Chapter 4 What!

The room was dark, but my other senses were working just fine. I could feel people running all around me. I heard muffled voices of women screaming and things breaking close by to me. A female voice got really close to my ear and I could hear her clearly. "I am so sorry! Emmanuel said, that the lotion, and mud mask would be cleansing and helpful. I did not know it would paralyze you. I am going to get help. Please don't die! Brenton would die if you die."

I heard her scream in my ear, as I felt her get drug away from me. I was almost in a panic! Then I felt a pair of muscular arms come up underneath me picking me up. I knew that scent! Brenton? I could not talk; I was still paralyzed. Maybe he was taking me to a doctor. I was getting to the point it hurt to breathe. Then I could feel the motion of him moving fast. I was not sure if he was running, jogging or just walking fast. But I knew we were on the move.