Chapter 41 Hel

A woman walked into the room. She looked like a female version of two face from the Batman movies, but prettier. Actually, it was more like an illusion. When she was looking at you, she was a beautiful blond woman with blue eyes. When she would look away, her hair would turn black like ash, her face became a skull, and her makeup disappeared. Her clothing followed in the same way. When looking at you she was wearing this sleek silken black dress, that lovingly caressed her sides. When she looked away the dress was black and showed the outline of every bone.

It was really hard to tell exactly what I was supposed to be keeping my eye on. Because she only would look you in the eyes if she was talking to you. Luckily she was talking to me. She came straight up to me, and got right up in my personal space! "Did someone call my name, Hel?"

I shook my head, "I was thinking out loud I suppose. But even at that I did not call you. I was stating a general statement."