Chapter 33 Magic Island

Once the boulder was in place, and it was dark, he stopped talking. I began to feel funny. I did not like this. What was wrong with me. I willingly entered his cave. Am I trapped? I heard him take a step. What do I do! I heard him take another step. I am uncomfortable! I snapped my fingers. I could not snap out of the cave. WTF! I was beginning to panic.

Wait! I snapped my fingers again; I was the size of his mini sheep. I found a corner and hid. He lunched at where I had been standing. He ran into the wall and passed out. He fell to the ground with a great thud. He dang near tripped over me. I snapped my fingers again, and I was back to his size. But my head was hurting, I was dizzy, and I felt like I was going to throw up! On no! I think my morning sickness might be kicking in. What do I do!

I ran to the boulder and attempted to push it. I tried rolling it. I tried kicking it. I could not get the blasted thing to move. I snapped my fingers, and saw lots of fireworks. But nothing moved the boulder. I froze for a moment, and forced myself to breathe in and out slowly. It helped to stave off the vomit for the moment.

I now knew, I was stuck. That is until he removed that bolder. How did he trap me in here. Something is not right about this cave! I felt a small breeze on my face. It was cooler air. I snapped my fingers and I was the size of the mini sheep again. I found where the nice cool crisp air was coming into the cave. I followed it out through a crack in the cave wall.

However, I could not go out the hole. The hole was way to high up, on the side of the mountain. It was a flat faced wall entrance. I had no climbing gear, or I might have been able to rappel off. Even if I snapped my fingers in time, the drop was so far down, I would hurt something. I tried to find some finger holds to just get myself out on the ledge. But there was some force that would not let me past the cave entrance here either.

Boy was I getting dizzy. I dropped to my knees, and vomited over the ledge. I felt some presence pushing me back, as I leaned over, and tossed my cookies. This was not normal. I walked back into the cave slightly. I made sure to keep myself out of the line of sight. Polyphemus has not awoken yet. I did not want him to get any clue I might still be here.

Those hopes were dashed as soon as Polyphemus awoke though. It was long after dark. There were sconces that magically caught fire as soon as the sun was down. Which was nice! They brought some lite to a rather dark subject at the moment. This lifted my spirits, until Polyphemus sat up.

When Polyphemus sat up, he did so laughing, "HA, HA, HA, HA, Oh, my little goddess. You are very tricky. But as you know by now. So am I! You are now mine. I can not believe you entered my home so willingly. My cave is powerful, just so you know, even when I remove the boulder, you will not be able to leave. Not unless you leave with me. But I will not take you out. Not until you agree to be with me. Not even your husband can rescue you from my cave. He can not enter. I will tell you my dear, I am tired of being alone. I am sorry for tricking you. But there are no female cyclops's anywhere around here. You were my gift from the gods. My island is invisible now too. You will not be able to leave it even if I was to let you out of our cave. We are in a limbo state. That happened automatically though as soon as you were left on my island. Hermes, Aries, Hera, even my father Poseidon had forgotten their promise to me. They bestowed this blessing on me. that is the 12 Olympians. The next female to appear on my island would be mine. I care for the sheep of the gods so this was my gift. I requested it. Only now have they supplied me a companion. It has been so many years. I am sorry for your loss. I will give you some time to understand where you are. But you will be unable to leave my island. You are unable to leave my cave, without my permission. Enjoy your time to morn. For when I feel it has been long enough, I will come to you. You had better be ready when I come."

Polyphemus stood up and rolled the boulder back. The mini sheep ran out of the door. I tried to follow, but it was like I was running into an invisible shield of some sort. Then I was in the air! Polyphemus had picked me up! He held me right in front of his handsome nose. "I just told you, you can not leave this cave without my permission. You have to be with me every time you walk out. I know this will take some time to understand. You are used to being free. But you are no longer free. You are mine. I will bring you back some lamp and fruit to eat. I imagine you are pretty hungry. Now take this time, if you need, to cry over your loss. I do not want to be here to hear you cry. I am leaving for now. Enjoy your time alone." He sat me down on the bed, as he stood up and walked out of the open entrance.

As soon as he was out of sight, I let my frustration out. I screamed, into a pillow. I did not want to give him the satisfaction of hearing my frustration. I can only imagine what Aries and the other Gods are thinking at this point. Maybe this is the catalyst that causes Polyphemus to be blinded. He kidnapped a goddess, attempts to seduce her, and entraps her in a magic cave on an magic island.

You know the magic island would have been enough entrapment. But Oh, No! He went the extra mile and opted for the magic cave feature as well. What does he want from me! Why does crap like this keep happening! I am not an object to be owned, I am just going to have to make sure he understands this. I mean it is not like he can change his size.

That's it! I am going to make myself so small he will never find me. Maybe the size of an ant. But I have to find the perfect place to hide. I got to looking at the table and chairs he had built. It was perfect! The wood had hollowed out knots in it. I could easily hide in those. I will wait till he comes back with the food. I will eat, then as soon as he leaves I will change my size and hide in one of the deeper knots on the table leg.

I snapped my fingers and was Polyphemus size. I cut some linens, that were about the same color as the table, into small sizes. I tied one around the table leg. It blended in perfectly with the leg. So well, as a matter of fact, that I almost lost where my knot was. I also covered the entire inside of the knot with the fabric. Making sure the bottom had extra, for padding for my feet. I even made a makeshift pillow and blanket. I was ready, and my knot was ready.

By the time I had finished, I heard Polyphemus whistling, on his way back up the path to the door. I sat on the side of the bed and waited. When he saw me he grinned. He had a plate he had filled to overflowing with meat, vegetables, and fruit. He sat it down on the table, and came over to me.

He ran his finger down my cheek, "I am glad you do not have any tear marks. This does surely please me." I had been looking at him. but his statement infuriated me. I turned my head away. He let his hand drop slightly, "I understand, all cyclops are ugly. It is a well know fact. You are beautiful and could do better. I am sorry it had to be you. But it is you! I am so glad it is you. I wanted a beauty. I was afraid it was too much to ask for. I will not waist long on your grief. But it is a big loss, for anybody. Tonight, I will sleep outside with my sheep. We will see how you feel tomorrow."

He bent over and kissed me on the forehead. This took me as wrong! How dare he kiss me! I reared back, and with wide eyes, I slapped him hard. I left my entire hand print on his face, boy was it red. He grinned at me, turned and walked out of the entrance. When he was about 20ft from the entrance he reached up and rubbed where I had slapped him.

I did not care how badly it hurt. He deserved it! I quickly ate some of the food. Then placed some of it in one of the cloths I had cut up. I put it in the knot as well, before I snapped my fingers and floated into the knot myself. I finished eating in the knot. I had not gotten quite enough food though. So, I quickly snapped back long enough to put more in my knot. I put just as much of the food as I could in the knot and still have enough room for myself. Then I went back in myself.

I went back in just in time too. Because here came Polyphemus, he was carrying a bouquet of flowers. He looked around the cave thoroughly. But could not find me. I watched him as he looked about for me. He laid the flowers on the table. He chuckled out loud and left the cave. He left the boulder rolled back. Which was nice, at least I got some fresh air in here.

I laid back and used my make shift pillow. I pulled my blanket over me and went to sleep. I was going to need all the strength I could muster to get out of this situation. What on earth could happen next! We will have to wait for tomorrow to see!