Chapter 11 (><) Cupid!?

The following day, after another round of let me clean your body with my body sex, we finally came back to our castle. Aries decided he wanted a chance to feed me some real food. He snaped his fingers and a plate of fried fish appeared on the table in front of us. It was so good! I thought I would be forced to eat the foods of the time till we finally went back to my time. This was such a nice change.

We had hushpuppies, mac and cheese, sweet corn, fried fish, and red wine. I am afraid I made a bit of a pig of myself. But oh, the food was so good! Aries made a point of filling my plate again just as soon as I cleaned it too. Then for dessert, he made a cherry cheese cake appear! I was so full! But my mouth was watering! I forced myself to eat some.

I was so stuffed I could barely move. Aries thought it was funny! He even leaned over and poked my swollen belly, calling it a food baby, and laughed. I swatted his hand away crossing my arms. I did not want him to know I thought the idea of a food baby was actually funny. But at the moment the thought of a baby made me blush crimson. Plus, I do not want a midwife! I want a real certified doctor, with a clean hospital, if I am to give birth.

That was when it hit me! We had been anything but careful! The possibility was extremely high! I do not mind becoming a mother. I want to have children! But it was not safe in this day and time to have a baby! Oh my God! What do I do! I began having tears roll. Back in this time it was a fifty/fifty chance weather you would make it or not!

Aries dabbed at my face gently. I think he could feel the panic I was feeling. He hugged me tightly, "Sweetheart, in this time death is a part of life. That is how these people look at childbirth. It is not just the mothers who may die. It is the children too." I really started sobbing! He cringed and tried again, "I think that is why Hera jumped the gun on making you a God. If you were to end up pregnant, now they will be full Godlings. Not half and half. You will survive, and our children are ninety nine percent more likely to survive." That made me feel a little better. He continued, "Besides wont it be nice to have a little flower girl, and or a ring bearer at our wedding." I blushed hard.

Just then a light erupted in front of us. It turned into a handsome young man with wings. He looked in his mid to late twenties. The only clothing he wore, was a roman cloth skirt. I would have been terrified it would have fallen down. But somehow with no hips he kept it up just at his hip line, and I thought sagging was only a new age concept. Honestly, any lower and I would have seen more than my fair share.

Aries looked up and greeted the new comer. "Hello Cupid! How are you my old friend?" He walked over and greeted him in the same odd hand shake I saw him do with Poseidon. Where they grab each other's wrists and pull each other in in a hug. Aries invited him to sit and eat with us.

Cupid laid down his bow and arrow on the table and sat down. He ate some of the food on the table as well. He started some casual conversation, "I see you two are doing well. Mother sure does know how to pick them eh uncle." Okay that was inciteful! I put down my wine cup, "Excuse me!"

Cupid held up a finger. He finished chewing and swallowed his bite. "Oh, Yes! I suppose my uncle did not tell you. Mother developed some new arrows for me. They work on Gods. My uncle was the first trial run. Of course, she had up slatted out to be the one from birth." I stood up very agitated, "You mean to tell me that what we feel is because of an arrow!"

Aries poured him a cup of wine and downed it then poured more in my cup. "Honey, I was hit with the arrow before I entered the club." Cupid almost looked panicked, "Why yes uncle, that is right. He could have picked any woman he wanted. The arrow only opens up a Gods heart to let in love. My mother shot you, dear Joy, with one of my regular arrows." As soon as Cupid said it he knew he said just the wrong thing.

I stood up and walked back to our room. I needed space to think. Not only had this guy showed up unannounced, but he tells me him and his mother were playing match maker. I was the guinea pig! It was not Cupid's fault. He has a job to do and he is known throughout history for doing it well. But here I am feeling, I don't know what.

Aries and cupid came down the stairs to see if I was okay, after leaving me for a little while to think. Cupid apologized for opening his mouth. He has a tendency to only talk about his work. I smiled and told him it was alright. Because you know honestly, I had resigned myself to never enter a serious relationship. I just could not find the right guy. But Aries seems to be Mr. made for me. They both smiled.

Then Cupid started telling us about how he was going to help his mother's reincarnation to fall in love with Hephaestus. At the moment they are very much in like of each other. But he is going to turn that like to passion. He showed us the arrows he was going to use. Aries and I both laughed and began attempting to help him set up a trap for them.

She was about to be in the same situation as me. Thrown back in time and not know a thing about what was going on. A spell will be used with them as well to keep them apart and separate from their previous selves. Love will bloom and in five years they will be married. It sounded like such an easy plan. But she may not react to things the same way I did.

I mean she was the Goddess of love, for heaven sake! She slept with practically every man she ever met. Now in her new reincarnation, I knew from being her friend, she was no virgin. But she did not just sleep with anybody. She was picky! So maybe this would be good for her. She pulled all the same strings with me. It will be fun to pick back just a little.

As we planned and talked about others he had helped throughout the years, I really began to like cupid. He had a really good heart. He only wanted to help people. He was full of good ideas as well. I will keep my fingers crossed that everything will work out the way he hopes.

After all day of us teasing and talking, Cupid finally told us the real reason he was there. Eros, Cupid's son, had gotten ahold of the Godly arrow's. Eros did not shoot anybody. But he had left the quiver at his grandfather's place. His grandfather had sat on the arrow's after working on the forge and shot himself basically. This happened when I was at his house a few days ago.

Aries was livid and laughing! "Well isn't this a change! Instead of me pining after Aphrodite, Hephaestus will be pining after my wife! This should be interesting!" Cupid cringed, "Zeus and Hera know. They do not want me to stop the lust. They want him to feel what it is like to love two women at the same time. But only be able to have one. They think it is a good lesson he should learn."

That took me back. So now I have two Gods in love with me. I only have room in my life for one man. The man I am with I know has a shady past with women. Yet now is claiming to be a one woman man. Hephaestus, from my understanding, was always a one woman man. But now he will pine after two women. Oh, how confusing this is all going to be. I know Cupid is telling us to warn us. But now there will always be that awkwardness that should not ever be there. I was just starting to like this way of life. What could happen next!

After Cupid had left Aries and I went for a short walk. I decided that until there was something to worry about, that I need to live my life. When Aries was not looking, I shoved him to the ground. He fell over laughing, "You're going to start a war!" I grinned, "Wait aren't you the God of War! You are supposed to already be started! Or are you just happy to see me?"

Aries grinned growling at me. He jumped up quicker than I could react and shoved me up against a tree. He had pulled my skirt up. and was in me, quicker than I could blink. I cried out in pleasure. He had not hurt me. He was gentle but quick. His aiming was amazing!

He laughed, "What was that bit about always being ready for a fight." I leaned in and nibbled his ear causing a very pleasing reaction. He began moving in and out slowly, and growling. I ran my fingers through his hair and moaned out loudly. He growled, laughed and started moving faster. I wrapped my legs around his waist as his thrusting became quicker and harder. I was already about to climax!

My hair got caught in the bark of the tree! I completely lost the moment. I screamed out in pain. Aries stopped picking me up and away from the tree. He snapped his fingers and we were back in our room. He never pulled out! He snapped his fingers again and my hair draped down my back. And our clothes were folded neatly at the end of the bed.

We were loud! Between the sounds of pounding flesh, wet squishy noises, growls, and moans our voices were echoing throughout the castle. When I streamed out in pleasure he picked me up and carried me to the shower. Never once pulling out! He pushed me against the wall and turned on the water. With each climax now I was leaving nail marks down his back. He would moan in ecstasy at each nail mark.

We moved to the floor in the bathroom and he was still going strong. He flipped me over to my knees and as he plunged in he grabbed both my wrists pulling me back to him. Making him go deeper than ever before. He was moaning, growling, and screaming out in pleasure at this point.

I lost count on how many orgasms he and I had. It was a back and forth excursion. But it was so much fun! Finally, by the end we were both so exhausted and hungry we had to eat something. We made it to the kitchen. Both of us still naked as the day we were born. Even looking for food we could barely keep our hands and eyes off of each other.

Then Aries found the left over cheese cake. He said, "honey, have you ever been a bowl before?" I shook my head. He took my hand and walked me to the table. He laid me down and dipped the cheese cake out. He made me a bathing suit of cherry cheese cake. He said, "Well now that looks like a meal worthy of me. I think I will enjoy this Cherry cheese cake. As he began to dine, I could not help but be grateful he had had the experiences he has had. Without it, I would have never learned what it was like to be a cheese cake bowl.