
Fright began in the students in the school as two student where found dead,And also narrow escape for the student on trip after almost encountering death from hot fog but Garrick sense it making use of his eye vision that belongs to the creature inside him to safe them all.


The bus finally approached a signboard which was looking very wrecked and old that a blowing wind could even bring it to it fall.

Along with the writing "WELCOME TO GALAXY ZONE",and below it was "HOME OF....

"home of what?"one of the student asked pointing to the signboard.

"Home of Galaxy,i guess"Another student replied ,and every one began to laugh mocking the signboard.

"Quiet student "Mr Henry interrupted their laughter.

"We've reached our joint but unfortunately activities will begin tomorrow,am sure everyone of us must be tired ,sooooo..."he was about concluding his announcement when he interrupted by one of the student.

"Sir,please what do you mean we've arrived,we are at the middle of no where,i mean we are in a bush ,in the woods"she said emphasizing.

"Miss......"he replied,waiting for a name.

"Monica,its Monica"

"Ok Miss Monica,where do you suggest the practical should be held,or we should rent the white house from Mr president? before we can conduct a perfect test?"he said not expecting an answer from her.

"No sir ,but we expected somewhere more civilized.

"Sir,how long are we gonna be here?"Another student asked.

"let's seeeee,when you all understand our purpose of being here"he replied rubbing his beard like he was thinking of a perfect answer.

The student began to murmur after hearing this,as many thought its a day trip,some even assumed it's for hours.

"If i had known,i would have pretended to be sick at home"a student soliloquized.

But for the main time we would locate a nice place to camp since it's almost late and we all need to rest,then tomorrow activities begins"he said giving signal to the driver to locate a place and park the bus.

.........LATER THAT DAY(NIGHT)........

The student could be seen in group sitting round a burning fire to keep themselves warm,cos the cold in the wood at that hour was beyond a degree to be measured and all of them could be seen putting one jacket upon another.

A student stood up from a group looking uncomfortable,as she twisted her body like it was on fire.

"Hey Guyz,excuse me i think i need a restroom"she said still twisting her body.

"What you need is a deep dung hole,not a restroom and please do that far in the woods cos i don't wanna see or match stuff"a guy replied her mockingly from another group which force almost all the student laughing out loud.

The girl walked away not replying them but raising up her middle finger to them out of annoyance.

"Do you know have never seen that guy ate something,he doesn't even come to the school cafeteria for any meal,like he doesn't even feel hungry"a girl said from a different group pointing to a guy who was drawing something on the floor.

"He's name is Damon,and he's probably a shy guy,he's also my crush, and i like the guy he's cute and quite"another girl replied smiling romantically at him.

"Dude go talk to her,shes now alone"James said pointing finger towards Melisa who appeared to be sitting alone but without fire to warm up.

"You think so?"What if she doesn't want my present,and i don't even know what to say to her"

"Common dude,man up mehn,just bring up any topic she would love"James said patting his shoulder.

"Garrick let me help you out"Rolland who has been pretending he's not been listening to them,spoke out.

"Really dude?"He said looking serious.

"Well was in for me?"

"remember am your eyes while we are here,And i think that should do"Garrick said smiling.

"Ok,just walk up to her"he said as he began to give advice.

"Ok"Garrick replied looking more serious.

"Walk up to her,then you say Hello girl,then she will look up toyou,then you go on telling her that you really like her and you also want her to be your girlfriend.

Then afterward you tried to kiss her,trust me she's gonna kiss you back,it works in all India movies have watched,But am gonna advice you to find a new set of teeth when we leave here"he said as he burst into heavy laughter that almost choked him.

James who was also listening didn't know when he blew mucus out of his nose cos of the unexpected laughter.

"I should have known you'd never say something serious,you both are unbelievable"He said getting up angrily to try his own method.

"Just don't forget the kissing part,it's important"Rolland shouted while still in his laughing state.

"Hello Melisa".

"Hey Garrick,hello"Melisa,who was looking deeply at the full moon turned her head to him and replied.

"I thought you might need a company?"he said still standing and scratching his head.

"Well,i don't,but i don't also mind you being here"she said adjusting for him to sit beside her.

"Do you love the sight of he moon"Garrick said as he finally thought of a topic to talk about.

"Not really,the full moon just kept me wondering how it make it effect,to give transformation to Werewolfs"she said still looking at the moon.

"I don't believe in werewolf stuff and infact i believe those stories are just a mere folktales,i mean how can a human transform into an animal or vise versa"he replied looking straight at her eyes which was still gazing at the moon.

"And can a normal human being be born with a beast inside him?"The creature unexpectedly said.

"You know this isn't your business"Garrick said whispering and looking the other side to prevent Melisa from hearing him.

"Anyway i wanna tell you something"he said as he began to scratch his head again"

"Let me guess,you wanna ask me out?"she said smiling but still not removing her gaze from the moon.

Garrick who was surprised with her correct guess,made to reply when they heard a loud scream coming from deep in the woods.

"What?who the hell was that?"a student quickly said,as they all stood up in fear.

Then realizing one of the student took an excuse not long ago,and the whole group gathered in one place moving simultaneously towards where the sound came from.they got to a point where there was stain of blood on a leaf.

A student summon the courage to open the leafs apart to have a view of what was behind it,.And before their eyes was the lifeless body of the girl looking straight to the sky as her eyes were widely open and same open stomach with missing intestine and her arms pulled off which gave a horrible sight cos fresh blood was still gushing out of the open parts to signify it was a recent attack.

A girl screamed out immediately after seeing it but was kept shut by Rolland after using his hand to cover her mouth to prevent her from screaming aloud.

"Are you crazy?do you want to kill us all?whatever animal did this might probably still be out there"he said still covering the girls mouth forcefully.

Garrick quietly left the scene with no one realizing it,he left to a different location closing his eyes and opening it to reveal a red glowing eye and he began to see with an amazing vision,he scan the area of the wood they where in.

Although,he saw nothing just harmless animals hopping from one place to another and one other which appear to me staring at me from afar.

"Shit,nothing"he said as he rubbed his hand on his hair out of frustration.

"What do you think did this?hello are you there?i think i should give you a name so i won't be talking to myself always"He said waiting for a respond.

"Oh,are you talking to me?"the creature said.

"Yeah,i am"he said nodding his head positively.

"Have also been thinking about that,and have thought of one myself,how about "THE BEAST"the creature said.

"No,no,no,that's too formal and explanatory,how about Mammon?".

"Whats Mammon?"

"I don't know,but i think it means GREED according to what have researched"Garrick replied forgetting the issue at hand.

"But why,am not greedy?"The creature muttered softly.

"Just forget about that right now,we have serious issue at hand"he said as he began to run back to others.

.......GARRICK P.O.V......

Who could have predict the moment she left would be her last moment on earth,the sight was horrible,a human couldn't have done that,but what animal we go for just those parts and leave the rest....This is really a mystery.

The whole student ran helter skelter to where the bus was parked for safety,Not even Tim stopped to look behind for his girlfriend as he ran faster than Usain bolt even being the first to rush into the bus before realizing he once had a girlfriend.

"Babe,like seriously,how could you?i thought you love me?"Nora asked Tim almost in tears after arriving in the bus.

"Am sorry babe,i need to be alive first before i can safe you"he replied,panting with his tongue out while trying to grasp for oxygen.

Suddenly,a loud bang was heard on the weak bus door,which frightened the student and the glass displaying a wailing Damon,who was saying something but couldn't be heard and he kept banging the door till it was finally opened,he rushed in with tears in his eyes and panting heavily with a blood stain on his red stain on his collar which no one noticed cos they where all in confusion to what was going on in GALAXY ZONE.





