
Mr Andrew was eventually accused of the murder of the two found body,as a footage was caught on camera as he was manhandling one of the girls and also having an affair with one of them,the police held him hostage in their department as he seem to be the only suspect.

And the student are now in fear after the demise of one of their mate murdered by an unknown creature but similar death to the one back in Los vegas.


The four of them walked through a narrow path along the woods looking left and right,they got to where they at first found Sarah's body to have a look or perhaps pity her painful demise once more,but her body was no longer there which brought a shock to there marrow bone.

"Wait guys,what happened to her body?"Melisa asked.

"But it was right here we saw it,wasn't it?"Garrick asked looking around to make sure he was right.

"Ofcourse it was"James replied.

"probably the animal came back to finish what it has started"Rolland said taking his bat to his shoulder.

"Now am getting scared,this place is freaking me out"Melisa said.

They ran out of the area,stopping at a spot and panting while holding their knee to grasp in for oxygen.

"maybe we should start calling their names"Melisa suggested.

They began to scream their names but no helpful outcome,rather they saw a double track which seem like someone or something was being dragged to form it,they traced the track to where they finally saw a dead end from far and they saw a body lying right on it.

They ran marathon to see whose body lay on it,Only to see an entire open flesh which fly and other insect as already began to feed on,and even the face was eating so they could not recognized the body owner.

"Oh my God,this is disgusting"Melisa said as she made to puke out the disgust.

"There were two track,then where is the second person?"James asked looking around.

"This body should probably belong to the driver"Garrick said.

"Yeah,from the outfit,it seems so,cos this was what he wore through out yesterday"Rolland replied.

"I sure hope hes alive"

"That can be certain,see there's blood on this track that probably belongs to him"James said.

"That my point,maybe he was injured by the animal and was able to escape afterward"Rolland replied.

"Then we should find him and maybe help him"Garrick said.

"No,Garrick we will do no such thing,there's no time for that right now,all the student are counting on us and if we go further and we die then we fail them which means we all dies"James said,trying to talk sense into Garrick.

"Ok,let just take the key and vamoose this place"Melisa said returning from where she puked.

Then they bent to search the driver's pocket for the key when Garrick sudden Garrick that they were being watched,he got up immediately and other's where still searching,then all of a sudden a hand elongated from behind the bushes towards them,he quickly noticed it and manipulated a lying log with his eyes which forcefully hit the hand away before it touched any of them.

Others noticed what was happening and quickly got up as well and fortunately James as already found the key holding tightly to his palm.

"What was that?"James quickly asked.

"Guys hurry,lets get out of here,i think someone is here"Garrick said and immediately Sarah look alike creatures flung out of the bushes from different direction.

"What the hell are this"Rolland asked still running and the creatures kept following them.

"I don't know just lets get to the bus and leave this damn forsaking place"James said.

"No,we can't go to where the bus is"Garrick said stopping and they stopped as well.

"What do you mean,we got what we wanted"James asked confused.

"If we go there we are only putting the rest in danger because we are leading them to others and this things are close to us,before anyone could even start the bus they would have get to us"Garrick explained,hoping that he was making sense.

"So what do you suggest?"Melisa asked.

"Ok you three should head to the bus and i will take a different route to deceive them"Garrick said.

"Are you crazy?what if they get to you"

"Don't worry dude,am gonna be okay"

"No,no,no, you ain't doing such thing,you stay,i stay"James said.

"Dude listen to me for once in your life,this is life and death situation,just trust me,get to where other's are and leave the perimeter immediately am gonna find a different route when i lost them and then find you guys,just tell whoever is driving to stop at any nearest filling station then i will find you"Garrick pleased.

"Garrick promise?"James said almost in tears.

"I swear,promise"Garrick said.

"Just be careful"

"Don't worry,i will get to you all".

"Garrick,please stay alive"Melisa said as she hug him tightly,Garrick who couldn't believe what just happened assured her.

"Garrick if you die,am gonna hunt your soul and kill it again"Rolland said.

James,Melisa and Rolland,took a different route while Garrick pretended to take another trying to call the attention of the creatures.

The creatures snare loudly at him and they dash towards him.

"Now lets dance"Garrick said rubbing his hand together as he also dashed towards the closest one to him,before he could near it the creature took one step ahead by elongating it arm towards Garrick but he was fast to notice and quickly went on his knee sliding with force on the leaves towards the creature,gave it an uppercut,the creature went flying on the mid air and it was almost returning back to the ground as gravity does it work then he gave it another kick before landing which sent the creature crashing on another one that was approaching him.

"Wow this feels great,have never actually done this before"he said.

And another stretch it hand from his back,he felt it and quickly duck as he held the hand and quickly released it cos the hand was very soft and sliming.

"Eww disgusting"he said bringing out the dagger he was given by James earlier then throwing it accurately to the forehead of the creature which sent it laying dead on the floor and dissolving.

"Remaining three"he said looking around to count.

The third one quickly charged at him from behind pinning him to the tree and attempting to bite him,he quickly created a little space between him and the tree by pushing the creature backward a little then he did a quick walk on the tree which sent him to the back of the creature then kicking it,before the creature could get up he quickly kick it again on the stomach forgetting it was open and his leg got stuck inside like something was holding it.the creature held the leg closer as it also made to bite him he quickly held the head with his both hands and using his other leg to do a back flip kicking the head with his feet,the creature staggered backward regaining its balance.

"Why the hell is this one still standing"he asked,then charged towards it again folding his fist in the mid air to punch it face but the creature was faster to stretch it hand rounding it around Garrick waist then throwing him forcefully to a near by branch.

Garrick stood up grunting,he has not get on his feet again when the creature caught him by the neck and raise him up while choking him,Garrick eyes quickly caught the dagger he threw earlier to the other creature through the back of the one choking him to death,he manipulated it and sent it flying into the head of the creature then he still force himself and use his hand to push the dagger into the head deeper,and the creature quickly dropped him and snare really loud then began to dissolve.

"Damn this was a though one"he said as he face the remaining two.

They equally snare at him and about to charge at him when suddenly a voice stopped them from going further.

"Stop"the voice said as the voice owner appeared behind the two creature walking in between them to reveal himself to Garrick.

"Are you crazy?Damon"Garrick said.

"I clearly said no one should leave the bus,what the hell are you doing here?"Garrick added.

"Oh that,i just told others i was coming to help you guys"Damon said.

"I never needed your help,now stay away from those things,they are dangerous"Garrick shouted.

"You mean this things?"Damon said pointing fingers to the one by his left and moving close to it then twisting the head out of the neck and the creature fell dead as it dissolved.

"What the hell,how did you?"Garrick said surprised.

"Well they are mine,i created them"

"Are you crazy?what the hell are you saying?"Garrick asked.

"Ok Garrick,lemme clear you the confusion,i kill Sarah,i kill the driver and Mr Henry"Rolland said,gesturing with his hand

"What?why the hell did you did that?"they where innocent,they didn't do anything.

"Well lets just say,i love doing that,and tell me if i don't do that how the hell am i gonna survive,the human intestine is what i eat and i gain more strength from"Damon clarified.

"What the hell?"Garrick muttered

"And oh,this aren't just called things,as a matter of fact,they are my gene,my bite carries a poison which if i bite a person they turns but if i don't want them turned i simply use my fingers to tear the person apart,and they are called "TITAN",he said as claws grew out of his fingers looking very sharp and hard.

"Just like the girls in your school,i only took there intestine cos i was soo hungry that moment,then stuck them both in a locker,am sure probably there body would have been found now,and whichever one i turned live for me only,there own self is dead what is left in them is to do as i say

"What?you did what?"Garrick asked.

"And Oh i saw your friends on my way here,especially the girl she seem so nice,No,no,no,not in taste,i mean in appearance"

"If you do anything to my friends in will kill you"Garrick said angrily.

"Really Garrick,you don't know who you are messing with"He said as his eyes turned completely white and his body revealed a black vein all over even to his face,his claws grew out longer than it appeared earlier,his ears became longer like that of a gobbling's and a thick tail flung out of his back.

"What the hell are you?"Garrick asked.

"Am glad you asked,I AM THE GOD TITANS"he said in a demonic voice as his voice changed.

"Oh my God"Garrick said and he moved backward but not attempting to run.

Damon signal to the only titan left which has been waiting for his instructions to moved speedily towards Garrick and he didn't even have to move a muscle to fight back cos his focus and mind was all in Damon,he just manipulated the same dagger and it pierce through the head and the titan was moved by the force of the dagger taking him towards Damon,who just used his tail to catch the titan and hit him on a tree really hard and the titan head scattered.

"You are useless"he said to the scattered titan.

"And you Garrick also seem not to be ordinary"he said to Garrick and dash towards him with a great speed with his feet shaking the surrounding as he ran.

Garrick quickly summersaulted to his back and maintaining his balance then he also charged at Damon as he fold his fist to punch him in the face but Damon caught it and headbutted him,Garrick staggered backward and Damon dash at him again kicking him on the face and catching him with his tail before he could fall unto the floor and wipe him on a huge tree.

Garrick bled out of his mouth and spat the blood out.

"Have never bled before,whats happening"Garrick said cleaning his busted lip.

"Don't you get it Garrick,am a God"Damon roar then run at him again and kicked his face once again Garrick crashed on a tree hanging on one of the branches,Damon stretch his tail and brought him down gently using his tail to bring him closer to himself,Garrick force himself to look at him as he was already weak then spat on his face with the blood,Damon murmured then turned him upside down still holding him with his tail but now by his leg then wipe him several times on the floor and release him,and once again kicked him which sent him flying into the bushes and hidden rodent hiding from predators ran out of their hidden place running to different holes.

"Please Mammos where the hell are you i need you right now,i need you now please,or am gonna di....."he has not completed his statement then he felt an heavy landing before him,it was Damon,he pick him up with his hand this time and raise him up to the air.

"Am a God"Damon repeated as he began to choke him.

........AN HOUR EARLIER........

"Ok guys am coming i need to ease my self"Garrick said pretending to twist his body like Sarah did.

"common do whatever you wanna do right in your pant"James said.

"Remember this was Sarah's excuse before something got"Melisa said.

"Mine is different guys am a guy so am gonna be careful,trust me"he said running not waiting for their responds.

He got to a lonely place and stopped,checking hope none of his friends followed him.

"Ok Mammos,you've been quiet for quite a while,say something"He said talking to Mammos.

"We might be going on a dangerous search please,i need you,say something"he said but got no respond.

After long period of soliloquizing he gave up on Mammos then returned to his friends still wondering while the talkative creature has to be mute that time of all moment.

"Ok guys lets go,am done"he said but looking sad.

"Thank God you are alive"Melisa said,and they continue the chat


Garrick found an opportunity as Damon was now backing the dagger he manipulated earlier,he decided to use the tactic he used for his titan on him and he began to manipulated the dagger but this time it was not really effective cos he was not concentrating since he was very weak, he eventually got the dagger stable and it moved very fast towards Damon's head but unfortunately Damon felt it and caught the dagger with his index and middle finger,he brought it to show Garrick.

"Is this your plan?you killed two of my titans with this and you think it will work on me?"Damon said in his demonic voice,and stab Garrick with the dagger,Garrick screamed loudly in pain and he fainted.

"I hate humans and am a God"Damon said and threw Garrick unconscious body away to a near by tree and also crashing on the sharp branches.

"I have hunting to do,i will be back for you all"Damon said and returning back to his full human form and ran out of the place jumping on different trees as he vanishes inside the woods.


A man could be seen wearing hoodies and walking round a burning fire while pouring some content into it,which make the fire erupt even more.

And behind him was skulls of both humans and unfamiliar creatures.a weird looking creature walked out of no where handling the man a jar containing an unknown substances,he opened the jar drinking the content and feeling more energetic.

"I can feel him,i can feel my son he's here,my son he's alive all this while"the man said as he approaches the creature that brought the content to him he dipped his hand right into the creatures neck and uprooted the head out of the neck,the creature laid flight on the ground and he shook vigorously on the floor given it final breath.

"Do you want us to find him master"another creature said getting ready for instructions.

He look sharply to the creature and an unknown force hit him to a sharp looking skull,which pierce right through his back and the end came out through where its heart is located and he began to vomit a greenish liquid and finally look down slowly to signify that he's dead.

"No one goes after my son,and i mean no one,i know how to lure him to me"he said as the rest of the creatures nodded in agreement out of fright.



