
Garrick unexpectedly met with what or whom is known to be the source of his power,but still hasn't known why or who planted it on him and they equally set for the journey after experiencing one of the most exciting part of his ability.


A continuous sound of a rotary tyre on motion could be heard from afar and the bus as well could be seen bouncing on gallops which vigorously shook the student back and forth making them hit their butt on the seat roughly like dancing to a melodious tone.

"Dude,why were you late?"Rolland asked as they appeared to be sitting together now after swapping seat with another student.

"forget it,i kinda woke late"he lied hoping he won't ask further interrogative questions.

"Tell me,why didn't you tell your mother the truth?"the creature whose voice Garrick has been mind talking with,finally spoke.

"Well my mum has gone through a lot,i don't want her frightened.

She will get worried about me after knowing have not been living my whole 21 years all alone but with a hideous creature inside me,shes all i got left and i love her so much"Garrick explained silently but in full detail.

"Poof",A loud noise was heard which gave fright to majority of the student especially to the girls,given the bus a sudden stoppage to it movement.

"Mr Henry,seems like we have a flat tyre"The driver call out to his assistant.

"Yeah seems like"Mr Henry replied.

they both set out to make a spare change to the tyre with little assistance from two boys.(Tim and Diego).

"Babe be careful out there"Nora screamed from the back seat at Tim who apparently might be her boyfriend.

"you got it babe"he replied back,stopping to look at her.

"something is wrong"Garrick pronounced.

"What,what do you mean?"James asked curiously,while searching his bag for bottle water.

"Ok,look at the trees"he said pointing finger to the direction of the trees.

"The speed at which they blows is quite faster than the blowing wind,its like they are being blown by something even more than wind,i mean look at their movement isn't it strange"he said hoping Rolland gets what he meant.

"Dude forget anything weird and lets enjoy this ride"he said gulping down the bottle water.

"You need help?"the creature asked.

"Wait,what?,am not gonna go out there".

"I mean to see past the trees"

"Really,how do i do that?"Garrick asked curiously.

"OK get down from the bus".

Garrick did as he was told,he got down and he was asked to concentrate his gaze and focus on the trees and also imagine seeing beyond the trees"

"Are you kidding?this isn't working"

"Just focus"the creature reassured.which he did and his eyes suddenly turned red with veins showing below around his eyes.

"No,no,no"he repeated has he ran backward back to where the bus is.

"Guys get in the bus,get in,something is coming"he screamed still running.

Fortunately Mr Henry and the driver as successfully made the spare changes and they all quickly ran into the bus in fear of uncertainty of the danger Garrick spoke of,the driver press the accelerator to it extreme end and the bus fire out of the zone.

They all looked behind only to see the trees around the spot the bus stopped being melt down by something smoke like or fog,with no sighs of fire or ashes.

"Oh my Jesus"we all could have died right there,A girl said bending down to count her rosaries.

"Dude how the hell do you know that shit was coming ahead"Tim asked suspiciously.

"well,i just saw it"

"But how?you were far from there".

"Your mum parked a binocular along with your bag pack"the creature came to his rescue.

"I saw it with my binocular"he said using style to bring out the binocular from the pack.

"Oh that's great i thought of bringing my also but forget".

"Oh,your bad then"he said as he signed in relief.


Two female student could be seen resting on the student locker while discussing,they concluded their chat and heading to the classroom after the electric bell rang when one of them noticed a red liquid dropping from one of the student's locker.

"Jane whats that?"one of them asked drawing closer.

"maybe it's chemical combination or stuff,you know science students does do crazy things,am sure the locker belongs to one of them"Jane said attempting to walk away.

"No that's not it remember am also a science student and i know how all chemicals smells,but i can assure you that isn't one"she replied and realizing Jane was already gone.

She eventually broke the lockers padlock and opening the it was two lifeless body of two teen girls falling on her body,she screamed loudly forcing all students and teachers coming to the scene.


The school was now in total lockdown as all student where asked to evacuate the school,leaving only the police with few of the school authorities in the scene and two white garment could be seen covering two lifeless body.

"Thank you for coming detective Jones"Mr Andrew(Principal) greeted shaking hands with the detective.

"Thank you for having me,am here on behalf of the L.C.I(Los vegas crime investigation)but first i would love to see the student who discover the incidence"he said bringing out his paper and pen from his breast pocket.

"Am sorry detective,but that is not possible because the student went unconscious immediately after the sight,shes currently at the hospital as we speak.

"Ok, but i hope you don't mind me asking you few question?"Detective Jones asked.

Mr Andrew who has began to feel uncomfortable as he loss his balance but immediately resting on the police vehicle parked beside him to support himself from falling.

"Are you ok Mr Andrew?"detective Jones asked as he noticed his strange reaction.

You know detectives,everything is always suspicious to them.

"Yeah,yeah am fine Thanks"he quickly replied to avoid further question.

The detective asked his final question after taken awhile asking both necessary and unnecessary questions,therefore closing his small jotter and hanging his pen back to his pocket and exiting the scene immediately like he was in a hurry to tend to a summoning,the scene later welcome a Forensic Pathologist who came to examine the bodies for further leads on cause of the mysterious death.

He approached the body and flipping out the white garment covering the demised revealing an horrific sight,the intestine of the two student where mysteriously missing leaving only the empty stomach to be seen and their neck which was turned opened and also the Oesophagus torn into pieces like it was forcefully held to prevent the student from screaming out while the act was done.

"She was among our most intelligent students"Mr Andrew said as he approaches the examiner looking down to the body.

"Do you have any lead on who did this?"the Forensic Pathologist asked wiping his face with a tissue as tears were almost forming in his eyes.

"No",he replied nodding.

"And the missing stuff?"he asked referring to the intestine.

"The police comb the entire building not a trace of it"

"Do you think an animal did this?"he asked again looking up at him.

"That's not possible an animal don't just go for a single organ leaving the main flesh untouched,and an animal couldn't have stuck them in a locker,could it?"he said while wiping his face with a tissue also.

"And they were also supposed to be among the student who went on biology practical"he added.

"Well from my observation this couldn't have been done by a human,i mean look at the neck,it was ripped out,even so with the stomach"he said pointing to the neck flesh and as his little pen dance on his small booklet probably writing down useful discoveries on the regarding the mutilated body.

"Whatever or whomever did this must be brought to book and justice for this girls"he said sadly not noticing the dropping tears from his eyes while standing up to take his leave from the scene.And Mr Andrew gave a heavy relief as he watched him leave.