Chapter 6 A good shower (><)

When I woke up, I was alone in the bed. Aries was no where to be seen. I took the opportunity to go take a shower. Aries had shown me how to use it the other day. Before you get into the shower, you set the temperature. I tried to setting it at one hundred degrees. It was perfect. The showerhead filled the center section of the shower. When I got into the water, it truly felt like I was standing under a waterfall in a tropical forest.

I had turned on some music on the panel as well. Right now Intentions by Justin Bieber was playing. I was really enjoying myself to much to be honest. To the point I never heard Aries come into the bathroom. I was stretching and flexing every muscle I knew how. The water was washing away any soreness that I had from the last few days.

As I was stretching Aries stood there and watched. For some reason the song repeated. It did not bother me. I like this song. I had never heard it before. As I leaned down to rub my legs with the soap, Aries could not restrain himself anymore. He snapped his fingers, then he was naked, his clothes were folded neatly, and sitting on the bathroom counter.

As I was in my own little world he quietly snuck into the shower with me. When I leaned back up from washing and shaving my legs, he stepped up behind me and gently wrapped his arms around me. I gasped at the new sensation! Something just felt so different about being like this in the shower. He gave me one of his deep growls. One of those growls saying you know what I want.

His hand slid slowly down my hips and to my butt. He grabbed both cheeks, "MMMMM!" He gently turned me around and pressed me up against the wall. I could feel his erection. He was long and fat. He took the bar of soap I had grinning at me.

He rubbed his chest and his erection groaning as he did. "You are clean sweetheart. I want to be clean for you."

I smiled, "How about I help you out with that?" I snatched the soap from him.

His eyes went wide. I left no time for him to talk. I kissed his chest as I traced his muscles with the soap. I washed his stomach leaving little kisses along the way. I was watching his manhood too. It was bulging and pulsing. It got so bad that he wrapped his hand around it and began pumping. He was trying to relieve the pressure I was building up.

I quickly playfully slapped his hand. "Don't do that!" He looked at me with nearly purely black eyes. He was so ready. "Let me finish cleaning you first." He nodded reluctantly.

I pulled his hand off and put a little of the cold soap on his long shaft. He twitched just a little from the cold but took it like a champ. When I began rubbing it to clean it, I started a whole new adventure. After he was clean, I did not want to stop. He was moaning with each stroke. His reaction was so sweet it was turning me on. So, I took things a little further. I got down on my knees and licked his shaft.

His whole body reacted. "Honey if your going to do this, I do not think I can stay standing!" He sat down on the seat in the shower. I scooted up to him. He wrapped his arms around me. "Most women do not like to do this. Are you sure?"

I pouted, "You said when we are together I can explore. I can touch where ever and what ever right?" He nodded. "Well then. This is my chance to learn some about you." His eyes went wide again.

He leaned back spreading his legs. The water was still coming down. I cant explain it but the water intensified the pleasure I was feeling. I leaned down and took him in my mouth. I swirled my tongue around his erection, pretending like it was a candy cane. I used to love making those into a point. Well I think it was good practice for this. He groaned loudly in pleasure.

After a few minutes he had his hand in my hair helping me to find the right rhythm. As I kept going he and I both were topping the peak. I was so turned on I could not wait any more and began tickling my clit. I was already wet from the shower. But now I was wet in other ways to.

When I climaxed, as per usual, my whole body got in on the act. I had to slow down. Aries never even noticed. He helped me keep the rhythm. When he was ready he cried out he was coming! He let go of my head but I did not move. He filled my mouth.

While he was not looking I spit it out and rinsed out my mouth with the water. His recharge period did not take long though. About the time I had rinsed out my mouth, Aries picked me up. He put me against the wall and his extremely hard erection entered my secret entrance hard and fast. It made me squeal out in pleasure.

He did not pump. He just held me there. "What an amazing wife you are! Not many women will go that far. Thank you! Now let me take you there too. I am still hard as a rock. My volcano may have erupted but there is still lava in the shaft. Lets see about clearing that out."

He leaned in kissing my neck. He trailed to my mouth. He kissed my forehead, eyelids, cheeks, chin, and mouth. Then he kissed down my neck, and the valley between my breasts. He took in my nipple and nibbled ever so gently. As he did this he began pumping lightly. I could feel it coming! He smiled, and I could tell he could feel it too. But instead of keeping rhythm, he went faster. Driving me higher than ever.

He switched from my nipples to my mouth. As he did he pumped harder and faster. I was squealing with pleasure. I wrapped my legs around his waist trying to gain some support. But he was to slippery from the water. Aries grabbed both my knees and pulled me up. He looked to the side and saw the shower bench was pretty close. Thank God it was a big shower bench. He slid me across the wall and laid me down on the shower bench. He pulled my legs up and laid them on his shoulders. Then he started really pounding home. He was hitting parts of me I did not know existed. At one point in time I thought his dick would come out my mouth. As the orgasm kept growing I started begging for release. For some reason this time I could not blow my top.

He chuckled, "It is alright. I am almost there. When I go, I promise you will go. Just enjoy the ride my darling."

At that point he picked me back up and pushed me against the wall again. His whole body went hard as he groaned. He grabbed my but and squeezed really hard. He picked me up and but me down on his shaft so fast and hard. My mind was not functioning. My body was doing its own thing. The pleasure I felt was beyond anything. Then he exploded! I felt him shoot my womb with his warm liquid. But he still kept pumping. A few seconds later he yelled here it comes and he exploded one more time. This time it felt like a power hose going off. I orgasmed so hard I thought I would pinch his manhood off.

He could not pull out for a moment. "Sweetheart it is okay! You did not hurt me. But you do have quite a grip. When you calm down a little I will pull out." I nodded my head as I was still ridding the waves of pleasure. I felt so good! He felt so good!

Aries reached over and got the strawberry shampoo and began washing my hair. He was still inside of me, but that did not seem to faze him. He gently messaged my hair. Then he gently began washing my entire body.

I giggled at him, "What do you think your are doing? I just took a shower!"

He chuckled, "Yeah, I kinda ruined that for you. But I am making it up." He put the conditioner on my hair and rubbed in gently. "Besides this is relaxing for both of us."

I could not really argue with that. When I had relaxed enough he did finally pull out. He quickly washed himself and I sat on the shower seat and watched. I swear there is nothing like watching an extremely hot muscular man take a shower. Especially when it is right after sex. Plus, I am married to this guy.

Wow it really just hit me. I am married to a god. I wonder what other kind of things this guy can do besides snapping his fingers and making things move, or appear? What kind of perks does Aries's wife get? I do not really remember many of the Olympians spouses. Many were known as Gods, but they were just in the background. A forethought to explain where other Gods came from. If I remember correctly they were listed more like the sire or dame of what ever God the stories were referring to. Is that what is going to happen to me?

I don't want stardom and fame! I want children and a happy home life. I want Sunday night board games, and Saturday night evening strolls. I want a romance that will go down in history. A love so strong nothing can conquer it. I want to be the symbol of support for the man I love where ever or I guess when ever he goes. Our wedding ceremony, literally consisted of a shower in a bathroom, a fawn and his mother. I mean we have only known each other for what now two days?

Aries broke me out of my train wreak thoughts. "I guess I have not warn you out enough. Your mind dwells on the silliest things. Our wedding was a little different. But you will get a real wedding I promise you that. I know you will be beautiful in that wedding gown! And getting to pull that garter belt off." He breathed through his teeth. "I am hard just thinking about that. You want board games and evening strolls, than you've got it. I will give you absolutely anything you want. We have been married and together for roughly a week. We just have not slept that much. It is also hard to tell because I hate windows. I prefer sleeping in the dark. I get a much better sleep that way. We will have a romance to be shared throughout time. That is partly why we have been sent back in history. Our romance will out shadow the one of mine and Aphrodite. As you thought when we first met. I did have a fling with her. But it is over. Now you are my entire world." He stepped out and turned off the shower. He put out a hand to help me out of the shower. I grabbed a towel and so did he and we started drying off. "Now as for my powers. You will learn those little by little the longer we are married. I do not even know the extent of my powers. I just use some powers more than others. One power you should know about, nearly every Godly couple can read each other's minds. After you eat ambrosia you will be able to too. Right now, I am afraid it is a little one sided. I am not doing it on purpose. What do you say about going for a walk today after breakfast. I would like to introduce you to Hephaestus. He is the God of blacksmiths and manufacturing."