Chapter 5 The new world

I was free! I could go anywhere I wanted. I flew and flew. As I was flying over a little village I had a feeling. I can't explain this feeling. I just knew I should stop. I came down as quietly as I could. I hid in the trees. I really just did not want to run into anybody. I made up my mind that I was going to observe first.

I had been in that tree for over an hour. There had been no activity. No people were walking about outside of the town. It was peaceful. It did not feel right. I started getting another funny feeling down deep in my gut. I was about to take off. Then a little girl with cute curly brown hair came skipping out and headed down the road. She was coming straight towards me. She could not have been older then maybe six years old. But she had this strange hue around her. She almost looked like she was glowing. I rubbed my eyes, I had to be seeing things. It helped; the haze was now gone. She went straight to the river about thirty feet from where I was hidden.