At that his sneaky fingers found and plunged into my secret spot. I gasped grabbing the sheets. He gently dislodged my hands from the sheet and placed them around his neck with his other hand. Then quickly rebalanced himself. He never pulled his fingers completely out. He just kept working me. He kept my gaze the entire time too.

Just as soon as I arched my back at the beginning of an orgasm, he quickly pulled his fingers out and pushed his manhood in slowly. He almost looked like he was in pain but boy it felt so good. I was not talking. I was not even sure if words would come out.

Aries grinned, "I am not in pain my love. You are just that tight." He groaned loudly. "It feels so good!"

At that, my gigantic on off switch in my head, well it turned to off and pad locked itself in place. Aries pumped faster and harder. He was groaning loudly. I was meeting every cry. I was rocking and pumping keeping pace. After a few minutes he pulled out. He lifted my leg up and over his head flipping me on my stomach. He pulled my hips up and gently scratched my back as he entered me and began pumping again. I screamed his name out!

Aries groaned out, "Yes, scream for me!" He gently scratched my back throwing me into another intense orgasm. "Yes baby! Yes! Yes! Yes!" And he joined me in our release.

It may not have lasted long. But we were exhausted. We curled up naked, with him holding me from behind. It was so amazing! We were just a perfect fit. When I was almost asleep, he woke me up unintentionally. He lifted my butt cheek and laid his member between my cheeks. He was not humping or anything. But it surprised me!

I reached back and teasingly slapped his hand of my butt cheek. "What do you think you are doing! That is an out-ie not an in-ie back there. And it will stay that way!"

He laughed, hugging me in tighter. "My Dick was cold. Your butt was warm. I thought it was a good idea to warm it. If you don't like something I won't do it. At least not on purpose."

I relaxed myself into him and just enjoyed the warmth of our bodies together like this. I knew he was lying. But at the moment it was cute, and I was tired. Also, I knew I would be asking for round two. I was not sure my body could take another round at the moment. Not even if all I had to do was lay there. It is silly of me I know! But sex is tiring! Women flex practically every muscle, you know, during an orgasm. But right now, it was just the two of us together. We both were out of strength and passed out from exhaustion and pleasure.