Chapter 38 Home at last

I did not know what else to do. No one had taught me how to find someone yet. I knew how to go places by snapping my fingers. I knew how to turn into a ball of light and fly. I knew how to change my size. But find someone! Why couldn't I have been taught that first!

Then it hit me! "Hermes!" "Hermes please come to me!" "I have a message for you to deliver." I quickly tried to think of how I could prove it was me. Finally, I decided to cut a lock of my hair off. I braided some of my hair, in a small braid, and cut it off.

Hermes flew into the room on his winged shoes. "How can I help you sweetheart?"

I handed Hermes my braided lock. "Please deliver this to Aries, and tell him I am home. Please come and find me. I miss him." "How do I pay for your speediest delivery?"

Hermes gave me a mischievous grin and talked teasingly. "Simple! That will be either one red ruby" "$4.95" "You can owe me favor" "or" Evil chuckle, "a simple kiss on my cheek."

I giggled thinking it was all in good fun. "Well Hermes, since I do not have a red ruby, or any money at the moment. Would you rather a favor or a kiss?"

Hermes's mischievous grin grew much larger. "If you are going to put it that way." He sucked his bottom lip. "You give me the option!" He landed both feet on the floor. "I will pick" "Drum roll please!" He stepped up as close as he could without out right grabbing me. "The kiss." He closed the distance between us and put his arm around my waist. The only thing between us being my swollen belly. "Please."

I laughed and the baby kicked hard. Hermes chuckled! I guess he felt the little baby kick too. I rubbed my belly and good naturedly leaned in to give him his kiss. He leaned in with his cheek towards me. Then at the very last minute he turned his head. The tingling sensation that passed between us, was amazing. If I had been wearing panties, they would have been wet. He was an amazing kisser. His lips were soft, his breath was minty, and he knew how to use that tongue.

He smiled and backed away leaving me wide eyed. I put my hand up to my mouth in surprise. "Hermes, that was not fair!"

He laughed, "I do not hear a complaint in that for one. For two you did not stipulate where." " I can only guess It must have been good. Thank you my sweet. Now I must be off to deliver your message." He flew on out of the window. I was stunned for a moment. Somehow though I knew that that kiss was nothing. The more I thought about it, I began to laugh. I just remembered; Hermes is the messenger of the gods. But he is also a divine trickster! Amongst many other things. Boy! He got me today!

I headed to the kitchen. I barely had time to make myself a sandwich, when all of a sudden, I was in the air! I was flying through the castle, and down the stairs. All the way back to our bedroom. I was naked before my bottom had even hit the bed. I still had my plate in my hand with my sandwich. But in less than three seconds I was screaming out in pleasure!

My whole body was massaged. It was like Aries had turned into an octopus, with more than eight legs. He was going so fast he was a blur. But I knew exactly who and what he was. He moaned out, "Its me sweetheart. Your husband Aries! Oh, how I have missed you!" I must have orgasmed at least six times before he found his release too. When he was finished he laid next to me caressing my belly. He kissed it and cooed to the baby. The baby kicked back in answer.

You wont believe it, but throughout the whole process, I never dropped my plate. No party foul on this pregnant lady. As he played with my tummy. I ate my sandwich. It was so good. Turkey on rye, with mayonnaise, and cheese. It was a good thing I had made two sandwiches. Even with that in my belly, I was still hungry.

Aries laughed and snapped his fingers. A whole buffet of Italian delicacies appeared. There was lasagna, all kinds of pasta, fish, clams, and lobster. With garlic breads to go with. At the very end of the table was my favorite! A gigantic supreme pizza! I was a very happy, very pregnant lady! I dug right in.

Aries had made a second table appear as well. I did not see it until I had had my fill of the first buffet. The second table had dessert's. All kinds of dessert's! There was also punch, Kool-Aid, all kinds of soda, coffee, several kinds of cold and hot brewed tea, and of course water. Can we say thoughtful much!

I was on my third cup of sweet tea, I think! When we heard a man humming some tune in the temple. Aries and I both went to check it out. I am telling you now, I thought Joxer from the series Hercules, or Zena was just for comic relief. I never thought of him to have been a real guy. But here he literally was, standing in front of me.

He did not look exactly like Joxer. The shows got the armer perfect. His facial features reminded me of Orlando Bloom. But this version of Orlando Bloom had been bulking up. Mind you, he was not body builder, every muscle I have says hello when you look at me big. He looked like he could pick up anyone he wanted and carry them around without issue big.

Aries immediately let out a sigh of agitation. "What do you want Doxer." My brain was swimming! Did you just say Doxer? Aries appeared right behind Doxer. Doxer turned around and jumped. Aries had scared the poor boy half to death.

Doxer chuckled nervously. "I am here about Zena."

Aries crossed his arm and leaned against his alter. "What is she up to now? Better yet why would she send a whimp like you here?"

Okay I had enough. I appeared right next to Aries. "Hello, I am sorry for his rudeness." Aries's eyes were saucers. "Please come on in. We have just gotten through eating lunch. There is plenty left. You look like you have been traveling for quite some time. Come, eat, and drink. You can tell us all about it, while you fill your belly.

Doxer smiled and shook his head, "That would be great! Um, if I may ask. Who are you?"

I smiled, "I am a good friend of Zena. This blow hard right here, is my protector." Aries let out a loud huff. He was exasperated with me. If there ever was a go to hell look, I was definitely getting it. I smiled at Aries, and patted him on his shoulder. Then I led the way to the food.

Doxer ate his fill, as he told us Zena's current predicament. She had gotten in another altercation with the roman military. They have locked her up in a dungeon. She was going to be made an example of the following day. They were going to crucify her again. Zena's best friend Gabriella had gone home and would not be back this way for at least a month. Doxer was the only one willing to try and rescue Zena.

Doxer went off on a wild tangent telling stories of Zena's adventures and how she was crucified before. As Doxer lost himself in old stories, Aries pulled me off to the side. "Joy, you should not make yourself so easily seen. Remember we can not change the past. You don't exist here really. You are here so you can experience Greek life, and understand better the ancient Gods history. It is just a bonus you get to meet a few of the old relics."

I hugged Aries and whispered in his ear. "Did you call him Doxer instead of Joxer? I did not know he was a real person."

Aries chuckled, "The series got his name wrong. But he was a very real person. You did not have to feed him. Now we may never get him to leave."

I teasingly grabbed his manhood and squeezed hard. "Please do not tell me you feel threatened by my good man like, Doxer? Did I say that right. I am so used to saying or hearing Joxer. If feels funny. Anyway, if you want to be able to use your lucky soldier again any time soon you will treat him nicely. On top of which, we are talking about my mid-wife. If something happens to her, who will deliver my baby!"

Aries groaned, "Honey, not in front of the kids. He might notice I am more than a protector. My will power will only go so far."

I tightened and twisted my grip ever so slightly. It was just enough to get my point across. He got the point. But it was also apparent I would be getting the point as soon as Doxer leaves. I giggled letting go of Aries, "Doxer dear, what exactly did you come here for."

Doxer held up his fork pointing at Aries, "You are the God of war. I cant rescue her by myself. I need you to give me a warriors blessing."

Aries through back his head and laughed, "Me give you a sacred warriors blessing. You have got to be joking. Your not out for blood. I can send one of my generals in to rescue her. I wont waist a blessing on a waist of space like you."

Doxer looked like he was about to cry. I was livid! I snapped my fingers. I remembered that Joxer on the tv series wore his fathers armer to honor him. So, I made the armer he was wearing brand new. It was the same armer, but clean, bright, and shiny. I also add some new under garments, and real chainmail underneath his armor. He had new roman sandals to match. All of his weapons were now sharp and like brand new. Also, with my blessing, he no longer smelled like rotten fish, his hair was trimmed, and I left him a cute go-tee on his face. He actually looked like a formidable soldier now. Plus, he smelled of apple cinnamon. My favorite smell. I think I am finally getting this godly power thing. My fingers may bleed before the end though.

Doxer jumped up out of the chair he had been sitting in. He looked himself up and down. He pulled out every last one of his blades and inspected them. He had tears rolling down his cheeks. "Thank you Aries! Thank you Aries! I will make you proud." Doxer ran around the table. He went to grab Aries in a hug. Aries disappeared without a trace. Doxer wound up slamming the wall where Aries had just been. But he did not care. He was all smiles. "That Aries! Saying he was not going to bless me. Then he did. I have to save Zena now. There is no way I can lose. Please tell Aries I am grateful."

I smiled, "That is not a problem. Are you sure you can do it? Do you still need help?"

Doxer patted me on the shoulder, turned and nearly sprinted out of our castle. "Nope! I have Aries's blessing! I will win today!"

Aries popped back into the room. "Joy my love. You know you just sent him to his death right?"

I began picking up the dishes Doxer had left behind. "A little confidence never hurt anyone. Besides, you will not let him be hurt. I bet your generals will be on his heels and helping him the whole time he is kicking butt and taking names."

Aries took the dishes from me. He snapped his fingers and the whole mess cleaned itself up. The food was even in containers in in the refrigerator. He wrapped his arms around me, "What makes you think that?"

I giggled and thought for a moment. Then thought of the perfect punishment. I snapped my fingers and felt it appear. I giggled loudly. Aries gave me a questionable look. So I told him, "I do not know if you ever watched the movie, men in tights. Maid Marian's chastity belt was an Everlast."

He chuckled, "No you didn't!"

I smiled, "Oh yes I did! And did one better. I made sure I made it magic intolerant."

He pulled up my dress, with the biggest childish grin. He laughed so hard, I thought he might spit out a lung. "You did! Well, I can promise it will be more torture for you than it is for me." He tried snapping his fingers a couple of times. It did not work. I grinned. He said, "We will see just how long you can last my love."

I could not help it. I was raised in the 90's. I know how to tease. I grabbed his rock hard manhood and gently, slowly, with just slight pressure began a pumping motion. I pulled up on him raising one of my legs, wrapping it around his waist. I leaned in and nibbled his ear. He was so hard at this point I thought he might explode in my hand.

I snapped my fingers and was sitting on a rafter. "I want to go watch the fun. Lets just see how well your men help Doxer. Besides you will not be receiving any relief right now." I could feel electricity next to me. I giggled and snapped my fingers again. I was now by the door to the temple. I looked up and my puppy dog husband was wining in the rafters. "Come on boy." I whistled. "Here boy, come with mama." I turned and walked through the temple. Before I made it to the door, Aries had taken me by the waist. We were flying now. We were on our way to watch the battle to come. This was going to be fun.