
Damon finally revealed his true self to Garrick and they also engage in serious battle but Garrick unfortunately seem not to be of a match to Damon in terms of combat and strenght as he appeared far more stronger than him which resulted to beating him to the state of unconsciousness right after stabbing him with a dagger which Garrick almost used to attack him from behind through the use of his manipulation ability but Damon felt it coming and caught the dagger with just his index and middle finger before using it to stab Garrick.

And something strange also happened,because throughout the fight Mammos never intervened and that seem very unlike him not especially when his host was in danger.


James,Rolland and Melisa successfully arrived at the where the bus was to leave the area following the instruction given by Garrick,they began to bang the weak door like Damon did earlier before,and also screaming as well,the rest of the student quickly opened it and they rush in panting.

"Ok guys here it is"James said displaying the key to them and they all signed in comfort.

"Wow,that's nice,now lets get out of here"Tim said snatching the key from James.

"Wait,what of Garrick and Damon where the hell are they?"Tim asked as he stopped moving further.

"What do you mean Damon,we left Damon here and the instruction was no one should fucking leave the bus"Rolland replied instead.

"Few minute after you four left he also left with the excuse of coming to assist you and since it was a nice and right thing to do none of us objected"One of the student explained.

"But we never saw him till we left the woods"Rolland said

"Damn,another life in danger"Tim replied with warrisome written on his face.

"And don't bother about Garrick,he's gonna be fine he risk his life for us to get here and he said we should leave immediately we get here but stop at any Gas station".

"Ok then that's thoughtful of him,i pray they are both fine,lets go"Tim said sitting on the driver's seat then again another thought hit him.

"By the way what of Mr Henry and our driver"he asked trying to kick the bus as he turn the key over and over trying to get it kicked.

"Hmmmm,they are both dead,but not certain about Mr Henry cos his body was not found where we found the driver's,probably he escaped"Melisa said finding a spot to sit.

"No one says this fucking place is Goddamn caused"Tim replied still trying to kick the bus.

"Babe,and why the hell haven't you start the bus,this not time to play"his girlfriend shouted from the back.

"Do i seem like am playing?i myself want to fucking leave here as much as you do,so just shut the hell up"he yell back at her in anger.

"What the hell is happening,the bus isn't picking up"he added looking at others.

"What do you mean?get off the seat"another student said pushing him of the seat and kicking the bus himself but the bus gave the same sound and stopped again.

"Oh my God guys,its not starting,whats happening?"he asked rhetorically knowing no one can give a sincere answer to that.

Tim later took the driver seat back and continue trying the bus repeatedly out of anger but no positive out come and as the rest already lose hope of leaving there.

"Wait,Rita what of that phone you used earlier to call our driver if no one's phone can reach outside city due to network that phone could do it"James quickly said.

"True you are right,but the problem is,the phone is dead it has a bad and swollen battery so it quickly runs down even without use"She replied reaching out to the phine from her pocket.

"Ok we can removed the battery right and try to fix in someone else's battery,it might fit in"James said.

"No,its an inbuilt battery,not removable and any attempt to do so you'd completely ruin the phone"She replied him.

"Damn we are really stuck here"he cursed,then his eye met Tim who was still kicking the car.

"Tim stop it,are you crazy?you are gonna break the damn key and if you do,just forget it we ain't leaving here,do you hear me we ain't leaving"James said as he began to look frustrated but was comforted by Melisa.

......FEW DAYS LATER........

"Ahhhhh",Garrick grunted as he struggled to get up from a soft bed he was laying on which he hasn't even noticed.

"Stay down boy,you've not completely healed"A lady in her late 20 said rushing to get him back to bed.

"Who are you?and where am i?"he said as he already noticed the comfort he seem to be having.

"My name is Lydia,and you shouldn't have tried to take him all by yourself he's a beast and a demon"She said standing from he's side.

"Where am i"he asked the unanswered question again.

"You are at my house,don't worry you are safe here,no one can find you here"Lydia said returning back with a cup of glass water.

"What do you mean"Garrick asked.

"What i meant is that where you are now you are completely out of danger"she replied raising up his head to give him the water which he coughed out and looking still very weak.

"And where is this place please"

"Don't worry you are still in Galaxy zone"she replied smiling.

"Am hungry"Garrick struggled to say.

"Yeah,that's right,you must be,you've been asleep for three days now"She said standing to get him some food.

"Wait,what do you mean three days,what of my friends are they fine?pls tell me they are fine"he said forcefully trying to get on his feet.

"Kid are you crazy?you have to relax let the wound heal completely"she rushed at him holding him back to the bed.

"My friends are in danger he's coming back for them"

"Don't worry he wont for now,he's gone hunting"

"I heard him say that before i completely fell unconsciousness,what did he mean by that,is he some sort of hunter or what,and how do you even know that he said such?"he asked holding the spot he was stabbed to sit up again.

Lydia signed and stopped what she was trying to make for him to eat.

"He is my brother and i was present all through the fight"She said stopping for a while to access Garrick's reaction.

"What,Damon is your brother?but how?i mean why?he's evil"Garrick asked confusingly.

"he's been like this for more than 20 years even though he's older han a century"she replied.

"Sorry i don't get you,20 years and older than a century? pls be more explanatory here...Ok"Garrick asked confused.

"Yes that's true,my whole family linage as this special gene where by we don't age,our ageing stopped from 25 late enough 30"

"Wow that's amazing"Garrick exclaimed.

"Yes amazing indeed,but that doesn't mean we are immortal we can actually die,but not by anyone else except our bloodi mean someone in our family to be precise"

"Wait,so you mean a random person can't actually kill anyone from your family unless if killed by your own family"Garrick asked,Amazed.

"Exactly,you are quite smart"she praised.

"So then what of your family,where are they,i mean family can't actually kill one another"Garrick added.

"Hmmmm,well Garrick only one person did as a matter of fact he killed everyone am the only one left and am also hiding from the person cos he seek me and want me dead also"Lydia explained.

"And who is that?"Garrick asked.

"DAMON"she replied with a frown.

"You mean,Damon killed everyone in your family and remaining only you?"Garrick once again asked inquisitevely.

"Yes,everyone...."she emphasised.

he began with my little sister,that same 20years ago,we were still very small then,At midnight we began to hear scream from his room we all ran there me,our mum our dad and our little sis,we got to the room,met him floating on top of his bed and shaking vigorously we all also ran to him in an attempt to help him and probably understand what was happening to him but a force hit us backward throwing us towards the table in his room,we had no choice but to watch him as he shook on the air having no idea why that was happening.

However,He stopped after some hours"

"Wait hours?"Garrick asked again to be sure of what he heard.

"Yes hours"she replied.

"So what happened afterwards?"

"Ofcourse fell unto the bed with force breaking the legs of his bed,

That when we eventually had the chance to ran to him and raise him up,he kept repeating only one word,"am hungry,am hungry"he was given almost all the food in the house that night but still wasn't satisfied,eventually he fell asleep again so we left the room since there was no clue of what was happening to him,since we are werid as a family alread as to not ageing the event was not new to us so we made the mistake of not taken it serious.

Thirty minutes later we heard our small sister screamed,We at first thought it nothing too serious but Anyway,we didnt hesitate to run to her but to the direction of Damon's room,and guess what we saw?"She asked Garrick,though not especting him to really guess.

"What?"Garrick asked with his mouth full of food.

"We met him furiously eating our sister's organ,i mean her intestine,we stood still,still couldn't believe it,he never noticed our present as we couldn't say anything either cos of the shock,we all lost our voices,he noticed our present when eventually our mum fell down and fainted before he rise up his head to look at us"

"But do you think this some kind of possession?"Garrick asked,still in bewiderment.

"I don't know about that for sure,all i know is that he doesn't deserve to leave anymore,he terrorize the human world?"

"So why is he after you?"Garrick asked.

"I guess that's waht the demon in him wants"she replied.

Anyway as i was saying,that night he make sure he killed my father,but..."

"But how did you escaped and what of your mum?"Garrick quickely asked cutting in her unfinished words.

"After he did that to our sis he got up from her and began to murmur he's hungry again once again then pounce on my father,but before he could began to tear him apart with those sharp teeth of his my father shouted at me to drag our mother away and leave immediately.

Although i relent for a while,while also trying to find away to help me,but he screamed even louder that i should leave and carry her away,fortunately mum was already gaining consciousness little by little so it was easier for me to assist her up and we left there immediately even though she couldn't leave her husband in that terror,we keep running till we got to the woods and it was late hour we didn't know where or whom to run to,and all of a sudden we again began to hear the sounds of the leaves as the continue to rumble after us,we increased our pace,And ofcourse he was faster than us he jumped from no where and tore mum stomach from nowhere,before he could further with his actions,till now i never could believe where i got that strenght ,i just saw myself carry a nearby wood and hit him on his head,his head began to bleed and fell on mum,i quickly draw her out,likewise,pushing him off her then we continued our run"

"Then what happened?"Garrick asked,seeming like he was enjoying the tale.

"Oh kid,listen Damon was a demon we didn't know how he recovered very fast and once again began to chase us,our mum who was bleeding uncontrollably and was also in pain so she couldn't run fast with me,she kept slowing me down".

"So you left her?"Garrick asked wondering what her respond would be.

"Oh no,i didn't even though she was slowing me,i kept pushing harder,but then i heard a shocking thing from my mum as she said to me"LYDIA,GO AND LEAVE ME"i pretend i didn't hear her but continue dragging her cos she has lose a lot of blood and couldn't even move a leg anymore i myself couldn't even tend to the wound cos that would be risky since we had him following us back to back.

Nevertheless,she then forcefully dragged her hand away from mine and shouted for me to leave to safe my self if not shes gonna kill herself right in front of me even before Damon comes,i just hug her one more time and left,have gone far a bit when i heard her screaming,the scream kept ringing in my ears and i just kept running while crying"she concluded.

"But how did you know he killed all your family members,have you tried visiting any of them"Garrick asked.

"Oh,i did,infact i did the very next day after sleeping inside a big wood in the woods just to avoid my brother from killing me,i went to different houses belonging to my family members,but what i met was shocking"

"What did you met?"

"A murdered family with no intestine,they were all mutilated by no one else than Damon,Damon used just a night to wipe out a whole different family,father,mother,sisters,brothers,and even pregnant wives that are yet to born their child"She explained in tears.

"woh, that's horrible".

"Yeah,and i spent not more than a month in the street all in the name of hiding from my little brother at that.

So one One morning i was walking by the road side completely lost in thought thinking of how the hell am gonna survive my brother's hunt for me,and all of a sudden a vehicle speedily hit a tree damaging the bonnet and smoke already finding it way out through it ,i thought of leaving whoever that was inside and run but my conscience didn't let me,i get closer to the vehicle without even knowing what i was doing i quickly brought out the person inside,she was already bleeding,fortunately for her since my mum was a Special and experienced medic type,i was thought many things by her so i had enough experience to stop her bleeding even without the first aid kit,but she was still unconscious while i did all this and i sit by her till she gain consciousness almost after an hour before he did.

"So what did she say?"

i explained everything to her,how i help her and exactly why i was alone which regards to my brother Damon,i don't know exactly who this woman was all she asked for was a special thing that belongs to me,which was the necklace i was wearing, given to me by my dad on my 15th birthday.she collected it and whispered some kind of word on it and asked me to put it on back that whenever i seek protection at a particular environment i should just say the word "lacrosa onita lozeros"which i believe might probably be a spell,and that's also why i said you are save here,have lived here for more than 10years now and no one even knows there's someone here leaving here....the house is invisible to everyone"she gestured with a smile.

"Sorry if i may ask,how old are you exactly and why didn't this woman heal herself if he was that powerful like some kind of a witch or something and you should know i don't believe in witches or whatever,if thats where you are heading at?"Garrick said in disbelieve.

"But you believe in Damon.....right"she said almost laughing.

"Hey Damon's case is different,Ok?"he replied.

"And talking of my Age,trust me you don't wanna know"

"You may see me as a beautiful little girl,But believe me when i say i senior your whole Generation,and the woman,i never see her since then"

"Ouch"Garrick jokingly muttered referring to his generation aspect.

"Anyway what caused the fight between you two that led him to beating you to the state i found you in"Lydia asked.

"Its a long story,he was actually our classmate we never knew he could even bore us all"Garrick said.

"School?ahhhhh,i wonder why he took such decision about going to school,school wan't his thing even back in the century days,am sure so he could get close to unlimited preys to feed on,smart Damon"she said as she burst into laughter.

"Blah blah blah,and he wouldn't have beat me if not for Mammos that seem not to intervene"Garrick said coughing.

"Who is mammos?"Lydia asked.

"Well am not actually a normal being myself i was born with a demon or should i say beast inside me,but all of a sudden before the fight with Damon he seem to go quite and i know he wouldn't have done that not especially when someone is beating me in that manner"Garrick replied with a sign.

"So you mean you where born with a demon in you?"

"Yeah i just say so"Garrick replied.

"Ok but have you been feeling strange in any way,before he vanishes?"she asked.

"Nope,why do you ask?"

"What of seeing anything weird"

"Nooooope,except when ever i use my vision,i usually see this particular animal staring at me"

"Each time you see the animal with your vision is it always same animal or different type?"she asked again.

"Nope,its always same animal,but i want to believe its a normal thing"Garrick said.

"Nope that isn't normal at all,tell me how does this your vision works"

"Well it could help me see through or even beyond some certain obstacles"He said.

"So do you think this animal was always far away or close when using this vision?"She asked again.

"Nope,i think its always far away cos if it was close i would have simply seen it with my ordinary eyes"he said

"And you said this animal always stare at you when ever you look at it?"


"Can you describe this animal?"

"haaaaaam nope,its an unusual animal have never seen before,and why are you asking all this?"Garrick asked.

"What am trying to say is that,that animal isn't an ordinary one?"she said standing up and tapping her finger like she was trying to remember something.

"So what you are trying to say is that,that animal might be someone monitoring me"?

"Yes boy,and that someone might probably be the reason your whatever that's inside you to suddenly went mute"?She said still working around.

"And who could that be?"Garrick asked looking very worry.

"I don't know one thing for certain is that the face to face sight you might have made with the animal may probably have done something to your mind"She said.

"Great,i got beating up by a family killer now i loss one person who might have be my protection from him"Garrick said worried.

"But why did you think have not been healing from this stab,i always heal from any cut?"Garrick asked.

"Well i think its because of who the person that stabbed you,he's not an ordinary being,that's why?"

"But how long do you think this gonna take?"

"lets see,i will try something have always wanted to try,but i was waiting for you to wake so i wouldn't do it without your permission cos its a life and death trier"She said waiting for his respond.

"What?lets do it now,i need to leave here right away to meet my friends and probably find a way to find Mammos"Garrick quickly said.

Lydia left and returned with a a knife,she peel off the dagger cut on Garrick's shoulder which was already looking worse than normal then applied burnt snake shell and covered it up with a pounded unknown leaf,this remedy extremely pain Garrick and led him to faint for the second time,few hours later she was still sitting opposite him hoping and wishing he wakes up from it.

"Oh my God,i hope what i did was right,this is a forbidden and ascient remedy,i hope he wakes up,but the wound has heal so that should work please it should"Lydia thought to herself as she covers her face with her palm hoping he wakes up,then suddenly Garrick coughed and she ran to him to check.

"Hey lady Lydia,did it work?"Garrick asked in a low tone.

"Thank God you've woke,i think it works the wound as finally heal no more scares or whatever that was there before".

"Ok thanks,i will be leaving now,you've helped me a lot thanks for that"Garrick said standing up to leave.

"Garrick here,those titans might probably be out there already,it blows out fire,i noticed its more efficient on them than a knife or sharp object will,But with this just shoot their forehead and you are good to go"She said handling him a locally made guns which she made herself.

"Wow thanks a lot,i'd always appreciate all your effort"Garrick said and was about to exit the house when he asked.

"Lady Lydia do you have any idea to what your brother's weakness might be?and if i wish to see you again how do i locate here?"Garrick asked not looking back.

"As for my brother am his weakness and am not taken that chance of facing him,i cant even look at him in the face or if you can get his type to fight and defeat him,that's the only way.And as for seeing me again,whenever you want to just imagine you where here and wait to see the magic"She said and smile.

"Thanks"Garrick said and dashed out of the house only to found himself inside the woods,He began to run deep inthe woods and jumping from one tree branch to another as he felt he has regained back his lost strength even though it may still not be enough to face Damon without Mammos hel.

He kept running and suddenly almost bumped on one of the titans that seem to be waiting for him from afar but was fast to quickly bring out one of the local guns he was given by Lydia and aim the fire bullet straight into the forehead as the titan dissolved immediately even while on it feet,he could feel something coming behind him,he quickly looked to the direction his instinct took him and there was an endless arm that seem to keep following him as he jump from a tree to another he kept doing so and the hand owner kept stretching it not knowing Garrick plan was actually to tangle the arm on many trees and follow it back to the owner's to finish him of.

Garrick plan worked and he finally met the owner of the intruding arm belonging to a titan then sent a sword also given to him by Lydia right between the skull and followed by the fire bullet that explode the head into unattachable pieces.

"Fun time is over for now,its time to find my friends and tell them the truth about myself then find Mammos afterwards"he muttered quietly as he sped deeper into the woods in search of the bus.




