Chapter 36 Polyphemus take two

I fell asleep under the apple tree. With the sun on my skin and apples in my belly, it was a recipe for nap time. While I laid there, several of the sheep had come up and gathered around me. They laid down next to me, and acted like I was one of the flock. They had done such a good job at camouflaging me that Polyphemus did not see me until he was picking up the sheep to bring them in.

There was a big storm heading into our area. Polyphemus was bringing in the sheep to keep them dry, while the storm raged overhead. When he saw me laying under the sheep, he chuckled to himself warmly. He picked me up and took me back to the cave.

I had only been gone for maybe two days. He had made the most of those two days too. He had made all new furniture. Now it was only a new bed, table and chairs. But he had gone all out. He did some intricate carving. He had not completed any of the pieces yet. But he everything put together. He made a huge four poster bed with a carved head board. Each of the legs had the beginnings of carvings. But the head board was completed.

He had carved a huge apple tree and apples on the ground around the tree. There were three children running and playing under the tree as well. One had another on his shoulder as he was picking a apple. Then there was one running with a apple in one hand and eating a apple with the other. The four posters had the beginnings of carved apples, and vines on them. It was really something to look at.

The table and chairs were basic as well. But you could tell he had really put some thought into them as well. He had begun carving grape vines on the legs of the table and chairs. He was trying to make it really fancy. He had made new dishes to match as well. All of the bowls, cups, and plates had grape's and vines carved on them. He really was efficient with the time he had had.

He laid me down in the bed. He had filled the mattress he had made with flower petals. The whole cave smelled of a beautiful floral scent. He had made more blankets before the fire too. He had had them curing out on some rocks, so they were not taken in the fire. He used a deer hide blanket to cover me.

This time, he did not leave my side. I suppose he had brought in all his sheep. He did not seem as worried about them at the moment, as he did me. He had either made a fire pit in the wall before the fire or after. To be honest I could not tell you which. I did not remember it being there before. But he had a fire roaring in it right now. The smoke was going out his make shift chimney. He had muton cooking and a pot of tea.

The new smells were making my stomach growl. My growling tummy is what woke me up to be plainly honest. I sat up slowly in the bed. Unfortunately, that is when I noticed my clothes were missing. I pulled the blanket up as close to my chin as humanly possible. I was worried about what his next step was going to be. At the moment, I was to exhausted to do much fighting. But I would give him the best fight I could if he was stupid.

Polyphemus was sitting in one of the table chairs. He had the other in his hands and was working on carving the grape's into the legs. He sat down the chair, as soon as he noticed me sitting up. He quickly grabbed one of his grape cups and filled it with some rosemary tea. He put some sugar in it, and handed me the glass. "How are you feeling?"

I don't know why, but I felt a bit cold. It could have been the weather, but at the moment I felt it was more due to nerves. "Thank you Polyphemus. I am a bit cold!"

Polyphemus went over and stoked the fire, "We have a storm coming in. You feel asleep under the great apple tree. My sheep had surrounded you. If they had not, you might have caught a cold." He turned the muton, and added more water to the tea pot. "I am sorry for scaring you a few days ago. I removed the charms. I do not want you roaming these islands by yourself. But I do not want you looking for any mode of escape possible either. I thought we were playing a lovers game. I think I completely misread your situation. How the gods are cruel!" He jabbed at the fire in the pit with a stick. It caused sparks to fly all over the place.

I drank some of the tea and it was warming my belly. "Polyphemus, forgive me please. But what are you talking about?"

Polyphemus turned and pulled his chair closer to the headboard. "Tell me truthfully, are you with child?" I did not know what else to do, I did not want to lie. I could always snap my fingers and he could not catch me as a ball of light. I shook my head. He leaned back in his chair, "That explains it then. You and Aries are in love with one another. The gods took you away from him and gave you to me. What a sick joke."

I finished my tea and sat my cup down. "Polyphemus I had tried to tell you. You were adamant. You would be with me. I was adamant too. I would not be raped. Nothing in that area has changed either. I refuse to be raped, and I will not be with anyone who I do not love. I would still like to get to know you. But I will not sleep with you. If you are willing to except that, then I am willing to discuss other things with you. If not, I will find somewhere else to stay on these islands until Aries finds me."

Polyphemus sat in deep thought. He scratched his head several times. "I would rather have a companion here than be by myself. I promise you, I will not ever force you into something you do not want to do. I give you my word as a cyclops. If you stay with me at least until you are rescued, we will just be friends. That is unless you ask me for more. I will not deny you anything I can provide. That includes me if you become interested. I do not care what size we are either. I will also make you this promise and declaration as well. I find you highly attractive. I am turned on by your mere presents. The moment you say so, be prepared. I will lavish you with all my skills. I will be planning in the meantime."

I turned purple, "Why make plans? I told you I wont!"

Polyphemus laughed, "The gods have spelled my island. They do not even know where we are at, at the moment. For Aries to find you, would be a great feat indeed. After a few years with it just being you and I. You may change your mind. I wish to be ready, when or if that happens. In the meantime, my head can be as graphic as I need. Just please understand if I tell you I need alone time."

I giggled, "That goes both ways. But I will be dreaming of my Aries. I am sure he already misses me. I wonder if he is looking for me yet."

Polyphemus looked away and went back to stocking the fire, "He knows. But understand my dear goddess, time passes differently here. What may be years to us, will be mere minutes to them. It could also be the other way around. You could say, as far as we are concerned, they are standing still in time. While we live out our lives here. Just remember, the choice is yours. I am a patient man. I will find my way around things. Can you be so patient?"

"Polyphemus will this be an everyday subject?"

Polyphemus picked back up the chair he was working on. He sat back down and went back to carving. "No, not every day. Not every conversation. But in the back of both our minds, yes."