Chapter 32 Polyphemus

He was nothing but muscle, I swear, not an inch of fat on him. He was wearing what looked like an Irish kilt, made out of wool. No shirt, he was bare chested! He was sporting an eight pack as well. He had Greek/Roman sandals on. He filled the entranceway of the cave. The only thing bigger than him was the mountain his cave was in, and the boulder he used as a door. His voice was husky and deep too. He definitely could have had a career on a sex hotline. It took me by surprise! I was standing there in utter shock!

He slowly approached me. He crooked his finger under my chin and closed my mouth for me. "Have you never seen a cyclops before, beautiful lady?" Again, I was struck stupid. I expected ugly, with shark teeth. Instead, I got romance novel handsome, with perfect teeth. Then the voice was to die for.

He took my hand and began leading me around to the other side of his mountain. "I hope you like lamb. I do not have any cattle here. I do have three separate flocks though. My mini babies love my flower fields. But my editable sheep, now they are a different story. The white ones love the forest. Then there are my black sheep with red eyes. They only eat meat. I suggest that if you are to be around them, you take me with you the first couple of times." He looked over his shoulder at me and grinned as we walked. "I was hoping you would be hungry."

That pulled me out of my shock for a moment. "Um, yes! I am very hungry. Thank you!" My stomach decided to let itself be known just then. "Gerrrrrrrrrrrr! Gerrrrrrrrrr!" I blushed purple. "I am so sorry! I did eat a few of your apples. I hope your not angry."

Polyphemus grinned as we rounded the corner and I could see the spit. "Hermes told me you were visiting for a few days. I will make you comfortable. He told me you might be afraid to approach me. I know the roomers too. I promise I am not that scary of a guy. Please have a sit here and join me for some lunch."

I sat down smiling. "You are not what I expected at all!"

Polyphemus cut off some of the lamb and put it on a plate. Then handed it to me. "I hope roasted lamb is to your liking. I am afraid I do not entertain much."

I smiled looking down at the perfectly roasted meat. "This looks better than a restaurant!" I bit into the succulent meat. I have never had a food orgasm before. I did today!!!!!!!!!!!! The lamb was so good, it actually got a moan out of me as I was chewing and swallowing. I kid you not, my panties were wet. When I caught what I had just done, I blushed from head to toe. I had even closed my eyes.

I slowly opened my eyes. Polyphemus was amazing! He did not say a word. He had just cut some meat off for himself and was holding it to his mouth. He had frozen in place staring at me. Okay Hades, open up the earth and swallow me up. I cringed inwardly to myself. "I am so sorry Polyphemus! I just have not eaten anything this good in months."

Polyphemus finished putting his bite in his mouth and turned sideways. Bad move on his part. I could see just how much I had pleased him. He was huge there too. Oh, my goodness! I cannot believe I looked! But to be honest it was kind of hard not to.

Polyphemus swallowed his bite, "I am not offended. I am glad you like my cooking. Unfortunately, it will be the only thing you will have for a few days. That is my cooking will be. Unless you wish to cook. I like learning new recipes."

I looked to the side as I took another orgasmic bite, "Polyphemus, I am here to visit as you know. But I am also married to Aries. I am not sure you want me to be around for this short period of time. I am not here to be courted"

Polyphemus came over and sat right next to me, "Just having a friend for a few days will be fun. I enjoyed watching you play with my mini sheep. Tomorrow, I will introduce you to my big boys."

I did not like how close he was. Then he was watching me with the sheep earlier! I need to keep my mind sharp here. But, if he really was just trying to be friendly that is fine. However, his manhood was telling me a different story. I could not help but notice. I do not think he knows what underwear is. He was poking out of his kilt badly. It was nearly impossible not to look. I mean he was decent and all. But it was more than obvious.

Polyphemus and I finished eating and he took me on a tour of his island. He was a complete gentleman. Before we ever left his cave, he put his arm out to me. I put my arm through his and he walked me around. He has a beautiful island. With plenty of white sandy shore. The ocean is quite beautiful off the shore as well. It is a beautiful blue, and from the ridge we were on I could even see the fish swimming in it. The water was so clear!

We walked around acres of beautiful flower fields, and he had a few acres of farm land. This is where he planted all his potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, ect… He had quite a green thumb. Even the roses he had planted were amazing. He used the rose bushes as barriers between the different acres, instead of fencing. It was all quite beautiful.

Then he walked me through his mini forest. There was only one path through the forest. He kept this path up beautifully. He had put gravel down and guard railing. Wait guard railing? "Polyphemus, why do you have guard railing around this path?"

Polyphemus grinned excitedly, "Its my pets, here they come now!"

When I say huge, it is an understatement. This sheep were huge! I mean I was big right now. I was just a little shorter than Polyphemus. However, these sheep came up to his waist. And they were powerful. They barreled into the fencing. When they hit they almost took it out. They were so excited to see Polyphemus. They acted like huge Labradors. To the point they were jumping and bleating, just like a dog would jump and bark.

Polyphemus had me come over and he put my hand out to them. They licked my hand and bleated loudly. Polyphemus smiled, "That means they like you. That is rare! These are my good sheep. They only eat these trees, grass, and my flowers." The sheep were now rubbing up on me through the fencing. Polyphemus chuckled, "I still have so much more to show you. I am so glad you like it here."

I smiled, "Polyphemus, your sheep are darlings! They are just like puppies. Also, I do like your island. It is quite beautiful here. You have surprised me at every end."

Polyphemus grabbed my hand and began pulling me along, "Wait until you see my man-eaters. I think you will be really impressed with them."

"Wooooo, wooooo now! Man-eaters!" I jerked my hand out of his. He turned around and gave me the most sexy puppy dog eyes I had ever seen. "Polyphemus, I do not feel like becoming lunch today! I have very much enjoyed your tour. Thank you for being so generous with me. But I do not like the idea of man-eaters!"

Polyphemus walked up to me slowly. He was acting like he was caring for a scared and cringing animal. He had the stance and even put his hands out gently like he was about to grab me. My first thought was "Oh hell no! Polyphemus! If you grab me I will disappear. Is that understood!"

He stopped in his tracks, "I do not mean to scare you. I just have not had company in so long. I am really enjoying having you here. I would like to show off my pride and joy. Which is all my pets. I promise you will not get hurt. In fact, if you stand where I tell you too you will be just fine. Please come with me. You will enjoy I promise! I do not want you to disappear. I even have already made a bed for you in my cave. I will be gentle. You will enjoy. I promise!" He held out his hand to me.

What was I to do. I could always snap my fingers and be up a tree or on a different part of the island. He was being so sweet. I reluctantly reached out and took his hand. This time he walked slower. He kept looking over his shoulder and grinning like a little kid. It felt good to make him smile. But I was very nervous.

We walked over a bridge he had between his mountain and the adjoining island. The bridge spanned all the way over. We walked down the path to the beach on that island. After we walked through a fairly dense area on the path I heard a "Birrrrd!" Noise. After a few minutes I heard it again, a few others accompanying it. "Birrrrd! Birrrrd! Birrrrd! Birrrrd! Birrrrd! Birrrrd!"

Polyphemus pulled me up behind him. He grabbed both my arms and pulled me up to him. Okay quick note, I was uncomfortable. But he smelt so good! I expected him to smell of sheep. He had this musk that smelled just like AXE Phoenix. That is one of my favorite smells. I could not help myself. I was in hailing and enjoying the smell. He did not smell at all of sweat.

"Birrrrd! Birrrrd! Birrrrd! Birrrrd! Birrrrd!" Ten black sheep with red eyes came running up. They were jumping up and down bleating "Birrrrd! Birrrrd! Birrrrd! Birrrrd! Birrrrd!" Polyphemus leaned over and picked up a bucket I had not noticed before. He pulled me around and told me to feed them the meat.

When I looked in the bucket, I was ready to cringe. However, the meat was the left over lamb from our lunch. "I thought they would eat raw meat!"

Polyphemus laughed, "Just because they are considered man-eaters does not mean they eat men. They are just like dogs. They eat scraps. I never feed them anything raw. I do not want to be eaten myself." He chuckled.

He reached around from behind me and took my hand. He helped me to select a piece of meat and we through the meat out for the sheep. They chased it just like a dog would. After we finished feeding the sheep they rubbed up on us. We gave them a good petting and the sheep ran on off back into the forest.

It was amazing! The way the story is told may not be completely correct. Odysseus was known to exaggerate the truth. He might have gone a little far with this one.

Polyphemus gently took my hand and took me back to his island. "It is getting late. If you are hungry we can cook, or we can have some vegie or fruit."

I smiled, "How about some more apples before bed. I think that would fill me right up.

Polyphemus smiled, "I think it might fill me up to." He grabbed a basket from his cave and we went and got a bunch of apples. Afterwards, he took me back to his cave. Once I was inside he began telling me what the wine caskets were, where the blankets came from, and how he had made the furniture. As he was talking he sealed the cave with the bolder.