Chapter 31 Typhon and Echidna!

Aries and I have spent several weeks, now at this point, basking in the glow of our new marriage. The fact that now we are expecting, has not slowed anything down either. Aries is a lot gentler than he used to be, and he loves to rub my tummy. Those are about the only changes. We have been cooped up in this castle for a long time. Too long if you ask me. I want to get out and see some of what there is to see around here at this time. Remember a lot of what is happening right now is ancient history from my time.

I have tried to broach the subject with Aries many times. But somehow we always end up trying something new in the bed, instead of going out. I am not complaining mind you, but I need fresh air! Luckily today we had a visitor. This visitor came with a rumbling knock at the door. Really it was more of an earthquake. It scared us both right out of our us zone.

Aries and I snapped our fingers and we were on top of our castle. We looked over the edge to see a giant banging on the side of the castle. He was yelling in a chuckling manner, "Aries! You come out and bring your new lovely wife with you! We have someone for you to meet as well." As he moved I was able to see a larger than life snake woman, holding a bundle to her chest.

Aries grinned and patted me gingerly on the back. He wrapped his arms around me and snapped his fingers. We were then at the feet of the giant. I do not think I had ever been so close to peeing myself before. Aries called out, "Typhon! We are here, you have to look down you oaf." Typhon knelt down and got eye to eye with us. Aries chuckled, "Hold on my friend."

Aries wrapped his arms around me again and snapped his fingers. We were now the same size as Typhon. Aries put his hand out to Typhon. Typhon chuckled, "Echidna come and meet Aries's new wife." The snake woman slid forward. She stuck her hand out and we shook hands.

Typhon patted her on the shoulder and took the small bundle into his arms. The bundle cooed. It was a baby! I smiled, "May I see?" Echidna and Typhon both looked at each other and smiled. Typhon tilted the bundle over for me to see. He looked a lot like an octopus, with the upper half of a human. He was really rather cute. Especially for a baby.

Echidna beamed, "He is why we have come. Until little Obie is grown we are going to seal ourselves in our cave. Only the crater on the other side will be left open. Zena and Hercules both just got through saving little Obie from vermin. I will not lose another baby! To many people are out to take him for bad reasons."

Typhon nodded his head, "Zena told us about your happy news. We wonted to congratulate you before we sealed ourselves in. You are near enough to our cave, we knew we could swing by and be back before dark. Having a baby is a wonderful thing. Just do not let the other Gods in on your news. They will lie, scratch, and steal your baby away. Anyway, we just wanted to meet you and congratulate you. No offence Aries, but it is solely for your new bride. We are still a bit upset with you."

With that they both shook my hand. Echidna grabbed me in a bear hug, "I like you dear." He eyes twitched from Aries and back to me. "He is tricky! But I think you might just be able to manage him. Do not let him run all over you. Deny him sex if he tries." She pulled back smiling. Then they began walking off into the distance.

I was in shock. That was a new experience. Aries kept his arm around my shoulder and snapped his finger. We were back to our normal size again. As we walked back into the house I stopped just inches from the thresh-hold. "No!"

Aries turned abruptly, he had ahold of my hand. I stepped back a few paces. "I would like to travel. I want to see what all there is to see in this time period. You promised me romance, love and adventure Aries. I have married you on those promise's. I have been loving the romance and love parts. But the adventure is lacking. Me getting amnesia does not count. Please take me out! I will not take no for an answer!"

Aries looked more turned on than I had seen him in a few days. I was worried at first that he was going to take me on another adventure in the bedroom. Not that that would have been horrible. Actually, it might be quite fun. Stop it Joy! What is he going to do!

Aries stood in thought for a moment. "Alright, how about I give you a field of flowers to start." Aries snapped his fingers. All of a sudden we were in a beautiful flower field. I knew we were bigger than normal. But I had no idea how big. Not until I heard a sheep bleating. I picked up the little guy. The sheep began licking my hand.

The sheep was so cute. It was like a piece of fluff in my hand. I was enjoying myself so much. It took a few minutes for me to realize that Aries was not next to me. I wanted to show him the little fluff in my hand. But when I turned there was no Aries. Just great! What could have happened now!

I gently laid the little ball of fluff on the ground. I called out, "Aries!" I stood up and began walking around the area looking for my husband.

After a couple of minutes Hermes popped up. "Hello Joy, how are you today my dear?"

I breathed out in relief, "Hermes did you take my husband again?"

Hermes grinned, "You know me to well! Hera wanted to see him. She is setting up a surprise for you. You are safe here. The only resident of this island is Polyphemus. He is a cyclops. But Aries made sure you were not bite size. So do not worry. Polyphemus has not had any company in a long time. He will be glad for company of any kind. Especially a lovely Goddess such as yourself. Well forgive me I only had this message to deliver. I will check on you again soon. Oh, do not let Polyphemus bully you. You can always snap your fingers and be somewhere else, a different size, or shrink him. Also, he has perfect vision out of his one eye. So be sure to be out of his sight if you wish to disappear." With that he was gone with a smile.

Oh! Great! He is that Polyphemus. Maybe I can just avoid him. I was still in the flower fields. I heard another bleat. I looked down, apparently I had made a friend. I picked up the ball of fluff, and I sat down slowly. All of a sudden I was surrounded with little balls of fluff. It was like little dust bunnies all around me. They were tickling me and licking me. I gradually picked each one up and played with it a moment before placing it back on the ground.

I did not know that I had a stalker in the bushes. Polyphemus was watching every move I had made since I had gotten here. He especially loved watching me play with the sheep. Right after Hermes had talked with me, he visited Polyphemus. He told him I would be there a few days and to treat me with kindness or his father, Poseidon, would punish him.

However, Polyphemus had no intention of treating me meanly. He wanted to treat me just right. Just right enough that maybe, just maybe. Well, that is a thought for another day. Today is for good impressions!

As I played with the little sheep, a thought hit me. I thought Polyphemus had huge sheep. Well, I also have not explored the island as of yet. Gerrrrrr! Oh, my stomach. It is time for me to eat something. I looked around. I found an apple tree not far from where I was at. I did not want to step on any of the balls of fluff. So I carefully got up.

As I did I went to brush my lap off and knocked a couple of them off of my skirt. It hit me last minute and I caught them. My heart was pounding. I did not want to hurt the poor sheep. But any other size could make me vulnerable right now. I gingerly stepped over the sheep and walked across a small bridge. I took a handful of apples from the tree and walked back across the bridge.

The apples were huge. Even at my current size I could not carry more than six. I walked down to the edge of the water and ate a few of the red, sweet, delicious, apples. After a short time, I began to smell something amazing. I was not sure what that smell was, but it smelt so good. I left my few apples that were left on the shore and went to investigate.

I had a bit of a way to walk. I had to walk through the fields of flowers, a small forest (the trees were much larger than me), and over a small river. I stopped just long enough to get a drink before continuing. I knew I was walking uphill. I just did not know how far exactly I was willing to go.

It was awfully hot too. As I continued up the hill I found that it was not a hill. It was actually a mountain. This mountain was huge. But it had some beautiful peaks. I kept going. The smell kept getting stronger and stronger. The view kept getting prettier and prettier too. I could almost see the entire island. Eventually though, I came upon a giant cave with a huge bolder sitting next to it. As soon as I saw the cave I turned around and began heading the other way.

I remember the story of Polyphemus. He was a man-eater. Odysseus almost got eaten by him and his killer sheep. Odysseus blinded him after getting him drunk and Polyphemus passed out. Right now, Polyphemus can see just fine. I may be ever loving screwed! What do I do now! I know, sneak away, and pretend I was never here. Hopefully I did not disturb the cannibal! I very gingerly step and try to quickly back track to get out of here.

"Excuse me miss, but why are you here on my island?" I cringed, and one word went through my head over and over again, "Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap!" What was I supposed to do now. I turned around slowly. Then to my astonishment, an extremely handsome devil stood there looking at me! I always heard that all Cyclops were ugly. But this guy would have given Kevin Sorbo, and Fabio Lanzoni a run for their money.