Chapter 42 Loki

The horrible wrenching scream rang out through the air again. It seems like it is rather regular. The scream echo's out about every fifteen to thirty minutes. Aries was flying in slowly on purpose. I could tell. I think he was hoping that the screaming would scare me off. But really it just intrigued me more. I mind was running wild. I could only think of three different Gods from history that it could be.

One could be Atlas.

Atlas comes from Greek mythology. He is the son of a titan and he was a general. He is supposed to hold up the sky.

Two could be Prometheus

Prometheus is from Greek mythology. He is the Titan God of fire. Prometheus is supposed to be the creator of human kind. He is the God who stole fire and gave it to mankind. As punishment from Zeus, he was chained to a rock, and an eagle fed off his liver daily.

The Third possibility is Loki