Chapter 37 Freedom, Finally!

I have completely lost track of the time here. After the first week, the days started blending into themselves. It seems like I have the same routine for each day. At least Polyphemus has finally accepted that I will not become his bride. He is actually a fairly nice guy, once you get to know him. I actually almost feel guilty, for not telling him about the pregnancy to begin with. Almost!

He accepted the baby just as soon as he found out about it. He goes overboard to make sure that I eat enough. He put extra cushioning on the table chairs so I could sit comfortably. He made pillows out of the wool from his sheep for me. (boy are they soft.) He has even begun to make some woolen baby clothing as well. However, I remember the story of Polyphemus. The story made him out to be a cannibal. What do I do if he tires of mutton?

At the moment, all my other needs are being cared for. But I do not want to be a burden either. I try to help Polyphemus out around here. I clean his home, make his bed, and do the dishes. I help sheer his sheep, and I collect fruit for the table. It just does not feel like it is enough at times.

Most days Polyphemus is an awesome gentleman. He will not allow me to carry anything heavy or bothersome. He keeps me close to him, so he can do more for me, or so he says. Then there are days that Polyphemus is in a rotten mood. I have learned to stay away from him on those days. Usually when I ask I get the standard answer of, "Do you accept me yet? I have so many ideas. I could make you happy you know."

I always tell him, "I accept you as a friend. Thank you for all you have done and are doing for me. I am happy knowing you care." In answer, he will stomp off and be gone for most if not all the following day. When he returns, he is always in a better mood. He will apologize for being pushy. Then we go back into our routine of getting the chores done.

We did not have a set routine of how we did things. But we did have a routine of doing the same chores every day. Just at different times. But the same chores were done every day. Gathering water from the river, picking fruit, gathering wood for the fire, sheering certain sheep, cleaning the cave, doing the dishes, making the bed, tending the flocks. We were always busy doing something. It really did help to make the time go that much faster.

My favorite chore was sitting in the fields watching the sheep. Polyphemus had an amazing imagination. He could make up and act out stories like no other. It was better than a book or watching tv. I told him one day he should sell his story ideas. He could be a millionaire. His only problem is that he cannot read or wright. I tried to show him some. But he did not have the patience to learn. Not now at least.

Polyphemus is having one of those off days today. I am avoiding him. I do not want him taking off for the day. I am getting rather large now. Which could only mean that the baby will arrive any day. I have been on this island for so long. I have learned most of this island. The bad part about this is that I have found very few places where I can give birth.

I am scared of giving birth on my own. I have had this talk with Polyphemus too. He agrees he does not know what to do. He is worried for my safety as well. I was supposed to have Zena as my midwife. But the only two people on this island is myself and Polyphemus. None of the Gods are answering my prayers. I have tried snapping my fingers, but I never leave the beach. I have tried swimming, but beyond the reef, the sea is just too rough. I have tried flying but something about the island only lets me go so far. Then it is like hitting a brick wall.

Polyphemus says the reef would tear up any boat we were to build. I tested this by snapping a raft with sail into existence. (FYI: I did not know I could do that.) Polyphemus pushed it out into the current. We sat and watched it all day long. With no one paddling it took quite some time. But once it got to the reef, a great swell tore it to shreds.

I very well and truly felt alone on this island. Polyphemus was a good friend. But he could not give me the help I needed with this baby. He has said as much. I have been told in situations like this. That nature will kick in and take over. Will it though, when you have never been around anyone, who has either had children or been pregnant. I had my worries.

I had gone out today to gather some fruit. The banana trees had an abondance of fruit. I gathered some apples, and on my way back I found a huge bush that had a grape vine growing all over it. There were both purple and red grapes growing on it. To a regular person these grapes would have been about the size of a golf ball. But to me at my current size they were normal sized. I tasted a few and they were sweet too. I gathered several groups of them of both colors.

On my way back to the cave, I was munching on some of the grapes. I was passing a field when I heard Polyphemus talking to someone. I snapped my fingers and was seated up in a tree. The tree had dense foliage. This did a good job at camouflaging me. I knew I would be able to see them, but they would not see me. What a good hiding place!

I waited as Polyphemus came walking up and talking. It was normal for Polyphemus to talk to the sheep. I hid because of his mood today. However, when they were right below my tree, I was thankful for the foliage for cover. Polyphemus was not talking to the sheep. He was talking to another woman!

It was a woman I recognized. I only knew of her from school. Through school I knew her description. It was Artemis. If I remember correctly she was the goddess of wild animals, the hunt, vegetation, chastity and childbirth. She was the twin sister of Apollo. What on earth would she be doing here, on this island? And what was with the deer that was walking with them.

The deer did not seem at all worried. Really, it was acting more like some ones pet. Maybe it was just Artemis's animal magnetism. She had a squirrel on her shoulder, and a fox by her feet as well. It was interesting just looking at her. I stayed hidden, as they were walking and talking. Soon enough I could hear their conversation.

Polyphemus: I am so glad you were able to come. She needs help that I cannot provide.

Artemis: You called me away from a good hunt. Does your island displease you in some way?

Polyphemus: Did the Gods know she was married? She is Aries's bride. She is pregnant with his child!

Artemis: That is unfortunate. What would you have me do?

Polyphemus: I wanted a bride! But not someone else's! Artemis she is a new God. Please take her back to her husband! Give me my own Bride!

Artemis: You know it will cost you for me to end this spell.

Polyphemus: What is the cost?

Artemis: You will lose an eye. It will not be comfortable either. Ending a spell like this is painful. There are always consequences. I can not even tell you when it will happen. Just that you have time to get your affairs in order before it does.

Polyphemus: Do it! I will lose an eye. I feel like I am stilling another mans moment. Aries deserves to be here with her as her child is born. I feel that would only be right. I have stolen all this time with her while the baby was growing.

Artemis: There is another reason! I know your heart. You are afraid of the baby. It is in your nature to eat your young is it not. I bet the thought of the baby makes your stomach rumble. It is always survival of the fittest in the world of cyclops.

Polyphemus: Yes you are right. Just the thought of that sweet, soft, succulent meat has me drooling. I like her! I really like her! But as you say. It is in my nature. I do not wish to hurt her, or her child. Take her away!

Artemis: Now we get to the bottom of your dilemma. You want a wife and children. But your nature is preventing you from it.

Polyphemus is starting to get mad, and raised his voice: NO! YOU ARE PREVENTING ME FROM IT! I AM TIRED OF ALL THIS BANTER!

Artemis: How am I keeping you from taking your female.

Polyphemus is now yelling: SHE IS NOT MINE TO TAKE!

Artemis: No, you are right. She is not yours to take. She belongs to Aries. For your honesty, I will assure you, your life will not be taken. You will receive your wife later. I will release your goddess.

Polyphemus: You do not even know her name!

Artemis: No, I do not need to. I am off to hunt. The golden buck is calling my name. Tell my new sister she is free. I expect to see my niece or nephew soon.

Polyphemus: You do not wish to see her?

Artemis: Aries will introduce us soon enough. Now I am off. But before I go, be for warned. Your payment will be coming.

Polyphemus shook his head, as Artemis ran off into the distance. She pulled her bow in front of her as she ran. She disappeared in the distance. Polyphemus looked down at the ground. He had tears rolling down his cheeks. He walked off heading back to his home.

I was so excited! I snapped my fingers and I was home. I sat down my basket on our huge bed and ran to the bathroom. MY SHOWER, MY TOILET, MY TUB! I quickly ran a bath and fell into the jacuzzi tub. I turned the jets on high. I fell asleep in the tub.

I am not sure how long I slept for. But when I woke up I took a long hot shower. I missed my shower. I took my time blow drying my hair, putting make-up on, and redressing. I made sure to wear another toga. This one was a full dress that came down to my feet. I wore the golden looking sandals that Aries had given me. I also put on my rose petal perfume.

When I finished, I felt more like me than I had in months. I snapped my fingers, and I was back at Polyphemus's cave. I walked in happily. I gently sat down the basket of fruit on the table. Polyphemus was sitting at the table. He still looked like he had been crying. I sat down in the chair across from him.

Polyphemus took a deep inhale of air, "You are free to leave the island now. It looks like you may have already known that. I had the Gods break the spell. You need to be happy."

I smiled, "Forgive me but I overheard your conversation with Artemis."

Polyphemus looked up at me with a puppy dog eye, "Why did you come back?"

I put my hand over the one he had resting on the table, "Polyphemus we are friends. Even after you lose your eyesight, I will come and see you. You should not always be alone. But when you do find a wife, I will not visit as often. I have no right to then. Not unless she agrees to it too. Do you want to stay friends? My only stipulation is that you can not eat my children."

Polyphemus grinned, "I agree, shall we go for a walk together. Or do you need to get back to Aries right now."

I thought for a moment, "When I went home I did not even think to look for Aries." I laughed. "I was to busy cleaning up. I should go find him. I will go for a walk with you later if you wish."

Polyphemus stood up, "Before you go, could I give you one last hug?"

I walked over and hugged him. He hugged me back gently. Then I snapped my fingers and I was off of the island. I was back home. I walked all through the castle. I could not find Aries. Finally, I started calling out to him. "Aries" "Aries are you home?" "Aries, my love, I am here!" There was still no answer.