Chapter 39 (> <) A fools fight

We followed Doxer. I was right! Aries had one of his generals follow up behind Doxer. However, when we got to the roman camp, I nearly swallowed my own tongue. The camp was huge. There must have been over 400 tents. Aries had conjured a cloud and we floated on it as we followed Doxer. You could say we were the invisible angels on his sleeve. But I must say, I was scared for him.

The encampment was thrilling to see. Besides the tents, there were men training and sparring everywhere. Every last one of the men in the camp had on traditional roman armor, or just the toga that they wore underneath. All of the men were doing some form of training. From reading scrolls, to physical exercise. No wonder the romans won so many battles. They were all in peak condition.

In one of the areas, the romans were not shy at all. There were several of the soldiers walking around naked out in the open. They were lining up for other men to service them. By this I mean, they had other men walking around them measuring them, and some of the other men were rubbing the soldiers down with ointments and oils. Aries explained to me. The oils and ointments helped the armer not chafe as badly. These men were getting ready for war.

Now do not get me wrong either, as the ointments were being rubbed in, the men would get excited. The men putting on the ointments would take care of their problems. They would have them erupt into a chosen bucket. Then the soldier would continue on to be re-armored. I hate to say it, but it was really erotic watching it all take place. The thing is though, it was all done professionally. By this I mean, there was not anything sexual in the act. I know it is hard to understand. It may just be something you have to see to believe. But lets just say, after watching one or two of the men go through the ritual, I was ready to go home and have a ritual of my own.

Aries realized what was going on I think. He reached around and slowly snuck his hand in between my thighs, and under my toga. He began a slow massage. Then Aries whispered in my ear, "I do not know about you, but watching this is making me want you. No one can see! Let me have you my dear. Right hear right now. I promise to be gentle."

Before I could even answer, he had laid me back on the cloud. We were still following Doxer. But really at the moment it was like having the TV on in the background while making love. This time Aries was vary gentle! We never even took off our clothing. Aries opened up my toga and he pulled down his pants. Then he began a slow rhythm. He suckled my breasts, and he made sure each thrust was deep. He was hitting home with each thrust. I was doing my best not to squeal out in ecstasy! He was grunting slightly, and growling. The vibrations of his noise making made it all the better!

I felt so naughty, making love in public like this. But it was so erotic! I was so turned on! The feelings kept climbing higher and higher. I was going to….! I am about to…! Then Aries froze. We had followed along with Doxer as we were doing our thing. Doxer was taken within a mile of the camp. The scouts took him straight to their general. Aries froze when the Roman General addressed Doxer.

The Roman General looked up from his table. He had been eating and the table was still covered with food. "Well who is this fine young strapping man?"

Doxer answered with extreme confidence, "My name is Doxer. I am here to rescue Xena. I will fight your best warrior. If I lose you can kill her, if I win you will release her."

The Roman General laughed, "I love a man with good confidence. I tell you what. If you fight my best man and win, you will stay and be a part of the roman army. I will free your friend. If you fight my best man and loose, you will become a part of my army."

Doxer looked shocked! "You mean you do not even want to negotiate?"

The Roman General laughed, "No one can beat Antaeus. You are a strapping young man, we can surely make a soldier out of you. Either way I win. I may make my next eromenos. I get lonely. You will do nicely."

Doxer looked around and no one seemed to react to the Generals words. Doxer had no idea what a eromenos was. Maybe it was just a good friend. Either way, if it gets Xena free, he was willing to make the sacrifice. He owed it to her, for all the times she had saved his life. Doxer nodded his head in agreement.

(Definition for Eromenos from Wikipedia: In ancient Greece, an eromenos was the passive partner in a male homosexual relationship. The partner of an eromenos was the erastes, the older and active partner. The eromenos was often depicted as a beautiful, and smaller and more youthful-looking than the erastes.)

The Roman General smiled, "You agree then, after the fight you will be one of my soldiers, and my eromenos. Come lets go to the sparring field. You may have your fight there. It is also close to the hospital tent. That way we will not have far to carry you."

Doxer nodded and followed the General. Aries and I were still in the middle. He had frozen long enough to listen to the conversation. Then he began a slow rhythmic motion again. We still kept up on the cloud, but Aries was not giving up. We kept going strong. He had me roll over onto my knees. I know hard to believe on a cloud right! But it happened. There was no pressure on my stomach at all. Aries messaged my back and butt while he slowly pumped like a champion. It was like seeing me on my knees like this really turned him on over drive. His manhood swelled and filled me up so tight.

When we arrived at the sparring field, he slowed down painstakingly slow. I was right on the edge. I was getting so frustrated! I wanted to see what happened with Doxer, But I wanted Aries to finish so I could pay attention. I tried to hump back at him but he refused to allow me to. He said, "Honey, I want you to erupt at just the right time. I promise it will help that idiot. Now just enjoy the high. If you feel the need, release. I will build you up again. I want us both to explode at just the right time. You will see why."

The sparring field was a roped off square of dirt. There was one rope outlining the whole area. It kind of looked like a wrestling ring. But there were people with swords practicing. The General had the two swordsmen get out of the ring. Then he called Antaeus.

A muscle bound man, with beautiful short curly black hair stepped into the ring. He stood nearly six foot tall. The same height as Doxer. The main difference being that he was completely naked. Doxer looked around the yard. The General spoke up, "Doxer my boy, this is a sparring field. We want you to survive. The only way to do that is to remove your armor. I promise I will give it back to you. In fact, I will have it taken back to my tent. After this match you may bathe and rest there. If you wear your armor in the ring, Antaeus will kill you on principle alone. Your armer will have become a threat. This match is just to free a prisoner. I would rather you not be killed. I have plans for you."

Doxer smiled, "Well alright then, lets get this match over with." Doxer stripped. As soon as he was naked, he entered the ring. All the soldiers around turned and good naturedly rooted for him and Antaeus to win. Really no one picked a side. They were rooting for both. One of the soldiers even asked Doxer's name just so he could root for him.

The General held up a red cloth. When he dropped it, the fight was on. Antaeus came straight for Doxer. Doxer did a good job at dodging. He weaved and wayed. He got a few good punches in, but no matter what he did he just did not seem to be strong enough. Aries and I were rooting for Doxer, even with Aries deep inside of me. How he kept his erection I have no idea! But he kept the motion to. Some of my squeals were of pleasure.

Then Doxer tripped! Antaeus got behind him, and put him in a strong hold. Doxer let out a scream like I have never heard before. Antaeus bent Doxer over and began to hump. HE WAS HAVING HIS WAY WITH HIM!!!!!! Doxer was still fighting but he could not break the hold.

Aries pumped hard and fast behind me now. He cried out, "JOY NOW! IT IS TIME NOW! LET! US! COME! TO GE THER!"

We both exploded with loud screams of elation. As we did, it felt like all our pent up energy was released in a wave of energy. As the wave hit Doxer, he pushed down hard and dropped to his knees. Antaeus laughed at this at first. He could not rape Doxer when he dropped like this. Antaeus still had his hold nut Doxer suddenly pushed up. Antaeus was up in the air. Doxer flipped and slammed Antaeus on the ground.

Antaeus had the air knocked out of him, but still did not loosen his grip. They rolled in the dirt. However, Doxer was able to stop with Antaeus on top, where he was not touching the ground. Then Doxer stood up. Antaeus was locked on his back in the air. Doxer walked to the rope and threw himself and Antaeus over the line. All the soldiers roared in cheers! Doxer had won his fight!

Doxer stood up, not realizing he had won. Antaeus had released his grip. Doxer stood up and turned to look at Antaeus. He put his hand out to him. Antaeus took his hand, and Doxer helped him up. When Antaeus was on his feet Doxer threw one last punch. He put all his power and weight behind the punch. He hit Antaeus right smack dab in the jaw. Antaeus head flipped to the side. Doxer had dislocated his jaw.

Antaeus laughed and popped his jaw back into place. "You are a good fighter. I am glad you will be on our side. Welcome to the Roman army." He put his hand out to Doxer. Doxer grabbed his wrist and they shook their hands.

The General was laughing as he walked Doxer over to his tent to bathe. Doxer was covered in dust and mud. He still had blood trinkling down his legs from his backside too. The General brought a man from the medical tent to look at Doxer. When he assessed him and dressed his wounds, he went on. Doxer stayed in the hot water, in the tub, in the Generals tent, for about an hour. When he felt clean again, he put his armer back on. Then he calmly walked out.

There was a soldier waiting by the entrance to the tent. He took Doxer down to where they were holding Xena. They Released her and showed her the way out of the camp. Then Doxer went back to the Generals tent as instructed. He had an idea of what was awaiting him. But, HE, saved his friend. That is all that mattered.