Chapter 9 I drowned!

I have never thought of myself as a beauty. I can see all my quarks if no one else can. So why is it now that I am married, that I get all these problems. I have found myself asking this question so many times of late. I still have been unable to answer my own question.

On my way back to the mine, I felt the ground give way. I tried to run. But I am only human. I fell hard. I barely got a scream out before I hit the bottom of some burrow. I am not sure how long I was out. But I do know I was knocked out. When I fell the sun was straight over head. When I woke it was dark above me.

I thought for a moment that the tunnel had collapsed in on its self. Closing off where I fell in. But the more I looked up, I could see the clouds floating out of the way of the moon. I knew I was trapped in this tunnel. I did not want the possibility of another cave in. So, I did not immediately start shouting for help. I tried to find my own way out.