"Hello Garrick".

The scary looking creature finally spoke with it voice circulating round Garrick's room.

"Wh,wh,who are you"?Garrick asked in a terrified tone.

"I hope to learn that from you".

"You are my source,i came through you and i have been within you but not being able to gain access to the outer part of you till now.

"Garrick,who and what am i?'

The creature asked Garrick hoping to get an answer.

"No no no no,this not real nothing is happening,i must be imagining".

He said closing his eyes and closing his ears with his both hands hoping when he opens them everything will be normal but unfortunately its really happening.

"Yes Garrick,its real and am inside you".

"Shut up"Garrick shouted.

And the sound which led to the breakage of the two extra mirror in his bathroom due to the strong wave of the sound but leaving not even a crack to the one the creature contained.

"Listen to me".The creature fired back letting out a great force coming out of the mirror and pushing Garrick to the wall and making him loose his balance.

"I have been inside you since your birth,i know everything about you because we both lived the life together,where do you think was the source of your strength,your ability to slightly smell danger and to manipulate things at your own will,all this came from me"the creature added.

"Now Garrick i need only one thing from you to tell me who i am and what i am,because am trapped inside you"....the creature once again inquired this time with seriousness squeezing it face.

"I don't know,i don't know,i don't know who you are i don't know how you get to be in me i don't know,this the same question have been asking myself all my years after i noticed i could do some certain thing that no normal person cannot do,at some point i was enjoying it but everything changed the day"...He said stopping for a while.

" I,i,i"He added then began to cry as he covers his face...

"You don't have to tell me,i know what happened that day,and am sorry i couldn't stop you that moment,But as have said i couldn't access you whole not until now".....the creature consoled.

"So you've been inside me for 21years?he finally said in cracky voice.. "Yes"and i cannot answer anymore of your questions,all i know is the source of your ability which came through me".

The creature said moving closer to the mirror from inside.

A knock was heard on the door and the creature vanished from the mirror leaving the true reflection of Garrick to be seen and Garrick quickly open the door not minding who it could be and embracing the person straight away.

well no one else to expect if not his mother as its just the both of them leaving in the house.He hugged her crying uncontrollably.

"Mum am scared.whats happening to me?please tell me am really scared".

He said as he cried in lorena's arms.

"I wish i know son, i really wish i do,i feel so helpless and useless not being able to answer the answers you am sorry,she said crying as well".

His mother gently took him to shower and also get him set but asked if he still wishes to go,if not, he can abort the trip,but he insisted he"d go because he cannot disappoint his friends.

And most especially risked loosing the knowledge he ought to acquired as a biology student as part of the question will definitely show up in the final exam.

"Garrick baby,do u wanna talk about what happened in the bath"?lorena inquisitively asked.

"No mum,its fine just my usual uncontrollable incidences"he lied.

"But please mum while am away just help me fix the mirror in my bath".

"The mirror?but their was nothing wrong with it"lorena said confused.

"Baby if you still don't wanna go you can gonna speak with the principal"she said trying to retrieve is lugagges back.

"I said no mum,am fine"

"Ok darling am gonna miss you",she said almost in tears

"Just don't try anything silly with those powers of yours".she added before dashing into the kitchen.

"Ok mum,i'd try"He replied still thinking of the strange voice.

He stared at the picture place beside the TV opposite the couch in the sitting room before stepping out of the door.

It is a picture of a man about (40years) who look so much like him. "who is that man in the picture?'The voice once again said.

"That's my father"he answered without realizing he did.

"I mean how are you even talking to me when you are not physically here"he asked adjusting his lugagges.

"Don't be dumb we share same mind,i sometimes can read your though if you let me,the voice said.

"Hey,hey,hey"Th­at's­­­­ invasion of privacy please don't do that and please one request or order how ever you take it,don't make me do what i don't wanna do"he said gesturing with his hand like the voice owner was right in his front.

"Oh no oh no".

Its 11:30am i have just 30mins to catch up,i got to be fast"he said while still trying to tie his shoe lace.

"Do you wanna have fun"?.

"What do you mean fun?there's no time for that now i have to be fast.

"Ok close your eyes".

"What?i just said no time for such"he said annoyed.

"I said close your eyes"the voice repeated.

Garrick finally succumbed to the voices demand and the next thing he felt was the oozing sound of the air he was feeling which was passing through his ear.

"Oh my God,Oh my God"whats happening?.

he opened his eyes only to see himself high above the ground seeing the houses below like a mere dots.

"Oh my God am flying"he said smiling

"No you are not,you are bouncing"the voice corrected.

And only for him to see himself landing back to the ground with great force and the fear of breaking his leg if landed in such velocity arose him.

"No no no no,i don't wanna diiiieeee".he said while screaming.

Then his leg finally touched the ground and he bounce up again way up to the sky,without feeling any pain on his leg or sighs of ache.

"wo wo wo wo wo wow.this is fun".

"I told you"...the voice replied.

He screamed all the way till he finally landed at his school but stopped meters away so no risk of being caught with such ability will be taken.

"Ok we should try this often buddy"he said to the the inner voice while panting and holding his both knee in excitement.

Bu­t he got no responds,He finally stroll the remaining meter to school,lucky enough the bus was just containing the last student before him.

"Good morning,Garrick"

A beautiful voice of a young girl who also happens to be his classmate,said to him.

"Morning mellisa"he replied while trying to hide is excitement.

Because she was the girl he has always wanted to speak to and ofcourse because he likes her.

"You are lucky we've not took off,the driver was just about starting the engine"she included with concern.

"Yeah thanks"he said trying to control his happy mood.

Meeeehn,things are working out for me quite well today,though the bathroom incident excluded,he thought to himself.

"do you mean to say my own incidence?the voice suddenly it was being referred to.

"Well yes ofcourse,you appeared to me in a frighten and terrifying way"he replied while looking for a free spot to sit.

Finally he had an empty seat which was reserved for him by Rolland and James who were already waiting for him and were almost contemplating if he would show up or not.

However,there biology teacher who was also serving as the assistant to the driver,counted the whole student but two girls were left behind as they could not longer wait.

And the "voom,Voom"sound of the engine could be heard,which emitted a dark thick smoke that went deep the nostrils of the students who were bidding them bye and cheering them for the courageous journey.