Chapter 13 Great escape! (><)

I slowly uncurled myself and came out from under the table. I reached up and found the rose in my hair. I tried to get the darn thing out of my hair but it somehow just got tighter. Then it felt like it had started grabbing at my hair. It hurt so bad I squealed. I put my hand over my mouth. I heard Aries coming back down the hall way. I quickly hid behind the door.

Aries came barreling into the room. "I see, I heard you my little cheese cake dish. Are we playing hide and seek. What happens if I find you?" I did not answer. I did however sneak around the door and ran down the hall. Aries shouted out, "I will find you! Boy do I have plans for tonight. When I find you, how about I be the bowl this time. I have been told it is better with a peppermint. So, I brought home a bowl of several different kinds of peppermint."

I could not help it! Even trying to hid from him, he made me giggle. I was on the verge of forgetting all about Hephaestus warning! This was turning into a fun game. I had to keep my eye on the prize. I snapped my fingers and I was up in the rafters above our bed. I hid as best as I could behind one of the beams.

Aries's voice came from the opposite side of my beam. "Hello beautiful!" He tried to grab me from the other side of the beam. I snapped my fingers and I was at the end of our bed looking up. I did not see Aries, so I snapped again and was behind the beam again. I looked down and Aries had just missed me and had grabbed air instead. I giggled to myself and ducked behind the rafter again.

When I went to look again I did not see him. Where did he go! I snapped my fingers again and was back on the floor. I checked the bathroom and all over the room. But Aries was not down here. I sat on the bed for just a second. I hear a creaking noise and quickly snapped my fingers. I was back in the rafters looking down. But still no Aries. Okay I was being paranoid. Luckily the rafters were wide thick planks of boards. I crouched down and tried to disappear right where I was.

I kept a close eye on the floor. I must have sat there for roughly thirty minutes. With no sign of Aries. Now if I can just figure a way out of this castle. The wards keep me in and people out. But does that mean I can't leave? Aries spoke from above me as he grabbed both my hands, preventing me from snapping my fingers. "In answer to your question, you can leave, but I would not recommend it. You do not know the area like I do." He leaned in and gave me a very loving kiss. "I win, also I missed you today. I had an idea of taking you with me tomorrow. But since you hid so well, making me wait to touch you, I think you had better stay here."

I waited and flinched. But nothing happened. Aries gave me a confused look and leaned in kissing me even better than before. "Your mad! Because I did not take you today aren't you? Well, I was not and still am not sure I should. Remember that no one knows that Aries the God of war is married." I was almost in tears, "Aries something happened today." Aries picked me up and floated us back down to the bed gently. He rubbed my face tenderly. "Tell me, what trouble's you my love."

I ran him through the entire thing. All the way up to me telling Hephaestus what I was trying to do, and how Hephaestus reacted. Aries nodded and made noises from time to time letting me know he was still listening. When I was through Aries leaned in and kissed me so passionately, I thought my clothes would spontaneously burst into flames leaving us skin to skin.

Aries leaned me back and pulled out his pocket knife again. He never stopped kissing me as he cut of each article of clothing I had on. Then he began to lick and kiss every inch of my body. He stopped in all the right places too. When he had me sopping wet, he readied himself to enter me. He leaned over and took my mouth as he plunged deep inside my secret entrance. He went faster and faster, it felt like he went deeper and deeper with each lunge.

He pulled my hips up and he fell backwards on the bed putting me on top. He helped me maintain the motion and rhythm. But I began to change the rhythm. That was the price to pay for putting me on top of the situation. I wiggled just a little till he was hitting just the right spot and squealed in delight. Aries was grunting to the tune as well. He was massaging my butt and after a few minutes I had my first orgasm.

I leaned down and kissed Aries. He grinned and teasingly said, "you know we are not done?!" I looked at him with a grin. He then maneuvered putting me on all four. He put the tip right at my secret entrance. "Oh, baby you are so wet for me! But I have got to know, did you enjoy that kiss with Hephaestus." He teased me by entering a couple of inches and pulling out. I tried to hump backwards.

He playfully smacked my butt and shook his finger at me. "Uh, uh, now! Answer my question." I refused to even look at him. He reached around my waist and found my clit. He began a new assault while he kept rocking and teasing my secret spot. I was flush from head to toe. He stepped it up a notch by playing with my nipple with his free hand. I was moaning but still did not say anything. He leaned down and kissed the nape of my neck. I exploded! He plunged in with a loud grunt.

I squealed loudly, "I did not hate it! But I prefer yours! Please don't keep me waiting! That is utter torture!" He laughed, "It is torture to tease you, and not give you what you want." He flipped me over on my back and plunged in deep as he put my legs around his neck. As he leaned down into me again his face changed! It was not Aries! It was Hephaestus! He did not stop for one moment either. He kept up the pace! He plunged in as deep as he could. With every thrust I was screaming out in pleasure.

He took my breast in his mouth and sucked hard forcing me to have another extreme orgasm. He had me riding so high I could not come down. My brain was mush! I could not think about anything but the great amount of pleasure he was giving me.

He went faster and faster. He pulled me onto his lap and pushed and pulled me up and down on his manhood. As he did he sucked my nipples till we both climaxed at the same time. When we both went he blew so hard it caused an extra hard orgasm on my part. After words we sat there not saying a thing. We just tried to catch our breath. I tried to roll off of him, but he was not having it. He wanted to stay deep inside. The little bit I had pulled out he plunged back in.

We stayed that way until he loosened his grip. I was able to get my hand lose and snapped my fingers. I appeared in the bathroom. I quickly shut the bathroom door, and climbed into the shower. He did not follow me. Which was good! I had a moment to think clearly about what had happened. I had to tell Aries. But would Aries believe me?

I was still learning this god thing. But I had to figure a way out. If what Hephaestus said was true, I should be able to leave. After I was all cleaned up I tried snapping my fingers again. I reappeared outside and dressed in the current fashion for the time.

One thing that Hephaestus said that rang true, I did not know the area. I could only appear in places or with people I had met, or been to before. So, when I reappeared, I was standing right behind a great wall of flesh. I knew it was Hercules. I tried to sneak away. I had had enough of brothers in law for one day. I tried to back away quietly, but we were right on the edge of a forest. I accidentally stepped on a twig!