Chapter 8 Crafts and gold mined

Today is a special day, or at least it is to me. Brenton and I have been married for a whole month. It has been so amazing! None of my relationships have ever lasted this long before! I wanted to do something special for Brenton today. But I am not sure if I should. Is it appropriate to celebrate one month of a marriage? I suppose I should ask Brenton. But that would also ruin any surprise!

I turned over in our bed and looked at my beloved husband. I have grown so fond of him. It is safe to say that I truly love him. He is such an amazing person. Get back on track Joy! He is sleeping soundly.

I got up and began my chores for the day. I was told that, being lady of the house, I did not ever have to lift a finger again. But that is just not how I do things. How boring would it be if all I did all day was laze about. I would not enjoy it! So, from my first day to now I made up my own chore list.