
The Student arrived at their joint,but another death occur when a student mysteriously was mutilated by an unknown creature,Garrick tried his best to get any clue to what did it but his vision couldn't detect anything suspect,he became frustrated and tried asking the creature inside him for help but the creature had no clue either,After being named by Garrick (MAMMOS).


.......BACK IN LOS VEGAS......

A police vehicle speedily parked in front of a huge mansion surrounded by different type of beautiful trees. The police and detective Jones alighted from the vehicle looking very serious.

They approached the house door bell, rang it, which sounded noisily and could even be heard from outside.A young lady with unpleasant uniform opened the door and she could be identified to be the maid.

"Good afternoon sir,how may we help you"She said fearfully cos of the uniform men she saw behind him.

"We are here for Mr Andrew,from the L.C.I"he said showing her his detective ID and batch.

"Good day detective"Mr Andrew showed up from nowhere to greet.

"You are under arrest Mr Andrew,for murder of innocent girls and abuse"The police men said already handcuffing his wrist.

"What?What do you mean?,i didn't do anything to those student"he said trying to defend himself from the accusation laid against him.

"Just follow us to the station or we are gonna force you,Mr Andrew"One of the policemen commanded.

The took Mr Andrew away driving roughly out of the environment.

.......AT THE L.C.I BUILDING.......

Mr Andrew could be seen in the interrogative room,his hands were on the table still pinned with handcuffs.

"Detective Jones,i don't get it,what do you say is my offence again?"he asked Detective Jones sarcastically.

"You don't asked the questions here,i do,you ain't the principal of this place as a matter of fact am in charge here"he said pointing his index finger to himself and slapping the other on the table,which jack Mr Andrew up in fear.

Detective Jones began to operate the mini computer before him,as his finger move continuously on the keyboard,and a footage began to display caught by the school cameral.

"Ok Mr Andrew explain this"he said playing and turning the computer screen to Mr Andrew.

He watched the footage for a while wondering how he could so dumb to let the school CCTV caught what was being displayed in the computer.

"Yes,yes,yes,we had an affair,we were dating but i didn't kill her,how does this even proof that am guilty of her murder"

"Am not done"the detective said as he played another footage showing Mr Andrew arguing and rough handling one of the girl(MIRA) holding her by the neck and pulling her same time,while still kissing her forcefully.

"you are a monster Mr Andrew,this a girl below 20 you did this to you know?"Detective Jones said as he bang the computer close making a loud slap.

"And that's not all"he said bringing out a white envelop from his inner pocket.

"This was written by Mira,that she was being threatened and found inside her school locker while the cops where searching for any clue.

And all the student said she has no issue with anyone in school,but unfortunately she did and its you"he said sitting down to face Mr Andrew who was almost crying.

"Yes Detective,all this happened,and i did threatened her but not threat to kill her,she wanted to call of the relationship,so i threatened her that if she did i will make sure she never graduate from the school,cos i have the power to do so"he said looking pitiful and cleaning the tears in his eyes.

"And how should i believe you,Uhn?"all evidence found on her demise pointed to you,am sorry Mr Andrew,you will have to be detained here till the day of your court surmmoning"he said as he made to exit the room.

"I need my lawyer"Mr Andrew said looking down to the table.

"pathetic,you don't need a lawyer in this,as a matter of fact your lawyer withdrawn himself from the case after all evidence were presented to him"Detective Jones said as he walked out of the room.


The student could be seen walking aimlessly inside the bus and also shivering,Garrick quickly thought of where the driver and Mr Henry could be.

"Ok guys where is Mr Henry and our driver now,do you think anything happen to them?"he asked knowing no one can answer that question he just asked.

"I think they left to fetch some firewood for Melisa and themselves"a student replied.

"We need to call them now,that something dangerous is out there"Garrick said bringing out his phone, the call was not going through as a result of bad network.

"Shit,no network"he cursed.

"here use mine,remember what principal announced yesterday"a girl said offering her phone which seem to hold full network bar.

Garrick called Mr Henry's number again but unfortunately his phone rung out from the bus's dashboard. which he probably might have forgotten there.

"No,no,no,no,this is bad"they all said simultaneously as they move closer to where the phone was.

"Ok call the driver"

"I don't have his digits"

"I do,i remember collecting it one time"Melisa said already calling out the digits from her phone.

Garrick dialed the number but no one picked and he did so repeatedly hoping to be lucky in one,and Damon could be seen sitting on a seat like he was lost in thought as his eyes where both closed as if he was in spirit or meditating,only God knows.

........IN THE WOODS.....

The driver and Mr Henry could be seen trying to break some branches in a tree while they chat about their marital lives,and a phone could also be seen displaying light from the driver's pocket but no sound could be heard or vibration as it could be that it probably might be in silent.

"There was a time i told my wife that i wanted to marry a second wife"Mr Henry said while trying to remove a torn of wood which pierce into his palm.

"And what did she said?"The driver asked.

"She said...."

Then he stopped as they both heard an unusual sound coming from back of the bushes.

"Whats that?"Mr Henry quickly asked.

"Probably a little rodent,remember we are in their territory"

then the sound came up again,this time louder and clearer.And the leaves dropped to reveal a figure of a weird looking Sarah,she was growling really loud with her empty opened stomach and her arms which seem to have grown back and this time very long and almost touching the ground as she moved closer to them making the dried leaves from the ground make a squeeching noise and this appearance made her look really weird and scary.

Mr Henry immediately recognized her as one of his student but even though,they both made to run and she followed them slowly,they bumped into something really hard which made them fall roughly unto the ground.

It was the chest of a person,but they both could not see the face clearly cos it was very dark in the wood and the moon was already fading away but the person appeared more human like than the one following them.

They both crawled backward on the floor as they began to sweat even though it was cold that hour,they continued to crawl backward and the person still moving towards them,they kept crawling till they eventually felt someone behind them and they looked up slowly to see who it was,only to receive drop of blood on their faces coming from Sarah's open stomach.

"You all can have the old one"the person said with a demonic voice referring to Mr Henry,then many more of Sarah type creatures jumped out from the bushes and gnash their teeth inside his stomach,they tore open his stomach as they made to eat him up,Mr Henry screamed loudly in pain as their teeth pierce through his stomach,the driver watched in terror cos he has no idea what his own fate would be.

"Damn its not going through,i need to go out there and find them"Garrick said putting his phone back in his pocket and walking out.

"Are you crazy?do you wanna die as well,do you have any special weapon to protect yourself from the animal?"Melisa said holding him back and the rest nodded in agreement.

"We need to leave this place now"Tim said as he made to kick the bus to exit the arena but he felt an empty key hole.

"The key isn't here,he said.

"Then where is it?"another student asked.

"How should i know,was i the driver that drove us here?"he said.

"It probably might be in the drivers pocket"James said looking through the mirror if there's any sign of them coming

"No one is leaving here till we find the two adults that followed us here"Garrick screamed in anger.

"OK tomorrow if they didn't show up,am gonna go out there and get them,alive or dead"Garrick said to Melisa and his friend and they agreed with him.

The student sat down quietly,and most of them could be seen crying others trying different number to reach home but network was a barrier.

......THE NEXT MORNING.......

The student heard a loud noise from the bushes and they all jumped up except Damon who appeared not to have slept at all like he was guiding them all from any danger.

"Guys, no sign of them"a student call out as he yawned loudly.

Garrick looked at them all to make them recall what he said the previous night,and he also made to exit the door.

"Garrick wait"James said as he began to search is bag then brought out two dagger and threw one to Garrick which he caught.

"What do you think you are doing?"

"If you must go,i must too"he said placing the dagger in his waist.

"You both are crazy,so now you've forgotten about me right?"Rolland cleaning a dusty bat and swinging it for test.

"You too?"Garrick asked smiling.

"A girl amongst you wouldn't be a bad idea,would it?"Melisa said standing from the seat she earlier slept on.

"I think i should have a small pocket knife here"she said also searching her small handbag.

"Oh my God,shes coming with me?i promise to protect her with my life"Garrick thought to himself.

"Garrick don't just forget the damn fucking key"Tim said.

"Do you even care for this adults?anyway you all should promise me you wont leave this bus,no matter what don't leave the bus"Garrick requested as they all jumped off the bus and ready to hit the wood.

The whole student appreciated there effort and thank them for doing that,Damon who seem to be relax,smiled wickedly.





