Chapter 10 (><) My Green Eyed Husband, is deadly!

Everyone but new Gods apparently know that there are only a few things that can physically hurt or kill a God. That would be my next lesson! Even though I was now a God, I did not know how to handle the power that came with it. I did not know that I even had powers. The things that history, school, and tv never taught us. I was about to get a bloody message on exactly how powerful I had now become.

Up on shore the men had been watching me. They wanted it to be obvious that they were present. They thought it would make the monster either show itself to fight, or not show up at all. Unfortunately, it did the unspeakable. It worded them off without a fight. No man could approach the wall of water.

Hercules had attempted to swim, but the water rushed him to the top and dropped him back down in a vicious cycle. He looked like he was on the world's worst roller coaster. None of the other men dared to approach. They were frozen in fear. Eolus remembered then who Hercules said I was. He yelled out loud, "THAT IS ARIES'S BRIDE! WOULD YOU PICK A FIGHT WITH THE WAR GOD?!"

All the men around him turned to look at Eolus. They were furious that he would bring the God of war into this skirmish. Some of the men said as much, some picked up rocks and sticks. Eolus fought them off! But eventually he was knocked out and left on the shore line. All this happening before the wall of water receded, leaving an unconscious Hercules and Eolus side by side on the shore.

Amimitl had heard Eolus of course. Water carries sound for miles. But what did he care for an air breathers worries. As soon as he dived into the water with me he knew something was different. He could not resist himself. He was going to leave me in the dress and strip me later. But the feel of my skin in his hands was more than he had imagined. The mere smoothness and softness amazed him. He knew then and there that he was choosing me as his mate.

What sealed my fate was when he saw me attempt to blink out of the cavern. He knew I was new to this God thing. I had scared myself when I tried to blink. (Blinking is when the Gods disappear and reappear where ever they want.) It had truly impressed him that all the remaining women had banded together to protect me. But he could not show any favoritism. He just made a point of saving me for last.

What no one had expected though, was one of the women taken was married to a soldier. As soon as the name of Aries was mentioned, he made sacrifices and prayed to the great God Aries. The soldier nearly peed himself when the God showed up in person! In full body armor no less. The soldier truly thought he was dead.

Aries was so angry he was literally steaming, and glowed in the dark. His eyes were completely red. He did not even look at the soldier. He only said, "Show me the way, then get out of my way, and pray I don't kill you." The soldier tripped over his own feet several times. But he eventually led Aries to the tribute spot. The other men of the village gradually followed.

When Aries approached the shore, a large older merman was waiting on the shore line. Some of the men of the village had prayed to Poseidon as well. Poseidon and Aries grabbed each other's wrists in greeting. Poseidon nodded his head in the direction of the lake. Aries walked into the water causing a huge steam cloud to erupt. This village was under the guidance of Poseidon. They were punished under his law. Now they would die by his law. Poseidon raised his hands and a gigantic tsunami washed ashore and washed away the town and all the filth that had been left behind. Ending the curse. The only ones to survive were the centaurs that had been smart enough to run.

Hercules and Eolus survived unscathed. Poseidon knew they had only been there to help. But you cannot help those who lie. The village was truly being punished for killing mermaids. They had lied to retrieve their women. But the mermen needed the women and would treat the women better than the village of men ever did. Poseidon was a just and fair ruler in that light. Not one murderer survived that night from that town. The centaurs did not even know about the killings. But had contributed women when they were told by the townsmen that they were being punished as well. That is why Poseidon spared them truly.

After his task was complete Poseidon turned and followed behind Aries down into the depths of the lake. His great grandson Amimitl would have much to pay for. Gods may have flings, dalliances, even affairs with other Gods. But it was never forced, and never when one had not learned about their powers. This was not only considered a Godly rape case, but it was also considered to be theft.

At least when Aries and Aphrodite had a dalliance, they were discrete. This was an upfront slap in the face to Aries. If this was not managed quickly, the Olympians would gather. That would be an end to Poseidon's great grandson. This would be dealt with now!

Aries followed Poseidon through the water. Poseidon knew exactly where to go. He just hoped they were not too late. When they came to the entrance Poseidon burst through the wards. This caused a geyser in the cave, stopping Amimitl in his tracks. Luckily he had not made it past my breasts on his way down. Unfortunately, Amimitl was still between my legs. He was the only thing covering me at the moment.

I ducked down to be better hidden under him. His attention was on the geyser. My attention was on being concealed. I was so embarrassed, and the spell had finally been broken. I finally realized what had been going on. Making me so much more angry, embarrassed, and scared. I did not know how to get myself out of this situation. I closed my eyes tight and tried to imagine myself anywhere but here. I blinked. I was a ball of light again bouncing off of the walls.

That is when I saw the most amazing sight ever! Aries came walking out of the geyser. Steam was billowing off of him like a locomotive. He slowly drew his sword and pointed it at Amimitl. Amimitl smiled leaning back on his elbows. "Uncle! What a nice surprise! If you do not mind though I am trying to consummate my marriage. You understand I am sure! Can you come back another time?"

Aries bellowed and ran at Amimitl. Amimitl actually began to sweat. Aries's armor was glowing red at this point. He was fuming! Aries stopped with the sword just above Amimitl's neck. He said, "Where is she?" Amimitl shook his head, "Where is who?" Aries yelled, "WHERE IS MY WIFE!" Amimitl had the good sense to point up. Aries looked up and saw the ball of light that was me.

Aries took off his helm. He said, "I know what happened Joy. Please calm down. Please come down. I have something I think you should see." His voice soothed me and relaxed me enough, I was able to come down. I somehow landed in his arms. He wrapped me in a warm embrace. He kissed my forehead, each eye, each cheek, my chin, and my nose. Then finally went in for the kill.

He kissed me so sweetly I utterly melted in his hands. I moaned out "Aries." Aries snaped his fingers, and all of a sudden I was wearing a beautiful white silken roman dress. It was in the traditional fashion. But I felt like a princess. He had fixed my hair up in little ringlets too. He whispered, "I cannot wait to run my fingers through your hair tonight. Then to take this dress off slowly. We will enjoy it!" I smiled and blushed crimson. Then he said, "My love are you hurt? Did he touch you?"

I could not stand looking at him when he asked. I felt dirty from my feet to the top of my head. This after I felt so much better and cleaner a mere moment ago. Aries gently turned my head back to look at him. He placed his forehead against mine and the entire horrible scene played through my mind. Everything down to the very last touch.

As we separated I had tears rolling down my cheeks. Aries wiped them away with all the gentleness he could muster. Then he kissed the trails the tears had left. He hugged me to him tightly again. He picked me up like a bride and carried me over to the bed and sat me down gently. Then he turned to face Amimitl.

While Aries and I were talking Amimitl had tried to stop the geyser. The geyser just sprayed higher and harder. However, the water level never changed. Then Poseidon came walking out of the geyser. Amimitl shook his head. He knew there was about to be big trouble.

As Amimitl turned around he saw Aries walking towards him. Aries was taking off his armor piece by piece. As he dropped the armor on the floor it turned into liquid. It looked more like Aries was pulling cups of silver liquid off of himself and dropping them on the floor. When he took of the glowing red chest piece and dropped it, it splashed like a dolphin diving.

Aries was now down to his under armor tunic. He untied the shoulders and let his chest be bare. The rest dangled down like a dress by his knees. Amimitl was naked. But he snapped his fingers. Now he had on exactly what Aries did and in the same fashion.

Aries did not wait for anything to be said. I suppose in these situations he is a man of few, to no words. As soon as he was close enough he reared back and punched Amimitl straight in the face. Amimitl flew backwards landing on his back, hard. He was not ready. Aries followed up behind him. As soon as Amimitl hit the floor, Aries was on top of him.

Aries never let up! Aries went straight for the ribs next. When he landed on top of Amimitl he began punching straight at the rib cage. When he heard a crack he went down to the next one. Amimitl was screaming in pain. But Aries had just begun.

Aries picked up Amimitl and began punching him in the stomach. It looked like Aries was punching a punching bag in the air. Aries kept punching until he had backed Amimitl against the wall. Aries reared back to go for the face again. Amimitl winked at me, and blindsided Aries. He punched him straight to the face, knocking him back about ten yards.

Amimitl stood up and breathed. You could visibly watch as his ribs healed and went back into place. Amimitl winked at me again. Now I wanted to punch him. Aries was up on Amimitl now. They were exchanging blows, insults, and curses. It was like watching a live action scene from the tv series Hercules the legendary journeys, or WWF. I thought that all of that was just good tv magic. But after watching this fight maybe I was wrong!

They were hitting each other so hard that it was beginning to make the cave shake. To me the amazing part was that it was completely honorable. Not even one low hit or punch. Now they did try to trip each other. They also pulled out some amazing wrestling moves.

Finally, after what seemed like ages Amimitl was starting to tire. Aries though was still going strong. Aries beat Amimitl into unconsciousness. Amimitl was black and blue. I cannot swear it, but I do not thin he literally had one bone unbroken when he crumpled to the ground. Aries stood over him waiting for him to stand back up. He must have given him five minutes at least.

When Aries saw that Amimitl was not getting back up, he came back over to me. He looked me in the eye, "This is who you are married to. I lose my temper. I get angry. But family is family. Does what I have done bother you?" I vigorously shook my head "NO! It means you will protect me." Aries smiled and picked me up off the bed. He laughed, "My love, you are not walking anywhere today. In fact, you may not ever leave our again. Are you ready to go home?"

I put a hand on both of his cheeks and kissed him as passionately as I could. He returned the kiss, dropping my legs. Poseidon picked up Amimitl and left the same way he had come in. Poseidon was giggling as they left. Old perverted God. Aries turned back around and laid me back on the bed.

He broke our kiss only long enough to tell me he could not wait. He snapped his fingers and our clothes were on the ground neatly folded at the end of the bed. Aries climbed up and wasted no time. He rubbed every inch of my body. He followed up his hands with kisses. By the time he was through with all the kisses, I do not think there was an inch of skin he had not touched.

Then with his up most gentleness, his manhood neared my secret entrance. His tongue had done its work. I was throbbing and wet. The sweet ache he had left just intensified the pleasure he left everywhere else. Then his throbbing manhood neared my secret entrance. I could feel it twitching as he leaned down over me.

Without any warning though he flipped over on his back, putting me on top of him. He refused to enter till we had just the right position. Then he pulled me down. Ever so slowly! As he entered me, I swear he grew even bigger. I cried out in pleasure, and he joined in with a deep throated growl. He helped me to find the right rhythm and once we had it, we kept going faster and faster.

The slap of skin and wet noises rang through the cavern and echoed back to us. But it just made us enjoy the experience even more. He let go of my hips and grabbed both of my breasts. He leaned up and pulled me in closely to him. He kept plunging in deep and I met every thrust. He sucked on one nipple and switched to the other.

After a few minutes he showed me exactly how limber he was. He never lost rhythm as he leaned me back on the bed. He took his spot between my legs and buried himself as deep as he could. He wrapped my legs around his waist as he rubbed his hands all over me. He was leaving trails of liquid heat with every movement.

He leaned in close to me and I traced the muscles on his stomach. This threw him off slightly. He giggled and looked at me with glossed over eyes. He said, "My turn!" In one movement he had flipped me over onto my stomach. He was going hard! He was growling and moaning. His hands all over my body. I was so high the clouds were beneath me. I topped at my climax and stayed there till he hurled over the edge with me.

We stayed on our knees for only a few moments longer till we collapsed on the bed on our sides. He never pulled out. He stayed as deep as he could. He even pushed a little to make sure he was completely embedded deep inside. He wrapped his arms around me, and before either of us knew, we had fallen fast asleep.