WebNovelThe vessel100.00%



Garrick survived the dagger stabbed by Damon through the help of Damon's hiding sister (Lydia),she healed his wound using a forbidden remedy from the ancient time.

And as well as telling him the tale about the route of her brother's evil beginning,Damon who wipe out his entire family linage also seek his sister's death.

........NOW ON THE VESSEL........

The student could be seen looking very weak and restless as they seem to have spend the whole three days in the bus,but few where left cos some of them left the bus out of frustration as regard to hunger and starvation to seek what to eat but never came back.

"Guys am damn hungry,any left over?"a student complained rubbing her tummy continuously.

"No,and its been two days Sam,Peter,Kate and josh left to find us something but none of them are yet to return and also Damon and Garrick?"Tim said looking worry.

"We don't know about Garrick,cos we were suppose to meet him at a place,but this fucking bus is just fucking,fucking up"James said angrily forcing himself to start the bus again,but same outcome with previous triers.

"Hmmmmm guys,let not leave our last moment arguing or quarreling with one ano...."a student was saying and he stopped as he noticed weird creatures coming out from the woods to the main road where the bus was parked,and quickly standing up from his seat.

"Guys,what are those?"he said pointing finger towards where the titans where coming from,and others quickly got up to see and witnessing them coming straight to the bus.

Tim quickly got up forgetting the issue the bus was having and attempting to start it again out of fear.

"Please common,please"Tim said trying to start the bus and his hands shaking not inserting the key to the key hole properly and the key drop from his hand,he quickly picked it up again,but this time calmly inserting the key,it entered but the bus was still adamant.

"Oh my God,they are close please someone do something?"a student said in fright but not waiting for any respond and quickly opening the bus and ran out for safety.

"Tina stop come back"Melisa shouted,but it was already late as a hand came out from nowhere and draw her into the bushes and all the rest heard was loud scream of pain.

"What was that?something just pick her before she could even run far?"Melisa said rushing to close the buses door with force and her heart panting really hard and fast.

"Those things,i remember they where the things we saw back in the woods before Garrick asked us to leave and create room for distraction to them for our own safety"Rolland said with his mouth wide opened.

"Wait guys,don't tell me they got him?They Got Garri"Melisa was saying when she stopped and began to cry.

"My friend is gone?that's not possible he promised me he would stay safe"James said tearsfully.

"Even if we must die here we cant give up without fighting back,we must take down one or two of em"A student said with a chinese accent,who appeared to be a chinese guy and very good at martial art,and also seem to have been calm all along.

"What do you mean,this things could be dangerous,i mean look at them"One of the student said pointing finger to the incoming titans.

"Yuh Jhan dude,you might be good and probably the best at martial art,but this ain't one of your martial opponent,this things seem like supernatural beings"One of the student try to explain.

"But do they have flesh or not"Yuh jhan asked rhetorically drawing out two sword from his big back pack with sign of dragon blowing flame out from the handle and his family name Jah Yhan boldly printed on the shiny sharp blades.

"Oh my God,where do you get that and is that not your surname written on the blade?"Rolland asked amazingly.

"Yes James,this my family sword,i brought it along to train at my leisure time,have always tried to cut a flesh with it blade but have never got the opportunity,am guessing this is the time"yuh Jhan said gazing at the sword and smiling.

"Dude listen,this a death sentence,just stay with us"another student said still trying to convince him.

"Guys please if i didn't make it out,out there,just help me say(Dui bu qi) to my family.Yuh Jhan said the last word in chinese as he swung the sword expertly."Am sorry,

And also make sure to return the two swords back to them if any of you make it out of here alive,please just promise me that"he added and about to open the bus door when the same hand that draw the previous student burst through the glass in an attempt to grab a student but Yhu Jhan was fast to quickly cut the arm with the sharp blade before it could grab anyone and the piece dance on the ground while the rest return back to it source,one of the student quickly grab the hand and threw it out of the broken glass

Yhu Jhan who just saved the moment quickly jump out of the bus and walk towards the titans who were already very close to them.

"Please Yhu Jhan be careful"One of the girl shouted from the bus,Yhu Jhan,who just looked back and smirked at her,face the incoming titans and rub the two swords against each other making a metalic sound and blue flame began to burn out from the two swords then dash towards the titans summersaulting on the air just on one of the titans shoulder inserting the sword straight into the skull,the rest of the titans rushed him at once as they think he now known there weak point,he swung the sword in a rotating manner spreading his arm outward and cutting down any titans that approached him but stopped cos he noticed each one of them cut down by the flaming sword simply just attach back.

He moved backward surprised by what was happening,still watching the titans conjoining again.

"Whats happening,why are they joining back again?"one of the student asked from the bus.

"Whats happening"?Yhu Jhan also asked himself,but didn't wait for any answer and rush at them again to try another method,he approached one and deep the sword into the open stomach and the other into the neck then draw them down altogether to divide the titan into two,his plan was successful with the help of the flame which make the sword cut down the titan so easily but failed at the same time as the titan joined again when he as already began to fight another titan,he lose focus on the particular one he was fighting after seeing what happened,the titan seized the opportunity and gave him a heavy blow that sent him crashing on the buses boot which also shake the bus and frightened the student in the bus.

"That's strange the only titan he has successfully killed was the first one but the rest seem to be joining back,why so?"a student wondered.

"Ok,time to change point of attack then"Yhu Jhan said waiting for the titans to approach him then immediately slide out in between, before any of them could grab him and quickly sent one of his sword straight into the head of the titan backing him,he expected a drop from the titan and probably dissolving but instead the titan turned to face him with the sword still stuck on it.

"Oh my Go....."he as not finished his statement then the titan grab him by the neck raising him up above the ground.

"That thing is gonna choke him to death"Tim said.

"Wait a minute,Yhu Jhan as made three attempt,his first attack successfully killed one of those things which was a stab on the head along with the burning flame on the swords blade,the next one was cutting them down which they actually attached back and the last was this,stab on the head but no flame on the swords blade and it seem to still be standing"one of the student calmly explained.

"So,where the hell are you heading at,someone is getting killed here"Tim screamed at the student in anger.

"What am trying to say is,what if the only way to take them down is by actually through the head but along with the flame on the blade,you guys should do the math,you did see what as been happening"The student said clinking his finger together.

"Yeah thats true,which is why you are the head student in school"James said.

"Ok but right now Yhu Jhan need this discovery than us,cos is the one actually doing the major work,and he seem not to have figured this out"Rolland said.

"May be we should try screaming it to him"a student said

"No,he wont hear us,he's too far away"James replied

"Then what do we do?"Melisa asked.

"Unless"James said looking at them.

"Unless what?Tim asked hoping it wasn't what he was thinking.

"unless one of us has to risk going out there to tell him but might also be risking not returning"James said looking down.

"Dude are you crazy?how could you even think of that,you know all of us here are weak,no one here can survive such attempt with the condition we are all in,and you know that"Tim screamed at James.

"Do you think i don't know that?but someone got to do it anyway,if any of us wanna survived this,or do you have any better idea?"James screamed back in anger.

"You know what,you are unbelievable"Tim said.

They were both still arguing when one Caroline said something that made them stop,

"i'd do it"she said still counting her rosary.

"What do you mean Caro"Melisa said going close to her.

"You heard me right,i said i will do it"she repeated as she began to count her rosary faster,then she stood up immediately making a cross sign on her face with her hands.

"And if i don't do it,who will,and most importantly what kind of a submissive christian would that make me"She added opening the door and dashed out of the bus,she began to scream loudly mentioning the weakness of the titans to Yhu Jhan who was already feeling the absent of his soul and spirit from his body and closing his eye gradually from the grip of choke.

He heard Caroline screaming the only way to kill them was to stab them in the skull but along with the flame from the sword,his second hand which was holding the other pair of the sword was loosing it grip to the sword and falling but he quickly use the little strength he had left to support the swords sharp end from falling using his leg and immediately pick it then rub it together with the other sword stuck in the titans head and the sword immediately gave out a blue flame which began to born the titans head and he felt a choking relief as he dropped on the ground while the titan dissolves.

He dropped on the ground coughing loudly and holding his neck, while opening his mouth for fresh breath of air,the rest of the titan rushed the Caroline instead and they abandoned him knowing she was harmless and cant probably protect herself,she noticed their change in point of attack and instead of running for safety she went on her knee looking ground to count her rosary once again and whispering words,Yhu Jhan quickly rush towards them before they get to her but he was too late as they where many and few of them intercepted him while majority went for Caroline,they rushed her and struggled for her flesh after tearing her into pieces and even though she didn't fight back or scream as if she knew her fate and surrendered herself to them.

"Caroline"Yhu Jhan screamed out in tears and also going on his knee also holding his two sword tightly,he stayed like that motionless looking at the titans as they eat her to the bone level,they finished with her and stood up looking behind them to look at kneeling Yhu Jhan who was also looking at them in anger,they seize the shocking state he was in and walk slowly towards him with their mouth and hand stained blood,they were now close to him and almost grabbing him then he suddenly rub the two sword together again this time with red fire and blew the fire at them with his mouth,Majority of the titans got burned leaving their ashes to blow away by the wind.

"Wow that's amazing,how did he do that?,he wiped out the whole creature just by that"one of the student said almost applauding him.

"But guys whats that?"Nora said pointing finger towards the smoke emerging from the burnt left ashes on the floor.

And the smoke revealed one strange creature different from the titan entirely,looking very huge and faceless but with a strong and thick flesh covering right below the chest.

"Its huge and faceless,and where the hell did it appear from "Nora said pointing finger towards the giant.

Yhu Jhan was surprised to see a creature still standing unburn,that has never happened in the history of using that particular skill which can be generated through the combination of the sword and mouth blown breeze from any member of his family that possesses the sword at that period of time.

"That impossible,nothing as ever escape the dragon flame"he said looking shocked,while the creature stood still looking at him even though no eyes can be seen doing so.

"Its faceless,no mouth,no ears,no mouth and even nose,how does it breath or eat if it even does that at all,and its huge,whats that on it chest?its looks thick and glows"Yhu Jhan said looking at the creature from it head to toe.

It finally began to move slowly towards him and after sometimes began to run,Yhu Jhan who didn't know when the strange creature approach him felt a sharp pain on his head and saw himself flying into the bush along side his sword which seem to have already quench from it flame,then the strange creature turned back,now facing the bus and walking slowly towards it,the student where now in fear and they quickly rushed to open the buses door but unfortunately the broken door was now stuck,

"Guys quick,its coming towards us be fast"a student shouted in tears,they pushed the door harder but nothing.

Then the creature was almost reaching them when Yhu Jhan flew out of the woods with blood stain all over his shirt,standing and facing the creature but backing the bus all in an attempt to deny it access to his friends and also holding his two sword steadily.

"You want my friends?you must go through me first,get them only when am dead"he said and dash at the creature and the creature dash at him too with the intention of colliding each other,even though blood was still dripping from his broken head,he still want to defend his friends at all cost against a creature that seem ten times bigger than he is.






