Chapter 7 Hephaestus

As soon as we were done eating. Aries snapped his fingers. We were inside of what looked like a gigantic cave. This cave had been converted into a major mechanics shop. There were hydraulics, lifts, chains, oils, and metals everywhere. I was major impressed! Aries was holding my hand and pulled me along behind him. I looked down and he had dressed me in yet another toga. I know we have to work with the time but this is one tradition we could have lived without.

As Aries dragged me along he pointed out several different inventions of Hephaestus. Hephaestus was currently working on a Colossus. When Aries called out to him, Hephaestus conked his head inside the motor on the foot of the Colossus.

He stood there rubbing his head for only a moment. "Aries! What do you want!"

Aries pulled me in front of him and pushed me forward slightly. "I want you to meet my bride. This is Joy Phoenix."

That is when I got a good look at him. He was ruggedly handsome. He had curly cue, short, jet black hair. His skin was BLACK? (I thought all Roman Gods were white?!) He was extremely muscular, standing about six foot ten. I mean he looked like muscles on muscles. I had the weirdest urge to walk over and start tracing them. But knew not to of course. I just did not know that there were that many muscles in the human body. I blushed and could not hardly look him in his chocolate colored eyes.

Aries chuckled, "Yes my dear he is really black. All Gods have different ways we can look. It is part of our nature. Every culture believes differently about us as well. Our looks change for the belief system we are closest to at the moment."

Just then a man with wings came flying in through a vent whole in the ceiling. "Oh, Aries! Queen Hera wants a word with you. You had better get going!"

Aries glared at the man. "Hermes I am introducing my bride to Hephaestus right now. I am not interested in tea with my mother."

Hermes smiled, "thought you might say that." Hermes waved his staff and Aries was in a posted box.

Hephaestus was laughing manically, "I will take good care of your bride."

Aries grumbled back, "Hephaestus" and Hermes flew back out the same vent he had just came in.

I did not know what to think. A God just whisked in and stole my husband. What was I supposed to do! Hephaestus was standing next to me laughing in his guttural way. I looked at him and all of a sudden I felt very uncomfortable. While his attention was on Hermes flying off, I attempted to sneak off.

I actually made it about half way across the room before Hephaestus appeared in front of me. I cringed! From my current memory Aries had a playboy reputation. But Hephaestus had a baby daddy reputation. At the moment the rolls seemed to be quite reversed. Needless to say, I was just a little intimidated.

Hephaestus cleared his throat. "Um, excuse me my dear. You seem to be deprived of an escort. Would you like to stay and eat with me?" "We can talk about whatever you would like to."

I thought about things for a moment. He is not horrible! In the stories I remember he was mainly jealous that Aries kept attempting to steal Aphrodite. Maybe he is harmless. There is only one way to find out! "All right Hephaestus. What's for lunch?"

Hephaestus looked extremely happy. He walked past me and motioned for me to follow. If I remember correctly he was never a talker either. Maybe this luncheon will be fun. I noticed as he walked he had a pretty bad limp. The poor guy. I need to make amends for trying to run away I guess. "Hepha or do your prefer Hephaestus?" He shrugged his shoulders, "Hepha if it is easier." I smiled, "Hepha how is your head?"

He stopped dead in his tracks! Oh crap! What did I say! He turned to look at me with curious eyes. "Why do you ask?" That took me back, "Because I saw you hit your head inside of that engine earlier. You looked like you had a cut on your forehead. After or before we eat, which ever you prefer, may I look at your cut?" He shook his head, "bbbbeeeerrrrrr! What! I am a God! Gods do not get hurt." Then in a lower tone, "But if it makes you feel better you may look before we eat."

The dining room had a big round table. It had carvings of war ships and battle scenes all over it. It was quite beautiful. I could not help myself! As soon as we were in the dining room I went to the table and rubbed my fingers along the deep etches. "It is so beautiful!"

Hephaestus pulled out a chair for me. "It was a gift from my son. Now what would you like to eat?"

I was craving a supreme pizza so badly! "I want food from my time. I am afraid you cant provide that here. I am sorry. Why don't you surprise me? I like trying new things. Maybe you know of a food that I might like."

Hephaestus sat down next to me. "I like supreme pizza. It is not a normal roman food. But it sure is good."

I smiled, "That's what I wanted!"

Hephaestus mumbled something and a gigantic supreme pizza with all the fixings appeared on the table with plates and napkins. My mouth was watering, my stomach was making loud noises, and I did not know the protocol with a God! Hephaestus grabbed a rather large piece and looked at me. He cleared his throat, "Bbeerrr, eat your fill." I grabbed a plate and put some pizza on it. He continued, "No one can out eat me on supreme pizza!" he dug in. I laughed, "You have never challenged a starved woman before." I dug in.

Hephaestus grinned, "Is that a challenge?"

I picked up a napkin and dabbed my mouth. "Yes, a friendly challenge if you care to try?"

We looked at each other and dug in eating as fast as we could while still savoring every bite. I did not realize I was so hungry. We kept up well with each other. We matched each other piece per piece. He had to make a secondary pizza appear. We both giggled and continued eating. Fish and olives had not been enough. I ate beans and fruit but my bowels were not happy with me. This pizza was the best thing I had eaten all week. Hephaestus was grinning bigger and bigger with each slice.

Finally, I had to concede. My stomach was over full. I leaned back feeling like I was about to give birth to a food baby. Hephaestus laughed and finished off what was left of the last pizza. He leaned back just as satisfied. When he leaned back I gently touched his forehead. He jerked at first, then closed his eyes allowing the physical interaction. He had cut it. But he did not bleed! I put a napkin up on it and said as much to him.

Hephaestus reached up and laid his hand over my hand on the napkin. When he pulled my hand away his head was completely healed. I blushed as I pulled away. The look he gave me made this feel way to intimate. Then he wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. My entire body was screaming this is not right!

A familiar voice rang out from the door. Hephaestus immediately let me go rolling his eyes. When I turned around I saw Hera come sauntering in, "Hello, it is time to have our tea." She snapped her fingers and the table was filled with tea and cakes. We all sat down and I felt very uncomfortable. I thought that Aries was gone to see her! So why was she here?!

She snapped her finger and I had a full plate in front of me. I had a piece of a beautiful cake, a few pieces of some fruit I had never seen before, and a beautiful rose cup filled with a golden liquid with sparkles in it. My stomach growled loudly. I did not know if it was ok for me to go ahead and eat or not. I had had all that pizza just a few minutes ago. But I swear my stomach felt empty.

Hera and Hephaestus had full plates in front of them too. Hera took a small bite of her cake, Hephaestus picked up his cake by hand and shoved it all in his mouth. I giggled and began eating. Nobody talked, everyone just ate.

When my plate was finished, Hera walked over and looked at me. "Darling how are you feeling?"

I smiled to please her, "I feel just fine. Should I feel different?"

Hera smiled, "The fruit you just ate was ambrosia. It is the food of the gods. When a mortal eats ambrosia they turn into a God."

About that time Aries showed up. "What is going on? Why is everyone here? Mother I was trying to find you? Hermes kidnaped me and took me to your home. No one was there. He said he was not to let me out of the cage for thirty minutes." He looked at the table of delicious food. He saw the ambrosia. "What is going on?"

Hera smiled, "She will turn into a God now."

At that my stomach felt funny! I bent over with the worst cramps I had ever had! Aries was right there rubbing my back. Before I knew it I was floating. We were surrounded with a brilliant light. I had a fantastic rush of energy. Before I knew it I flew out of the venting shaft. Aries followed behind me. I took off like a bolt of lightning. All the sensations were making my whole body go wild. Then there was Aries.