Chapter 4 The child in kings clothing

We walked down many stony flights of stairs. Down several brick halls. We did not talk. I felt like I was on the most boring tour in history. Finally, we came up on two large double doors. Before the poor guards could open the doors, I heard what sounded like a child throwing a tantrum. Something hit the doors. As they opened them I could see food dripping down and a waisted plate on the floor. As they opened the door the food and plate on the floor where pushed to the sides.

There was a long long table wooden table with chairs at either end. There were only two chairs. All the other chairs were pulled back against the wall. The table looked big enough to seat twenty people comfortable. There was a person sitting in the chair at the end of the table. I could not make out who he was. Then he stood up, giddy as a puppy calling me down to his end of the table.