Chapter 35 Spider!

I was having sweet dreams today. In my dreams I was back in Aries's arms. We were back in our castle, in our bedroom, on our bed. He was holding me and telling me how much he loved me. He was also rubbing my tummy and telling the baby he wished he were here. Aries and I were just about to kiss when this loud crash awoke me.

I did not want to open my eyes! In my half asleep mind, I thought it must have been Polyphemus. He must still be tearing apart his cave trying to find me. I could not help but giggle slightly. But when I opened my eyes I nearly yelled out! It took all I had in me to keep from screaming!

A giant leg was sticking through the entrance hole to my knot. When I followed the leg from foot to stem, I saw what it was connected to. It was a spider! The cover I had had over the entrance was in the spiders mouth. If I had been my regular human size, it would not have been an issue. I would have just stepped on it and squished it. But in my current state, I was meal sized.

At the moment the spider was attempting to munch on the blanket he had pulled off of the hole I was in. I tried to stay calm. However, I am not someone who likes spiders. You could even go as far as saying that I am arachnophobic. In other words, my thought process was somewhat stuck on, "OH MY GOD, SPIDER!"

Even though my brain was acting like a broken record, I was able to keep my calm. Somehow! I did not scream, or try to run. I kept my blanket in my mouth and bit down hard. My focus was stuck on the spider eating my door flap.

After a few minutes the spider did pull its leg out of my knot. Which only helped for a moment. When the leg was out, here came the head! I snapped my fingers and I was a little ball of light. The spider could not touch me as a ball of light. He did try to snap at me with his mouth pincers. But he went straight through the light. Eventually he gave up. He pulled on out and continued climbing up the table.

Really though, I must say, he could have just been curious. I on the other hand was not curious at all. I could not even change back human at the moment. My heart was racing way to fast. I flew out of my knot as soon as the spiders body had cleared the table. I flew to the ceiling and hung out there for several minutes.

Polyphemus on the other hand was anything but idle. He had torn apart his entire cave. The spider, might have actually saved my life in the long run. Polyphemus had grown so frustrated that he changed back into a giant and flipped his table. There was all kinds of food all over the floor now. His dishes were all scattered too. He was so angry!

There was no chance that I was going to come out of hiding when he was acting like this. After a while of him rampaging, he stopped cursing or talking. He was on a mission. Eventually after he had expelled all his energy on tearing up the place, he cleaned up everything. I stayed in the ceiling. I was waiting on a good opportunity to fly down and go to the bathroom. As it was thought, the table had landed right in front of the hole I was using to go out to the cliff. I had to wait until he moved the table.

After he finally did set the table upright again, I was able to go relieve myself. I was hurting by the time I was finally able to go. Boy it felt good to let it go. After I had cleaned myself up, I started walking back to check up on things. I walked slowly. I was afraid I was making to much noise at that.

When I rounded the corner, I found a new bowl of steaming hot water. Polyphemus must have shoved it into the crack thinking it as a peace offering. The memory flashed through my head of waking up in his arms. Some hospitality! Not only am I prisoner on this island, but now I am also prisoner to this cave. Seeing this bowl made me so angry. I could not control my anger.

I stepped out of the crack and let my anger seethe. The angrier I got the bigger I became. Luckily Polyphemus was not in the cave right now. I could smell that he was cooking. I let my anger grow and grow. Eventually I was a burning light. The angrier I became the brighter I burned. After a few minutes the bed caught fire, then the table and all that had been on it. The sandy floor was turning into a rough glass.

When I finally began to let myself calm down, I heard Polyphemus coming back around the mountain. I looked around the room. The room was filled with smoke. The bed had been turned to ash. The table with all that had been on it, were now gone. All the wooden tools, and had made fur blankets disappeared. The walls and the floor of the cave were shinny like they had been polished. But I think the only reason I could tell all of this, was because of my godly status. Otherwise, the smoke was to thick to breath.

I calmed myself, and forced myself to back into a miniature ball of light by snapping my fingers. As far as Polyphemus new, I was just a little nat. When he rounded the corner to the cave he froze. He gently placed the food he had been carrying by the mouth of the cave. He waved his hands and moved one rock. Then the smoke began to escape like it would through a chimney.

I took my chance! I flew out with the smoke. I DID IT! I ESCAPED! I was out of the cave. I tried to fly off of the island. But no matter how far I flew I ended up back here at this island. There were no other islands. Just the island of Polyphemus. I flew back down and landed by a river bed. I snapped my fingers and was back to being regular old Joy. I sat down on a rock and finally let out all of my frustrations.

I cried and cried! Here I was, finally out of my cell. But I was still in jail. What had I done to deserve such spit from the other gods. This was cruel even for them. I tried snapping my fingers and thinking of other places. But I never left the spot where I now sat. I called out to Hermes, Aries, Hephaestus, and all the other gods. I only heard pure silence. The only noise being that of the animals and foliage.

Eventually I went down to the beach. I thought if nothing else I would walk out into the water. Maybe Poseidon would intervein. However, the seas were quiet and calm. It was apparent, I would be receiving absolutely no help. I went back up on shore. I snapped my fingers and my cloths were dry.

At least I could still clean myself and change my clothing on a whim. There has to be another way out of here. I could not fly out, which means building a raft is out of the question. I can fly further than I could float in one day. Swimming was no option either. There was no clear destination for me to head. I could swim for a year that way and still miss land. About my only option now is for me to wait to be rescued.

I reached down and rubbed my tummy. I was beginning to show. Right now, I looked like I had eaten to much lamb. But in truth, I was actually starving. I was not eating near enough for a pregnant mother. I knew I had to start eating better. I did not want to hurt my baby. Eventually though this would mean that Polyphemus would be able to see to. What would Polyphemus do if he finds out I am pregnant?

I thought about trying to use my pregnancy as a shield. But I do not know how cyclops would react to someone's news like this. Especially since he wants to claim me for himself. What am I supposed to do? Aries will come and rescue me eventually I know. But when!?

I began heading up the hill towards the apple tree I saw when I first came here. I picked a few apples and sat down thinking. I am afraid at this rate Polyphemus will figure me out to quickly. He has probably already figured out, that I have escaped somehow. There are only so many places to hide on these two islands. His sheep are like Labradors. No matter where I go, they will eventually give me away. What am I to do for shelter when the rain falls?