Chapter 12 All Alone!

I woke up by myself today. At first I did not think anything of it. I went and took a long bath in the jacuzzi tub. The jets were so nice. I added some bubble bath to the water and I felt like I was in a dirty bubble bath scene, or an old porno. I giggled at the thought. I half expected I would run into Aries or he would surprise me while I enjoyed this bath. But he never came. I stayed in extra-long too. I wanted to tease about the porno idea. But maybe it was a good thing.

I was starting to get hungry, so I headed to the kitchen. I did not really feel like a blowout meal. I found a box of cheerios in the cabinet and made me a bowl with milk. When I went to sit down I noticed something. On the table in the kitchen was a note. It was from Aries.

Aries note:

Good morning my love! I am sorry I cannot be here to look after your every whim. You will be in my thoughts all day. All I want to do is come home, strip you down and well I had better not say more. If I was to keep on that line of talk I would never finish this letter and the work would never get done.

As you know we are in the past. My past self handles the wars of this time. But my former self was a self-gratifying man. The God of war is supposed to be a neutral God. I know from the little bit of my history you do know; I was anything but neutral. There is a big war occurring right now. It is the war in Troy. This is the great Trojan War. I thought about bringing you with me, but your talents seem to be elsewhere.

At least for right now, while you are learning what your godly powers are or where they might lie, I have put wards up. These wards are to keep you in and people out. Please understand this is for your own good! I am your husband! As the God of War, I have many, many enemies in the world. For instance, any one on the losing end of a battle. Those people have been known to tear down my temples, attack my followers, and even try to put other Gods against me.

These issues have cause me great turmoil throughout my life. As you know these issues drove me into the bed of Aphrodite on many occasions. Now, I have the experience, and the understanding I needed to be a better God back then. I cannot interact with myself. The old me is assisting King Agamemnon. But this time around I will be assisting Troy herself.

In true history the Trojan War only lasted five years. But with my help, Troy my win against her besiegers. If nothing else maybe she will last longer. This war drove me crazy when I was younger. So, I get to do a little self-prodding.

I will be home later tonight my love. I will bring home something nice for supper. I promise it will not be sea food. Your stomach can not handle sea food very well. I will also bring a delicious dessert. That is if I am not ravaging your body by dessert. That is unless that is what you want for dessert! Wait there I go again. Now I am leaving with an extra hard arm. I have already took to long in writing this letter my love. I will see you tonight. Please stay safe, and don't forget the wards! You are not trapped in, everyone else is trapped outside.

After reading his note, I leaned back in my chair eating my cereal. You know it really did not bother me to be left alone. I could explore this castle more, learn some more about the different games that spike Aries's attention. I was not really interested in war.

He was right about that. To me war was a bloody affair. It caused needless death, and destruction. Especially this war! This war was all because one man coveted another man's wife. But to play Devil's advocate though, from what I have read and the movies I have watched, the poor woman was forced into marriage. She never loved Agamemnon. Agamemnon was a much older man as well. For Helen's family, it was a marriage of convenience. While on the other side of that coin Helen was depressed and near suicide, due to her unhappiness. She felt more like a trophy to be won, than a woman with feelings.

Agamemnon will win that fight with the great trojan horse. I already know that Helen will be taken back to Sparta. But I can't remember what history says about what happened after that. I would love to meet Helen of Troy. I want to see exactly how beautiful she truly was. I think I will talk with Aries tonight. Maybe he will let me meet her.

After I was through eating, I decided to take a little walk. I was taking my time going through room by room looking around and trying to figure out a couple of the different games. Out of nowhere I heard Hephaestus, "Hay Joy are you home? I would like to have a conversation with you."

Okay, Aries said the wards would keep out people. He did not say they would keep out other Gods. Great, just great! My current godly stalker is here for a visit. I cannot just hid. Hiding is just not in my makeup.

Besides what harm could a little talk do anyway. "Hephaestus I am in the Cal-c-io Stor-i-co game room." Hephaestus came walking in, "It is pronounced Calcio Storico. What are you doing in here?" I blushed not really wanting to answer stupidly. "I am trying to learn what some of these game rooms are all about." Hephaestus grinned, "This game was created to honor the Florentine way of life. The boys use it to test their personal limits. There are not any real rules to this game. The basics are you can't sucker punch or kick anyone in the head. Otherwise, it is a free for all. It is a dangerous and bloody sport. Aries and I have watched it played many times together."

I nodded, "I did not really think you two had that good of a relationship together." Hephaestus laughed, "No we are not best friends. If it had not been for Aphrodite, we might have and could have been best friends. We are brothers after all. I know that their problems are not all one sided either."

Hephaestus kept coming closer and closer as he talked. I tried to maneuver away but he followed. I hit the corner of the room and felt like a trapped rat. "Hephaestus, what are you doing?" Hephaestus put a hand up on the wall close to me. He held out his hand. There was a beautiful multicolor crystalline looking rose in the palm of his hand.

He smiled, "May I? This is for your hair." I was speechless! I nodded and let him pull some of my hair back. I heard the clip click. Then Hephaestus stepped back. He was grinning from ear to ear. "Well, I had better be going now. Oh, before I forget. That is a special clip, it will do your hair every morning. However you want it fixed. I will only caution you to never take it off. It gets jealous easily."

I had the weirdest urge, I just felt like I had to hug him. I tapped his shoulder before he could turn to leave. He stopped, and turned to me with a curious face. I hugged him, "Thank you for the beautiful gift. Aries is off at to Troy right now. Would you like to stay and have lunch with me?" Hephaestus looked utterly confused, "Didn't you know? Aries and Aphrodite are there together with each other." I smiled not wanting to give anything away. "Yes, I know they are there. Helen of Troy broke many hearts. Where there is love and war combined, it would figure they would have to be there together."

Hephaestus bit his lip and looked away from me. "You are either very naïve, or uneducated. Everyone knows why this war was started. It was started for them to have an excuse to meet up in secret. I hate to tell you this. With you being a newlywed and all. But your husband is cheating on you. He is cheating with my wife, right now as we speak." The only answer I could give was a true one. No other answer would come to mind. "I know."

Hephaestus came up on me so fast that I squealed slightly. He pinned me in the corner of the room where there was no escape. "Do you mean to tell me you don't care if he cheats!" The truthful answer was what happened in the past stays in the past. But I could not explain past and present to the current Hephaestus. "I care a lot if he was to cheat!" Hephaestus leaned in uncomfortably close, "that is what I am telling you! He is out there with my wife right now! They are blowing each other's brains out."

He took a deep breath and turned blue in the face. I took this as my chance. With the way he is acting my idea should work. I reached up and caressed his face delicately. I had to remind myself he was in pain! I pulled him into me and gave him a good, I feel your pain, hug.

That is not how he took it. He tilted my chin up to look at him. "I do not think you mean it. Please don't tease me." Okay, now I was confused! "What do you mean! Of course, I mean it! I hate it your hurting. I want to comfort you." Upon my last word, Hephaestus wrapped his arm around my waist picking me up. He slammed me against the wall. Then he planted a huge kiss on me. I hate to admit it too, but it was not unpleasant. I actually rather enjoyed it. It all went down in a matter of moments.

As he kissed me he spread my legs with his other arm and pulled them up on his hips. As soon as he got me adjusted he lowered both hands down to my botty and started massaging. I breathed in deep. He had the smell of camp fire, oil musk, and gun powder to him. I love the smell of black powder and camp fire. My senses were overloaded. I had no filter. Someone had taken my conscious and dismembered it, burying it, after setting it on fire.

Hephaestus was not ugly! In one of the stories, I read about Hera having him, he was supposedly horrible disfigured, with a hump, bad limp and ugly face. He did have a slight hump and limp but neither was hardly noticeable. His face looked a lot like Brad Pitts face. Brad Pitt could be a descendent of his. He had a well-trimmed go tee going on as well. Then there was his body. He was nothing but muscle. Just like Aries! Except I could see more with Hephaestus. He only had on his working apron, and leather pants and boots. His head hair was long and silky. He had the prettiest black hair. His hair was similar in color and beauty to that of Aries!

It hit me all of a sudden. Hephaestus hand begun to creep his way up my shirt. He had begun getting into a good rhythm with his humping too. I could feel his bulge rubbing my secret spot. I pushed him back slightly gasping for air. He leaned back but kept everything moving. I took a really deep breath of air and pushed him back hard this time. Hephaestus did step back then. He let me slid down the wall slowly till my feet were on the ground.

"I am sorry Hephaestus; I cant do this!" Hephaestus turned a funny shade of blue. He looked down and my gaze followed. I felt extremely bad then. He was so bad you could have hung a hard hat on him. Cupid warned me Hephaestus could get hurt. It was my fault too. I think I led him on without meaning to. I just wanted to comfort him. "Hephaestus, I wanted to comfort you. But not in this way. I am married to Aries. I love Aries! I want to comfort you as a friend and nothing more."

Hephaestus stood there thinking for a moment, "Thank you, there is a way you can comfort me. I was going to wait till Aries tried to seduce you tonight. Then my surprise was going to be sprung. But I will spring it now since you are so eager. I don't mind telling you, I never once thought that there would be an attraction between you and I. Even after cupids arow accidently struck me, I thought there would be something that was not there before. But my feelings never changed. What has changed is now I am not pining after either you or Aphrodite. I have been pining after her since the first time I saw her. But that has now ended. Instead, I came here to spring a trap on Aries. You surprised me! That trinket in your hair will entrap Aries in a god cage. He will not be able to break out of it, and I will have him thrown straight into Tartarus."

I cringed; I knew every word was the truth. His words were resonating with it. "Please Hephaestus, I know your mad. But this is not the way to handle this." Hephaestus sneered, "I will make you a deal." I looked at him hopefully. He said, "If you promise to kiss me how ever and whenever I decide. But it cannot be any kiss. It must be that intense every time. You must show me how much you love me."

I inhaled deeply, "Hephaestus, I do not agree! I am married! That kiss was a mistake." Hephaestus cocked his head, "you only think it was. I could feel it just as much as you could. You did not cringe at the sight of me! You did not cringe at my touch! You welcomed me in. How else do you think that that kiss intensified the way it did. It took two."

He pinned me again. I put my hands up to his chest holding him back. "Hephaestus, you are not wrong. But I love my husband. I would never do anything to hurt him." Hephaestus slammed his fist into the wall. "Fine! When it activates, your only way to his freedom will be to come find me and kiss me." With that he disappeared.

He left me sitting on the floor disheveled and scared for Aries to come home. What was I to do? The thought of running crossed my mind. But Aries was a fantastic tracker. If I stayed on the move, I might just miss being seen. But he may think it was some kind of sex game. When he caught me it would not be fun. Then I heard, "Honey! Honey are you still home? Your boy toy is back. I hope you are laying naked in our bed!"

I hid in the game room. There was a folding table by the corner. I got underneath it and curled into a ball. I heard the door to the room open. His cologne hit me. He smelled so good! He smelled just like the spray Axe Phoenix. I in hailed and just enjoyed the scent. He walked around the room. Huffed and walked back into the hallway. I had to figure another way out of this castle, and I had to do it fast!