Chapter 7 Court with a Prince

When we entered the court we were announced in a grand way. A man with a staff at the front of the court slammed his staff on the floor and announced our arrival. To be honest the room was rather quiet. The noise made me jump.

The room was full of people but all with solum faces. As we walked down the aisle, Brenton held my hand. I leaned into him slightly. The looks of some of the people looking at me was disturbing to say the least.

When we got to the front I curtsied, and Brenton bowed. Brenton kissed his father's hand and took me over to a table chair that had been placed next to Brenton's throne chair. He sat me in the throne chair and he sat in the table chair that was next to mine. Brenton whispered to me as he sat down that the throne maker had not finished my chair yet. It would be there in a few days. Till then I was going to sit in his chair.