Chapter 34 Polyphemus, boy or man?

I have been here, on Polyphemus's magic island, now for roughly a month so far. Polyphemus has been good at keeping his distance. He brings me a heaping plate of food twice daily. He does change up how he is cooking the meat. But it is always lamb. Talk about getting tired of a certain thing. But the vegies are always different, and so are the fruits.

He has kind of impressed me, really, with how patient he has been. All except for when he kissed me on the forehead the first day I was here. He has not tried anything else like that. But in all honesty, he has not had the chance. I do not allow him to see me, ever! I stay in my knot. That is until he leaves. I go to the entrance and watch him as he leaves, then I will snap my fingers. I will eat as much of the food as I can, and then put some in my hide away.

Polyphemus had not been sleeping in this cave until last night either. Now I will say, I feel it is a waist for there to be an unused bed just sitting there. But I am not going to use it! He might as well. As long as he stays out of my knot then I am fine with him being in here.

I know he is looking for me each day when he comes in too. He does not always talk. Sometimes he sits in the chair at the table, or sits on the bed and just listens. That is when I am afraid to even move. I have actually done such a good job at hiding; I don't think he will ever find me. However, I am not going to give him the chance to either.

Polyphemus just got up from todays nap. He sat at the table and ate what was left of my scraps and took the plate. That's fine by me. I already put some food in my hidey-hole. I will be comfortable for a few hours. That is unless the munchies hit like yesterday. I ran out of food by lunch! I have to be more careful.

I snapped my fingers and flew over to the entrance and checked to make sure Polyphemus was gone. I felt so cramped! I snapped my fingers again and I was the size of a regular human. I walked around and stretched a bit. As I stood in the daylight though, I noticed my clothing was beginning to look rather dingy. I had not been able to bathe properly or wash my clothing in a while. I know I need to do something.

I looked up on the table. Polyphemus had left a jug sitting there with drinking water. You see I have been very careful about drinking to much. Mainly because I had to go to the cliff to do my business. It was not like Polyphemus had a bathroom in this cave. So, I have purposefully drank very little. There was also a small bowl. Which gave me an idea.

I snapped my fingers and was Polyphemus's size again. I took the bowl over to the crack in the wall and pushed it in. It nearly fit all the way. My idea was going to work! I filled the bowl with the water and pushed it back into the crack. Then I snapped my fingers again, I was small enough I could go for a swim in the bowl.

I did not however look to see if Polyphemus was back. That did not occur to me until I was already in the water. But it felt so good! I put Polyphemus out of my mind for a moment. I laid back and enjoyed the water. That is until the bowl was pulled out of the crack. As it was pulled out i had been leaning back against the wall of the bowl. I opened my eyes to see the rock flying by. It scared me so bad!

I snapped my fingers, I was mini again, and scrambled out of the bowl. I hid in the crack. Polyphemus looked at the bowl and shrugged his shoulders. He actually put the bowl back in the crack. I did not know what this new trick was. But when I looked in the bowl he had replaced the water. It was warm water now.

Hay, I wont complain about a warm bath compared to a cold one. I snapped my fingers and was human sized again in the bowl. The water felt so good that I leaned my head back and allowed myself to relax. Never, and I mean never, allow yourself to get comfortable in this kind of situation. I got to comfortable and fell asleep.

I awoke, hours later! I was still as comfortable as before. The water was still nice and warm. The water even had a floral scent to it. It smelled so good and comforting. I almost did not notice the two burly arms around me. One under my head, I was using as a pillow, and the other over my tummy, I was using as an anchor.

When it occurred to me, I jerked back! I jerked right out of his arms. That is when I saw exactly who it was who had had their arms around me. It was Polyphemus! He was human sized! I did not know that cyclops could change their size! I was out of his grip and he was still sleeping. He had not noticed I was gone. I snapped my fingers and I was flying, I flew away to the table.

Polyphemus did not move, I could see him clearly from where I was at. He had put a burning piece of coal, under the bowl, to keep the water hot. That was nice of him. He must have done it when he had first pulled the bowl out from the wall. For him being nice, I will watch him and make sure he does not drown. But this puts a whole new threat in the air. How small can he actually become. Can he find my knot? Do I need to move my hidey-hole?

While I was mulling all this over, Polyphemus began to stir. He slapped the water realizing I was not there anymore. He looked up and saw me looking at him over the edge of the table. He grinned and patted the water. I shook my head and snapped. I flew to the back of the table and up under it. I knew while I was flying I looked like a little bug. So, it was good cover, kind of.

I could not go directly to my hidey-hole. So, I stayed under the table. I watched him as he climbed out of the bowl. He was still wearing his kilt. At least he was not naked.

He picked up a piece of wool and began to dry himself. As he did he turned his back to the table, just for a minute, but it was long enough. I quickly flew to another crack I had found last week. I did not want to go inside it though. It was full of spider webs. But it was an out of the way place, in the corner of the cave. I made sure there were no spiders at the moment. I only hid there for a few minutes.

While Polyphemus finished drying, he talked out for me to hear, "Thank you for the nice nap. I was in need of a bath as well. Now I will know your scent too. You can not fool a cyclops nose. We are better than blood hounds. I warn you dear, I am starting to lose patience. I would rather you come to me. But if I have to find you, I will. It must have scared you. Finding me next to you in the water. But I did not want you to drown. Yes I can change my size at will too. This is one lesson that you probably have not been taught yet about cyclops. I know you are here. There is no getting away." He paused and sounded very husky when he began again, "Sweetie, there is no getting away. You have no place to run to. I will find you. No! Your not coming out! Okay then, today begins the hunt. When I find you, you will be mine. When I take you, you are mine, mind, body, and spirit. We will be consummated in marriage. Lets forth to the games!" He stayed human sized and began looking in every nook and cranny.

While he was thoroughly looking through the bed. I took the opportunity to whiz right past him. I was so quick he never even saw. I hid back in my knot. I was worried now though about the food. It might give me away through the smell. I peeked out and checked on Polyphemus. He was still going through the bed. I quickly tossed the bag of food towards the door, and ducked back into the cave.

Polyphemus heard the bag drop. He went over to investigate. He laughed when he found the small bag. The bag was a little larger than a large pebble. That is when it occurred to me. I just gave away my size, I think. He laughed! He through the bag out of the door. He snapped his fingers, and I saw him change his size. He was now smaller than I was.

Okay, if he attempts to come at me, I will step on him! He kept running around the room. I felt pretty safe in my hidey-hole. But I knew it was not going to keep me safe forever. Eventually, he is going to find me. I just need to control where and when that happens. For now, though, I am so tired! I laid down and took a much needed nap. I could always plan more when I wake up.