Chapter 3 My big house

We had been riding on the horse for what I knew had been hours. But it felt like mere moments. Brenton and I talked about many different things and subjects. We had many of the same likes and dislikes. Such as, we both loved the colors of a bruise. The dark black and blue and bright yellow. We both loved the house being filled with flowers and laughter. We both loved to go swimming, any time during the year. He also loved hot springs just as much as me. He told me in his home he had a naturally occurring spring. He loved to bathe in it at least once a day. He even went as far as asking me to join him. Causing me to blush neon red again.

I was giving a very true meaning to blushing bride. I think he partly did it on purpose too. Every time I blushed a deep color, he was there kissing me. He would change it up though. He would kiss my hand, fingers, forehead, cheeks, nose, or mouth. He changed each time he was able to elicit a blush from me.